Let's Understand The Choice Some Want to Make

Donald Trump is a convicted criminal. He is running for President and is ahead in the polls. How can this be? There are all kinds of jobs where a criminal record disqualifies a person for employment, but the top job in the country can be held by a convict? There are people here who are in positions to hire and they will not hire a person with a criminal record, yet they will vote for Trump and be happy about doing so. WTF?

Are there certain types of jobs I can’t have because of my criminal record?​

Sometimes. There are certain situations when having certain types of convictions on your record could or will disqualify you from getting certain types of jobs. It is important that you know about these situations beforehand, so that you can realistically set your sights on jobs that you can have.

Although this list is incomplete, below are some examples of jobs that have legal restrictions for people with certain convictions. In general, these are jobs where you would have access to private or sensitive information (like financial records); vulnerable people (like children or the elderly), or high-security places, where there might be a greater risk of harm to the public.

  1. Airport security screeners (or anyone with unsupervised access to secure airport areas);[2009]
  2. Federal law enforcement officers;[2010]
  3. Defense contractors;[2011]
  4. Prisoner transportation personnel;[2012]
  5. Port workers;[2013]
  6. Bank employees;[2014]
  7. Insurance personnel;[2015]
  8. Jobs that administer employee benefits plan;[2016]
  9. Childcare workers in federal facilities or agencies;[2017]
  10. Working for a school district in a position that requires certification or a supervisory capacity (if you have been convicted of a felony defined as serious or violent)

In some states convicted felons can't vote, but we have one running for president.
after everything the left has thrown at him ..Russia collusion hoax , illegal fisa warrants , to sham impeachments , lawfare and criminal prosecution and more ... Trump is still standing and fighting back ...AND LEADING BIGGLY IN THE POLLS ! HOW FRUSTRATING FOR DEMS THAT MUST BE !:auiqs.jpg:
Donald Trump is a convicted criminal. He is running for President and is ahead in the polls. How can this be? There are all kinds of jobs where a criminal record disqualifies a person for employment, but the top job in the country can be held by a convict? There are people here who are in positions to hire and they will not hire a person with a criminal record, yet they will vote for Trump and be happy about doing so. WTF?

Are there certain types of jobs I can’t have because of my criminal record?​

Sometimes. There are certain situations when having certain types of convictions on your record could or will disqualify you from getting certain types of jobs. It is important that you know about these situations beforehand, so that you can realistically set your sights on jobs that you can have.

Although this list is incomplete, below are some examples of jobs that have legal restrictions for people with certain convictions. In general, these are jobs where you would have access to private or sensitive information (like financial records); vulnerable people (like children or the elderly), or high-security places, where there might be a greater risk of harm to the public.

  1. Airport security screeners (or anyone with unsupervised access to secure airport areas);[2009]
  2. Federal law enforcement officers;[2010]
  3. Defense contractors;[2011]
  4. Prisoner transportation personnel;[2012]
  5. Port workers;[2013]
  6. Bank employees;[2014]
  7. Insurance personnel;[2015]
  8. Jobs that administer employee benefits plan;[2016]
  9. Childcare workers in federal facilities or agencies;[2017]
  10. Working for a school district in a position that requires certification or a supervisory capacity (if you have been convicted of a felony defined as serious or violent)

In some states convicted felons can't vote, but we have one running for president.
We need to make sure we choose to reverse every single democratic policy.
SOME WANT TO MAKE? What does that mean? Are lefties disappointed because Americans can still make a choice even after the banana republic regime tried to put their political enemy in prison? You have to be as mentally impaired as the current president if you think the doddering old fool should have his trembling thumb on the nuclear button for the next four months not to mention the next four years.
SOME WANT TO MAKE? What does that mean? Are lefties disappointed because Americans can still make a choice even after the banana republic regime tried to put their political enemy in prison? You have to be as mentally impaired as the current president if you think the doddering old fool should have his trembling thumb on the nuclear button for the next four months not to mention the next four years.
There has been no banana republic regime that tried putting their political enemy in prison. There is no doddering old fool with his hand on the nuclear button right now. Trump is that and you want to give him total immunity.
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after everything the left has thrown at him ..Russia collusion hoax , illegal fisa warrants , to sham impeachments , lawfare and criminal prosecution and more ... Trump is still standing and fighting back ...AND LEADING BIGGLY IN THE POLLS ! HOW FRUSTRATING FOR DEMS THAT MUST BE !:auiqs.jpg:
Trump was beaten in 2020. You seem to forget that. Trump has violated the laws of this country and yet you idiots want to make him president.
Meanwhile, the OP and the other leftists on this board CONTINUE to demonstrate they have no balls to confront stories like this that have been posted .

Dem Dam Breaks on Biden: Pelosi Says Fitness is ‘Legitimate’ Question​

Trump was beaten in 2020. You seem to forget that. Trump has violated the laws of this country and yet you idiots want to make him president.

We are watching you have your breakdown publicly .
You were warned that cognitively rigid Deniers stored the seeds of their own destruction .

For me watching you implode has been most gratifying .
Try and repeat it regularly .
A great tonic for times that are going to just get worse and then even "worser" .
Trump was beaten in 2020. You seem to forget that. Trump has violated the laws of this country and yet you idiots want to make him president.
its 2024... you seem to forget that Marxist .. and Trump is gaining in the polls .. unlike the left we know that there is no guaranteed win for our candidate .. but our candidate has weathered every dirty trick the left has used and is gaining from said dirty tricks while your candidate is plummeting in the polls and many in the dem leadership leftwing MSM and voters are calling for him not to run ! are you starting to finally realize that Trump may be the next POTUS ?
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There has been no banana republic regime that tried putting their political enemy in prison. There is no doddering old fool with his hand on the nuclear button right now. Trump is that and you want to give him total immunity.


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