Trump says it's "very possible" that Biden and other political rivals will have to be jailed

Jailing political enemies is against our constitution but Democrats think it is a noble cause.
It's statements like this that will keep him from ever being elected again. It's batshit crazy,, and no sane human being wants more of this. It's been going on since Clinton was elected, and Republicans lost their minds because Clinton was more popular and did a better job than Reagan.
The 1994 Republican election wipeout put Clinton on course. The first two years Clinton was a failure with tax increases and Hillary pushing her agendas in the background. It is clear now that Perot was a shill to get Clinton elected from getting another 4 years of a President with an "R" next to his name who was a globalist stooge that Reagan accepted. And that would have had 16 years of Republican in a row. We had one last chance to really cut the massive increases in social agendas and we failed. We balanced the budget with smoke and mirrors and the height of the baby boomer's earnings. The real truth is we transitioned from a creditor nation ten years before Reagan to a debtor nation. So, if we kept the same tax rates from before Reagan with no indexing, today at earning 50 thousand dollars a year we would be at the 50% tax rate. There were many tax levels at that time.
Trump doesn't always do what he says. This time, well it would be interesting if he followed through with it. What if he did it?
Would you support it? This is what happens when you weaponize. All cards on the table.

“I said, ‘Wouldn’t it really be bad? … Wouldn’t it be terrible to throw the president’s wife and the former secretary of state — think of it, the former secretary of state — but the president’s wife into jail?” Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

“But they want to do it,” Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. “So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

If you take the whole interview in full context, he was absolutely saying he did NOT intend to prosecute or persecute his political rivals once he is back in the White House. It is evilly dishonest to keep pushing that he intends to or wants to retaliate for the wrongs done him.
Says who?

I have plenty of legal rights that act as a check on others. It's not my fault you failed civics.
Yeah what legal rights did you think you have to have a check on, me for example? You don’t even have a right to step on my property let alone have a a check on my bank account. I get that you want that right, but you don’t have it
Yeah what legal rights did you think you have to have a check on, me for example? You don’t even have a right to step on my property let alone have a a check on my bank account. I get that you want that right, but you don’t have it
I have the right to vote for representatives who can shape laws that affect things like property rights and wealth accumulation.
I have the right to vote for representatives who can shape laws that affect things like property rights and wealth accumulation.
Hahah ok yeah you can vote for people that want to oppress me. I’ll give you thatZ. Good luck with that
Hahah ok yeah you can vote for people that want to oppress me. I’ll give you thatZ. Good luck with that
How are laws that shape your ability to own property oppressive? It's laws and society that create a legal framework of ownership to begin with.
How are laws that shape your ability to own property oppressive? It's laws and society that create a legal framework of ownership to begin with.
Because they shape my ability to own property. Like did you actually type that out without thinking?
I don’t have a problem with existing laws, I have a problem with laws your proposed which could cap how much property i can own
I get that you don't have a problem with force that establishes things you like and are opposed to force that establishes things you don't but my question is how one oppressive and that other not?
I get that you don't have a problem with force that establishes things you like and are opposed to force that establishes things you don't but my question is how one oppressive and that other not?
How is it oppressive to tell someone how much they can own? Really?
You don’t think it’s oppressive to tell someone how much they can own?

That explains a lot
You can't explain things you proclaim you believe in. That explains a lot. You first have to ask yourself, what even is ownership? Is it the person denying you ownership that is oppressing you or the person claiming ownership? :dunno:
If you take the whole interview in full context, he was absolutely saying he did NOT intend to prosecute or persecute his political rivals once he is back in the White House. It is evilly dishonest to keep pushing that he intends to or wants to retaliate for the wrongs done him.
Well I have slept on it and I want Trump to do it. It is necessary

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