Trump says it's "very possible" that Biden and other political rivals will have to be jailed

"...itā€™s very possible that itā€™s going to have to happen to them ..."

It HAS to.

So Trump, Rudy, Meadows, Bannon etc etc etc plan on sharing a prison cellblock with Democrats?
I want to tax the wealthy to the extent that becoming a billionaire is impossible. You want to vote for the billionaire who promises more tax cuts for billionaires.
well then you really don't want a capitalist system, despite the fact your existence here depends on it Goats

Trump doesn't always do what he says. This time, well it would be interesting if he followed through with it. What if he did it?
Would you support it? This is what happens when you weaponize. All cards on the table.

ā€œI said, ā€˜Wouldnā€™t it really be bad? ā€¦ Wouldnā€™t it be terrible to throw the presidentā€™s wife and the former secretary of state ā€” think of it, the former secretary of state ā€” but the presidentā€™s wife into jail?ā€ Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

ā€œBut they want to do it,ā€ Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. ā€œSo, you know, itā€™s a terrible, terrible path that theyā€™re leading us to, and itā€™s very possible that itā€™s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."


Just like Hillary went to prison. And Obama went prison.


Keep on clinging, rubes!
Maybe one day people will stop believing trumps lies.
Maybe one day people will stop believing trumps lies.
Itā€™s comical you are here pretending to be black on the internet, using a fake pic from a guy from LinkedIn as your avatar, and you are calling other people liars
Itā€™s comical you are here pretending to be black on the internet, using a fake pic from a guy from LinkedIn as your avatar, and you are calling other people liars
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
This is pure red meat for the rubes.

Even Trump knows that you can't just throw people in jail. It's a process. Including "proving" crimes.

Unless he plans on going full Pinochet, which is possible, I guess.

Oh honey you loved the game until it looks like it might be turned on you

The rank stupidity is astounding
Mine wasnā€™t. I simply purchased it or worked for it.
And the system that allows you to do that created property by use of force. Specifically by using force to keep other people from freely accessing that resource.
And the system that allows you to do that created property by use of force. Specifically by using force to keep other people from freely accessing that resource.
No the system didnā€™t create property. Well real estate they didnā€™t create, you have a arguement for private property, and I guess you have an arguement for the private property that comes from Xiā€™s Chinaā€¦since they still have slave labor.

But i try not to buy products made in chjna
well then you really don't want a capitalist system, despite the fact your existence here depends on it Goats

That's just your limited understanding. You have been condition to think of capitalism as some natural extension of your inalienable rights when in reality it's just a tool. A useful one but a tool nonetheless.
Trump doesn't always do what he says. This time, well it would be interesting if he followed through with it. What if he did it?
Would you support it? This is what happens when you weaponize. All cards on the table.

ā€œI said, ā€˜Wouldnā€™t it really be bad? ā€¦ Wouldnā€™t it be terrible to throw the presidentā€™s wife and the former secretary of state ā€” think of it, the former secretary of state ā€” but the presidentā€™s wife into jail?ā€ Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

ā€œBut they want to do it,ā€ Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. ā€œSo, you know, itā€™s a terrible, terrible path that theyā€™re leading us to, and itā€™s very possible that itā€™s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

Lotta wishful thinking on tRump's part/.
No the system didnā€™t create property. Well real estate they didnā€™t create, you have a arguement for private property, and I guess you have an arguement for the private property that comes from Xiā€™s Chinaā€¦since they still have slave labor.

But i try not to buy products made in chjna
My argument stands for all property in any system. What ownership actually is is you believing you have the right to use force to keep people from resources that you want for yourself.
That's just your limited understanding. You have been condition to think of capitalism as some natural extension of your inalienable rights when reality it's just a tool.
Yes capitalism is a tool, that works cause it follows basic human nature, and promotes are natural right of being free.

Leftist ideology isnā€™t natural as it runs counter to freedom and why it always fails at some pointā€¦people just donā€™t like being poor and oppressed.

We are seeing that now with xiden, and why he is losing on the polls. Demafacist agenda has made a record number of people worse off then prior to his election.

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