CPAC THREATS: The TERRIBLE things Trump says will happen if he’s not elected

I'm not reading the OP's tripe but I can't imagine Trump saying anything worse than what has already befell our country than what the FJB administration has done to it.
Donald Trump, the former president facing multiple indictments, says if he’s not given another term, terrible things will happen.

Trump used his CPAC speech to promise severe consequences for the country if Republicans can’t “be nasty” and if he’s not re-elected. In fact, he promised that gang violence before the election will drive women to cast their ballots for him.

Trump appears to be concerned about polls showing that women do not support him at high levels. After telling another audience on Friday that he’s sure women like him even though he’s been told otherwise, he told CPAC attendees that women will be voting for him because of “gangs invading their territory.”

He claimed that “Hamas and antifa” will “terrorize our streets” if President Joe Biden is given another term, and implied that these forces are already taking over American schools. China, too, he maintained, will “dominate” if he isn’t elected.

He styled himself as a “political dissident,” reiterating his claim that he’s been politically persecuted, and said that the country is “breaking up” and won’t last without him. He also suggested that both “sides” of the country can get nasty and said it’s time for Republicans to do so. He said:

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I highly recommend that everyone should read this link. It isn't very long and is very alarming.
The problem here is people are too scared to say anything. It will not change until they do. There is no way they can be stupid enough to believe the people in charge give one fuck about them.

The main problem is, the safety net is disappearing. Rapidly. And that puts a lot of people in a great deal of fear.

There is no longer a phone booth on every corner where you can get help for a dime. Now you need a cell phone. You have to buy it. And pay maybe 40 or 50 bucks a month if you want it to keep working.

People won't stop to help you, either. If you try to wave someone down they'll either swerve out of the way or run you over, cause you look crazy and you might be dangerous.

Financial safety? Forget it. Every dollar you have is at risk, 109% of the time. There's just no safety. Children get shot at school and the cops stand idly by. Fucktard mayors let rioters overrun their cities. This is why people tolerate Mr Trump. Because the rest of it is unsafe.

Imagine that - Donald Trump is the safety candidate.
Why would even Republicans want what Trump is threatening to do if he wins the White House again?
Donald Trump, the former president facing multiple indictments, says if he’s not given another term, terrible things will happen.

Trump used his CPAC speech to promise severe consequences for the country if Republicans can’t “be nasty” and if he’s not re-elected. In fact, he promised that gang violence before the election will drive women to cast their ballots for him.

Trump appears to be concerned about polls showing that women do not support him at high levels. After telling another audience on Friday that he’s sure women like him even though he’s been told otherwise, he told CPAC attendees that women will be voting for him because of “gangs invading their territory.”

He claimed that “Hamas and antifa” will “terrorize our streets” if President Joe Biden is given another term, and implied that these forces are already taking over American schools. China, too, he maintained, will “dominate” if he isn’t elected.

He styled himself as a “political dissident,” reiterating his claim that he’s been politically persecuted, and said that the country is “breaking up” and won’t last without him. He also suggested that both “sides” of the country can get nasty and said it’s time for Republicans to do so. He said:

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I highly recommend that everyone should read this link. It isn't very long and is very alarming.
Donald Trump, the former president facing multiple indictments, says if he’s not given another term, terrible things will happen.

Trump used his CPAC speech to promise severe consequences for the country if Republicans can’t “be nasty” and if he’s not re-elected. In fact, he promised that gang violence before the election will drive women to cast their ballots for him.

Trump appears to be concerned about polls showing that women do not support him at high levels. After telling another audience on Friday that he’s sure women like him even though he’s been told otherwise, he told CPAC attendees that women will be voting for him because of “gangs invading their territory.”

He claimed that “Hamas and antifa” will “terrorize our streets” if President Joe Biden is given another term, and implied that these forces are already taking over American schools. China, too, he maintained, will “dominate” if he isn’t elected.

He styled himself as a “political dissident,” reiterating his claim that he’s been politically persecuted, and said that the country is “breaking up” and won’t last without him. He also suggested that both “sides” of the country can get nasty and said it’s time for Republicans to do so. He said:

More at the link below...

I highly recommend that everyone should read this link. It isn't very long and is very alarming.
I highly recommend that everyone should read this link. It isn't very long and is very alarming.

Libs are the thing that alarms me most
Donald Trump, the former president facing multiple indictments, says if he’s not given another term, terrible things will happen.

Trump used his CPAC speech to promise severe consequences for the country if Republicans can’t “be nasty” and if he’s not re-elected. In fact, he promised that gang violence before the election will drive women to cast their ballots for him.

Trump appears to be concerned about polls showing that women do not support him at high levels. After telling another audience on Friday that he’s sure women like him even though he’s been told otherwise, he told CPAC attendees that women will be voting for him because of “gangs invading their territory.”

He claimed that “Hamas and antifa” will “terrorize our streets” if President Joe Biden is given another term, and implied that these forces are already taking over American schools. China, too, he maintained, will “dominate” if he isn’t elected.

He styled himself as a “political dissident,” reiterating his claim that he’s been politically persecuted, and said that the country is “breaking up” and won’t last without him. He also suggested that both “sides” of the country can get nasty and said it’s time for Republicans to do so. He said:

More at the link below...

I highly recommend that everyone should read this link. It isn't very long and is very alarming.

Donald Trump, the former president facing multiple indictments, says if he’s not given another term, terrible things will happen.

Trump used his CPAC speech to promise severe consequences for the country if Republicans can’t “be nasty” and if he’s not re-elected. In fact, he promised that gang violence before the election will drive women to cast their ballots for him.

Trump appears to be concerned about polls showing that women do not support him at high levels. After telling another audience on Friday that he’s sure women like him even though he’s been told otherwise, he told CPAC attendees that women will be voting for him because of “gangs invading their territory.”

He claimed that “Hamas and antifa” will “terrorize our streets” if President Joe Biden is given another term, and implied that these forces are already taking over American schools. China, too, he maintained, will “dominate” if he isn’t elected.

He styled himself as a “political dissident,” reiterating his claim that he’s been politically persecuted, and said that the country is “breaking up” and won’t last without him. He also suggested that both “sides” of the country can get nasty and said it’s time for Republicans to do so. He said:

More at the link below...

I highly recommend that everyone should read this link. It isn't very long and is very alarming.
Trump is manipulating the brain dead.

The story just came out. Putin also preferred Killary. Our intelligence lied to us to get the Russian hoax going. Get a clue. Obama, the CIA, FBI planned and did it. They are the ones who belong in jail.
Trump's posse made 140 calls to the Russian embassy during his campaign seeking a backdoor to the Kremlin. BTW, Putin thinks he's a moron.

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