Trump says it's "very possible" that Biden and other political rivals will have to be jailed

See the difference between me and you is that I have no problem with other people's attempts to express themselves politically. If voters want to try to change the system independently then I support them, so long as our policy goals are aligned. I just don't get down with political nihilism. The Democratic party used to be the party of Southern Segregationists and now it's the most diverse political party in America. Things change, you just have to put in the work. I think it's better for the country if the Democratic party is pushed to the left and I don't think a stronger independent voting block is necessarily detrimental to that cause. By the way I voted for Bernie Sanders, an independent, in the last two primaries.
See the difference between me and you is that I have no problem with other people's attempts to express themselves politically. If voters want to try to change the system independently then I support them, so long as our policy goals are aligned. I just don't get down with political nihilism. The Democratic party used to be the party of Southern Segregationists and now it's the most diverse political party in America. Things change, you just have to put in the work. I think it's better for the country if the Democratic party is pushed to the left and I don't think a stronger independent voting block is necessarily detrimental to that cause.

Pushed to the left and the campaign contributions dry up.

Obama admitted he was worried about losing Big Pharma as a contributor.
Pushed to the left and the campaign contributions dry up.
And the progressive wing in the last few elections showed that you can raise enough money on smaller dollar donations from average voters.
Obama admitted he was worried about losing Big Pharma as a contributor.
Buddy I'm not an Obama fan. Why do you keep mentioning him like I view him as anything other than a moderate for the establishment?
And the progressive wing in the last few elections showed that you can raise enough money on smaller dollar donations from average voters.

You have around 5 seats that would be considered progressive.

Buddy I'm not an Obama fan. Why do you keep mentioning him like I view him as anything other than a moderate for the establishment?

He is still the face of the (D) party. The (D) still represents the corporate values that Obama did.
Trump doesn't always do what he says. This time, well it would be interesting if he followed through with it. What if he did it?
Would you support it? This is what happens when you weaponize. All cards on the table.

“I said, ‘Wouldn’t it really be bad? … Wouldn’t it be terrible to throw the president’s wife and the former secretary of state — think of it, the former secretary of state — but the president’s wife into jail?” Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

“But they want to do it,” Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. “So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, Democrats have been saying that Trump should be jailed for 8 years now.
Trump doesn't always do what he says. This time, well it would be interesting if he followed through with it. What if he did it?
Would you support it? This is what happens when you weaponize. All cards on the table.

“I said, ‘Wouldn’t it really be bad? … Wouldn’t it be terrible to throw the president’s wife and the former secretary of state — think of it, the former secretary of state — but the president’s wife into jail?” Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

“But they want to do it,” Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. “So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

Sounds like what a Russian dictator would/& has said.
What created that legal framework if not the use of force?
I’ve told you. We are born with certain unalienable rights, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of property.

Now I get you have made it clear you don’t believe you are born free, so I understand why you want to simply take from others
I’ve told you. We are born with certain unalienable rights, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of property.

Now I get you have made it clear you don’t believe you are born free, so I understand why you want to simply take from others
If I'm born free then why do you think you or some government on your behalf has a right to use force to deny me access to particular resources? Your ideology doesn't make any sense.
If I'm born free then why do you think you or some government on your behalf has a right to use force to deny me access to particular resources? Your ideology doesn't make any sense.
I don’t believe that, you are free to purchase whatever resource you want.
I don’t believe that, you are free to purchase whatever resource you want.
How did the people you're purchasing it aquire it? You're simply too unintelligent to analyze these questions at the heart of your philosophy.
How did the people you're purchasing it aquire it? You're simply too unintelligent to analyze these questions at the heart of your philosophy.
Through work, they built it, made it, these are simple basic things.

You are free to acquire whatever resources you want. I’m not the one claiming I have a right to tell you how much you can, or want a govt telling you how much you can.
Through work, they built it, made it, these are simple basic things.
Nature made the resources. It's people who made up the idea that it's OK to use force to keep people from these resources. Your ideas of freedom are incompatible with your ideas about property.
You are free to acquire whatever resources you want.
I understand us all being allowed, under the notion of freedom, to fish in a river for our own food. What I don't understand is how that idea is compatible with your belief that someone is allowed to claim that river for themselves and use force to prevent others from gathering resources from it. Can you explain that incongruity?
I’m not the one claiming I have a right to tell you how much you can, or want a govt telling you how much you can.
Yes you are. Claiming property for yourself is your restricting access to the resources it provides.

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