3 disturbing Female cop videos

First one is some gangbanger wannabee, should be shot on sight by any responsible citizen, the 2nd one is just some whiney Burb Brat fag , and number three is just some moron mouthing off at cops. The doper host there in the corner should be deported.

Did you get caught driving drunk once and think all cops should die because you were inconvenienced one time?
Police officers are starting to learn and understand that the public does have a right to film them in public.
Police officers are starting to learn and understand that the public does have a right to film them in public.

And edit them into useless whiney bullshit, like that host does. You probably think they're there to serve you donuts and wash your car or something; most Burb Brats do. Cops have a right to free speech too, same as pastors and everybody else in the country, even though that sucks for assorted deviants and commies and makes them have tantrums n stuff..
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Most women have zero business in the field of law enforcement and these videos prove it

Everything they are being condemned for doing, you can find 10 more video's on male officers doing the same.

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