3,000+ Were Killed On 9-11-2001


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
And the Republicans let the then president slide...

Yet they are TRYING so hard to make a much less significant incident seem much worse than took place in Libya on 9-11-2012

9/11/2001 was mis handled
9/11/2001 was covered up
lies were told about 9/11/2001
apologies made about 9/11/2001 (well, not really, as Republicans are never sorry for their actions, only for being caught)

Now they are lying, and lying and lying as if it's going out of style trying to get good people in trouble where no wrong doing has been done
And the Republicans let the then president slide...

Yet they are TRYING so hard to make a much less significant incident seem much worse than took place in Libya on 9-11-2012

9/11/2001 was mis handled
9/11/2001 was covered up
lies were told about 9/11/2001
apologies made about 9/11/2001 (well, not really, as Republicans are never sorry for their actions, only for being caught)

Now they are lying, and lying and lying as if it's going out of style trying to get good people in trouble where no wrong doing has been done

The first attack on the WTC happened under Clinton's watch and he dismissed it. Clinton was diddling Monica and bombing Yugoslavia while the terrorists were attending flight school in the US and his A.G. issued an order that the CIA not be allowed to share information with the FBI (what was that about?) or face arrest and imprisonment. Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 happened and if he made any mistakes it was not firing every fat assed Clinton appointee who covered their asses after the attack.
Someone is trying to pass of opinions as facts again.

No..that's basically what happened.

The 9/11 commission took over a year to convene..and the major players, Bush and Cheney, testified in secret.

The final report was redacted and pretty weak.

It also, amazingly, (well not really), put blame on Clinton even though he was out of office for 8 months.
Someone is trying to pass of opinions as facts again.

No..that's basically what happened.

The 9/11 commission took over a year to convene..and the major players, Bush and Cheney, testified in secret.

The final report was redacted and pretty weak.

It also, amazingly, (well not really), put blame on Clinton even though he was out of office for 8 months.

Well yeah they planned the attack, came in and learned to fly planes in 8 months......it's THAT easy
It's not the fact that it happened that bothers me most.

It's the fact the obam blamed some stupid film nobody ever saw, when he knew damned well it was a terror attack.

That would have been like dumbya saying the towers fell down on their own, to keep voters from thinking we got attacked on his watch. Which is IMO what obam did.

Plus, now we know those brave men fought for 7 hours... requesting help three times... and got denied three times.

This thing stinks to high heaven.
It's not the fact that it happened that bothers me most.

It's the fact the obam blamed some stupid film nobody ever saw, when he knew damned well it was a terror attack.

That would have been like dumbya saying the towers fell down on their own, to keep voters from thinking we got attacked on his watch. Which is IMO what obam did.

Plus, now we know those brave men fought for 7 hours... requesting help three times... and got denied three times.

This thing stinks to high heaven.

no kidding dont you remember when Bush blamed Airplane the movie......dam those movies are dangerous!!!!!!!!!!
It's not the fact that it happened that bothers me most.

It's the fact the obam blamed some stupid film nobody ever saw, when he knew damned well it was a terror attack.

That would have been like dumbya saying the towers fell down on their own, to keep voters from thinking we got attacked on his watch. Which is IMO what obam did.

Plus, now we know those brave men fought for 7 hours... requesting help three times... and got denied three times.

This thing stinks to high heaven.

no kidding dont you remember when Bush blamed Airplane the movie......dam those movies are dangerous!!!!!!!!!!
"And don't call me Shirley."
And the Republicans let the then president slide...

Yet they are TRYING so hard to make a much less significant incident seem much worse than took place in Libya on 9-11-2012

9/11/2001 was mis handled
9/11/2001 was covered up
lies were told about 9/11/2001
apologies made about 9/11/2001 (well, not really, as Republicans are never sorry for their actions, only for being caught)

Now they are lying, and lying and lying as if it's going out of style trying to get good people in trouble where no wrong doing has been done

The first attack on the WTC happened under Clinton's watch and he dismissed it. Clinton was diddling Monica and bombing Yugoslavia while the terrorists were attending flight school in the US and his A.G. issued an order that the CIA not be allowed to share information with the FBI (what was that about?) or face arrest and imprisonment. Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 happened and if he made any mistakes it was not firing every fat assed Clinton appointee who covered their asses after the attack.

