Trump says it's "very possible" that Biden and other political rivals will have to be jailed

Trump doesn't always do what he says. This time, well it would be interesting if he followed through with it. What if he did it?
Would you support it? This is what happens when you weaponize. All cards on the table.

ā€œI said, ā€˜Wouldnā€™t it really be bad? ā€¦ Wouldnā€™t it be terrible to throw the presidentā€™s wife and the former secretary of state ā€” think of it, the former secretary of state ā€” but the presidentā€™s wife into jail?ā€ Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

ā€œBut they want to do it,ā€ Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. ā€œSo, you know, itā€™s a terrible, terrible path that theyā€™re leading us to, and itā€™s very possible that itā€™s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

Thereā€™s your ā€œlawfareā€

As an ex-president now with a felony on his record, Donald Trump would lose his Secret Service protection or the usual perks, like an office, of post-White House under bills sponsored by two House Democrats.

But the idea Trump could forfeit his protective detail because of his conviction on 34 state counts of falsifying business records in New York led one Republican to say Democrats are rooting for Trumpā€™s assassination, even though the bills are unlikely to advance soon.
Trump doesn't always do what he says. This time, well it would be interesting if he followed through with it. What if he did it?
Would you support it? This is what happens when you weaponize. All cards on the table.

ā€œI said, ā€˜Wouldnā€™t it really be bad? ā€¦ Wouldnā€™t it be terrible to throw the presidentā€™s wife and the former secretary of state ā€” think of it, the former secretary of state ā€” but the presidentā€™s wife into jail?ā€ Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

ā€œBut they want to do it,ā€ Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. ā€œSo, you know, itā€™s a terrible, terrible path that theyā€™re leading us to, and itā€™s very possible that itā€™s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

The entire doj FBI and CIA needs to be executed as traitors to the Constitution
Look at this collection of clowns and parasites.

The Trump Crime Family, all CONVICTED:










This is pure red meat for the rubes.

Even Trump knows that you can't just throw people in jail. It's a process. Including "proving" crimes.

Unless he plans on going full Pinochet, which is possible, I guess.
It's the deep state or swamp that has hobbled Trump from day one, which is who he'll be after

Those of you who call deep state a conspiracy should consider them rather popular anywhere power and $$$ have had them manifest on this rock

Their eyes wide shut modus operandi is no more than the collaborative concentration of it, which most of you unwittingly bow down to

Trump, who was already a wealthy and powerful man was rather immune , which means he couldn't be controlled

Ergo the riff......

It's the deep state or swamp that has hobbled Trump from day one, which is who he'll be after

Those of you who call deep state a conspiracy should consider them rather popular anywhere power and $$$ have had them manifest on this rock

Their eyes wide shut modus operandi is no more than the collaborative concentration of it, which most of you unwittingly bow down to

Trump, who was already a wealthy and powerful man was rather immune , which means he couldn't be controlled

Ergo the riff......

Most of us? Isn't it the Republican party who loves to be trickled on after you give tax breaks to the wealthy? :dunno: :laugh:
More desperate Yahoo spin. Trump never said that.
Yes he did. On Fox News

ā€œSo, you know, itā€™s a terrible, terrible path that theyā€™re leading us to, and itā€™s very possible that itā€™s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

I fully support Trump jailing them
I want to tax the wealthy to the extent that becoming a billionaire is impossible. You want to vote for the billionaire who promises more tax cuts for billionaires.
Why in the world would you want to make it impossible to be wealthy??

How bizarreā€¦
wouldn't it be a HOOT if Trump actually did it. Go all the way back to the time they started spying on him when he was a US Citizen.
Full sweep.

So many hoaxes, Russia Russia Russia, pee tapes, all of it.

Lock em up !

One big enema to cleanse the filth
I want to tax the wealthy to the extent that becoming a billionaire is impossible. You want to vote for the billionaire who promises more tax cuts for billionaires.

Well then you need to find a new party to vote for as neither will do anything close to that.
wouldn't it be a HOOT if Trump actually did it. Go all the way back to the time they started spying on him when he was a US Citizen.
Full sweep.

So many hoaxes, Russia Russia Russia, pee tapes, all of it.

Lock em up !

One big enema to cleanse the filth
I hope he sets up a Nuremberg style of trails to hold all the demafacist raccoujrtsbk
wouldn't it be a HOOT if Trump actually did it. Go all the way back to the time they started spying on him when he was a US Citizen.
Full sweep.

So many hoaxes, Russia Russia Russia, pee tapes, all of it.

Lock em up !

One big enema to cleanse the filth
Kinda like what Hitler and Stalin did with various similar excuses

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