Trump says it's "very possible" that Biden and other political rivals will have to be jailed

Freedom and property existing as rationally compatible is hard to explain, even for intelligent conservatives and libertarians, there was really no real shot you'd be able to. :laugh:
Freedom to be able own as much as I can is the issue. Why is that hard for you to grasp? And why do you want to take my freedom and put a cap on how much I can own?
Is it just jealousy because you can’t make as much as me?
Freedom to be able own as much as I can is the issue. Why is that hard for you to grasp? And why do you want to take my freedom and put a cap on how much I can own?
Is it just jealousy because you can’t make as much as me?
It's hard to grasp because you've done such a shitty job explaining yourself. You don't even know what ownership is. Ownership is attempt to restrict the freedom of others.
My goodness no. I am sometimes surprised at something I posted earlier today that I had forgotten about. And constantly run across posts that I have absolutely no recollection of having made. Even threads I started I don't remember starting. I am always happy in those situations that I still agree with myself. :)

But thank you.
yeh, you basically said we probably need to prosecute dims.. past presidents included.. or that's the way I interpreted it :)
It's hard to grasp because you've done such a shitty job explaining yourself. You don't even know what ownership is. Ownership is attempt to restrict the freedom of others.
Haha no it’s not. Me owning property doesn’t keep you from owning property

Hahaa your arguement is a silly one lazy people make because they want what others have
Haha no it’s not. Me owning property doesn’t keep you from owning property
Nice strawman. The pretense of ownership is the right to use force to keep people from accessing it. Where does the right to deny others access to a resource come from?
Hahaa your arguement is a silly one lazy people make because they want what others have
You can't explain how you come to have something in the first place.
Nice strawman. The pretense of ownership is the right to use force to keep people from accessing it. Where does the right to deny others access to a resource come from?

You can't explain how you come to have something in the first place.
What’s the straw man? Correct you can’t use my property without my permission. But you are free to get your own.

That’s the problem you can’t, so you want to have govt take mine by force so you can have some of it.

That’s oppressive
What’s the straw man? Correct you can’t use my property without my permission. But you are free to get your own.
My question to you is where the right to use force to take ownership came from to begin with?
That’s the problem you can’t, so you want to have govt take mine by force so you can have some of it.

That’s oppressive
It oppressive to use the same force to limit your property that used to seize property to begin with? That's a funny argument. :laugh:
My question to you is where the right to use force to take ownership came from to begin with?

It oppressive to use the same force to limit your property that used to seize property to begin with? That's a funny argument. :laugh:
It’s a natural right to be able to defend yourself

Yes it’s oppressive govt to take away someone property and limit what they can own
Trump doesn't always do what he says. This time, well it would be interesting if he followed through with it. What if he did it?
Would you support it? This is what happens when you weaponize. All cards on the table.

“I said, ‘Wouldn’t it really be bad? … Wouldn’t it be terrible to throw the president’s wife and the former secretary of state — think of it, the former secretary of state — but the president’s wife into jail?” Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

“But they want to do it,” Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. “So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

IF they are jailed for committing a crime, why would anyone be against it?
It’s a natural right to be able to defend yourself
Let's say for the sake of argument that's a real thing, what does that have to do with you using force to keep people away from some river you've claimed as your own? That's not self defense, that's just aggression and greed.
Yes it’s oppressive govt to take away someone property and limit what they can own
But not oppressive to enforce property rights to begin with? :dunno:
Let's say for the sake of argument that's a real thing, what does that have to do with you using force to keep people away from some river you've claimed as your own? That's not self defense, that's just aggression and greed.

But not oppressive to enforce property rights to begin with? :dunno:
The person invading my property is being greedy and aggressive. Why the f are you on my land?
The person invading my property is being greedy and aggressive. Why the f are you on my land?
What makes it your property other than your willingness to use force to keep others off it or by getting a superior force like government to do the same? :dunno:
It doesn't matter if you paid for it. The origin of your property is the use of force.
Haha of course it matters if I pay for it. That means I own it.

The only people I have to use force again are thieves and aggressive, greedy trespassers

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