Hardly. People were caught...people were tried....people were convicted....people who did it are STILL in prison.

Can Bush say the same?
It's not the fact that it happened that bothers me most.

It's the fact the obam blamed some stupid film nobody ever saw, when he knew damned well it was a terror attack.

That would have been like dumbya saying the towers fell down on their own, to keep voters from thinking we got attacked on his watch. Which is IMO what obam did.

Plus, now we know those brave men fought for 7 hours... requesting help three times... and got denied three times.

This thing stinks to high heaven.

no kidding dont you remember when Bush blamed Airplane the movie......dam those movies are dangerous!!!!!!!!!!
NO comparison to Obama sending United States Ambassador to the United Nations on 5 network tv shows blaming not a full movie a youtube 15 min trailer that few saw!
Again... you people constantly trying to make equivalency when there is NONE!
5 TV talk shows same blame on a video IS not the same as your comparison
AGAIN the history of Clinton/Gorelick Memo and the WALL!!!
May 21, 1998
In a series of nearly unanimous votes, the House said President Clinton failed to act in "the national interest" earlier this year when he gave permission for a Chinese satellite launch to a U.S. aerospace firm with close Democratic ties, and moved to block him from approving similar exports.

Washingtonpost.com: Key Stories on Chinese Missile Allegations

the Gorelick Memo would not have been needed and "C.I.A. officials of deliberately withholding crucial documents and photographs of Qaeda operatives from the F.B.I."

Known as the Gorelick Memo...
"As Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton from 1994 to 1997 Jamie Gorelick wrote the memo that created the now infamous “Gorelick Wall.” A 1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”

These rules were, shortly after their creation, expanded to regulate such communications in future counter-terrorism investigations.
It set a procedure where various intelligence operations could not share information with each other.

Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.
At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
‘Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
Breitbart News: Big Government

Here is what Richard A. Clark, former counter-terrorism advisor for both the Clinton and Bush Administrations, testified to in prepared remarks before the Sept. 11 Commission on March 24, 2004:
“In retrospect, we know that there was information available to some in the FBI and CIA that al Qida [sic] operatives had entered the United States. That information was not shared with the senior FBI counter-terrorism official (Dale Watson) or with me, despite the heightened state of concern in the Counter-terrorism Security Group.”
Could 9/11 Have Been Prevented? The Gorelick Memo and What We Knew

NOW WHY did the Gorelick Memo and subsequent WALL come into being???

It should be noted that when Gorelick penned the aforementioned memo, President Clinton was extremely worried about ongoing FBI and CIA investigations into illegal Chinese contributions that had been made to his presidential campaign. Both the FBI and the CIA were churning up evidence damaging to the Democratic Party, its fundraisers, the Chinese, and ultimately the Clinton administration itself.
The Wall of Separation between Law-Enforcement and Intelligence - Discover the Networks

9/11 would not have occurred!
Holy fuck!

Still talking about Bush?

This election is not about Bush!
And the Republicans let the then president slide...

Yet they are TRYING so hard to make a much less significant incident seem much worse than took place in Libya on 9-11-2012

9/11/2001 was mis handled
9/11/2001 was covered up
lies were told about 9/11/2001
apologies made about 9/11/2001 (well, not really, as Republicans are never sorry for their actions, only for being caught)

Now they are lying, and lying and lying as if it's going out of style trying to get good people in trouble where no wrong doing has been done

How was it mishandled, what was the cover up, lies, and apologies? Does it bother you that much that Obama is a lying idiot? I thought the fact that he is actually dumber than you would make your ego feel more secure.
The Benghazi aftermath is just one more rightwing circle jerk at this point. Your best bet is to ignore them.

They'll thrash around awhile like they did with the birther thing until they eventually find something new to be stupid over.
Someone is trying to pass of opinions as facts again.

No..that's basically what happened.

The 9/11 commission took over a year to convene..and the major players, Bush and Cheney, testified in secret.

The final report was redacted and pretty weak.

It also, amazingly, (well not really), put blame on Clinton even though he was out of office for 8 months.

Uh huh don't blame Clinton because he was eight months out of office but still blaming Bush for things after being out of office for almost four years now is A-ok got it I sense some hypocrisy in the force.

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