40 people are dead and more than 100 others are wounded following shooting attacks at Moscow on Friday

The thought that Ukraine did this is PR BS. Russia has been dealing with Islamic attacks since Ivan the Terrible conquered Islamic lands.
It's been dealing with Islamist terrorists since the Soviet Union broke up and the CIA thought it would be good idea to support terrorists in the Caucuses against Russia.

When the Nazis entered Kiev to be welcomed by Ukrainian Nationalist they soon went about butchering every jew they could get their filthy hands on, this little girlwas one of many your pals murdered.
Well for their sake i hope you are right because Russia could turn Kiev into Grozny.

I think I was exactly right about what just happened. This was the work of the coalition, once you look through the wider lens. No dobt about it. And for the precise reason that I said, clearly.

Russia's not falling for it, though. They're just saying that they know now.

“This attack was carried out by radical Islamists,” Putin said in a meeting with law enforcement officials on Monday evening. “But we know who carried out the attack. We want to know who ordered it.”
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The thought that Ukraine did this is PR BS. Russia has been dealing with Islamic attacks since Ivan the Terrible conquered Islamic lands.

The entirely terror act is a mesh of satanic rituals, some 'conspiracy theorists' have counted more as a hundred 'coincidences'. At least hundred KGB officials were involved in preparation of the attack
When the Nazis entered Kiev to be welcomed by Ukrainian Nationalist they soon went about butchering every jew they could get their filthy hands on, this little girlwas one of many your pals murdered.
View attachment 922202
ivan is full of crap as usual .
the reality :

Max Zucker, stood before the war. When Adolf Hitler came to power, he decided to emigrate from Germany and moved in with his son, who lived in the Soviet Union. The decision had fatal consequences, says Dmitry Volcek, editor-in-chief at svoboda.org.

In 1937, in Moscow, the NKVD accused M. Zucker of espionage, arrested him, and deported him to Nazi Germany in 1939, following the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. At the border, he was turned over to the Gestapo staff. Since Zucker was a Jew born in Poland, he was sent to the Warsaw Ghetto. On October 23, 1941, he was fatally beaten in the street in the ghetto by the SS.

ivan is full of crap as usual .
the reality :

Max Zucker, stood before the war. When Adolf Hitler came to power, he decided to emigrate from Germany and moved in with his son, who lived in the Soviet Union. The decision had fatal consequences, says Dmitry Volcek, editor-in-chief at svoboda.org.

In 1937, in Moscow, the NKVD accused M. Zucker of espionage, arrested him, and deported him to Nazi Germany in 1939, following the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. At the border, he was turned over to the Gestapo staff. Since Zucker was a Jew born in Poland, he was sent to the Warsaw Ghetto. On October 23, 1941, he was fatally beaten in the street in the ghetto by the SS.

View attachment 922257
Give it up arsehole, the Soviets annihilated the third Reich it ended in the rubble of Berlin get over it.
Give it up arsehole, the Soviets annihilated the third Reich it ended in the rubble of Berlin get over it.
🇷🇺 pederast read this :

The Biggest Nazi (National - Socialist ) collaborator WAS YOUR SRALIN !


President Putin went on to add that the US is making a comprehensive effort to convince everyone that Ukraine had nothing to do with the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall near Moscow and the responsibility lies solely with ISIS*.

"We see how the US is taking to various channels to convince its satellites and other countries that according to the data from its intelligence, there is allegedly no Ukrainian trace in the Moscow terrorist attack and that the bloody terrorist attack had been carried out by those professing Islam — members of IS, an organization banned in Russia. We already know by whose hands this atrocity against Russia and its people had been carried out. Now we want to know who the mastermind is," Putin said.
President Putin went on to add that the US is making a comprehensive effort to convince everyone that Ukraine had nothing to do with the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall near Moscow and the responsibility lies solely with ISIS*.

"We see how the US is taking to various channels to convince its satellites and other countries that according to the data from its intelligence, there is allegedly no Ukrainian trace in the Moscow terrorist attack and that the bloody terrorist attack had been carried out by those professing Islam — members of IS, an organization banned in Russia. We already know by whose hands this atrocity against Russia and its people had been carried out. Now we want to know who the mastermind is," Putin said.

It probably doesn't matter at this point. Russia's going to blame Ukraine and ultimately the US, no matter who was behind the attack.
It probably doesn't matter at this point. Russia's going to blame Ukraine and ultimately the US, no matter who was behind the attack.

If Ukraine, US/CIA, MI6 and whoever it was that masterminded this.....using ISIS as its proxies....well

An investigation is being done....

and we will see... waiting just waiting....

There will be punishment for those at the top.... run run run....but there is nowhere to hide :dunno:
If Ukraine, US/CIA, MI6 and whoever it was that masterminded this.....using ISIS as its proxies....well

An investigation is being done....

and we will see... waiting just waiting....

There will be punishment for those at the top.... run run run....but there is nowhere to hide :dunno:

Well whenever they find out, they'll probably find out who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline too. ;)
...the Russian president noted.

“But we know who carried out the attack. We want to know who ordered it.”

That's all that matters now.
If Ukraine, US/CIA, MI6 and whoever it was that masterminded this.....using ISIS as its proxies....well

An investigation is being done....

and we will see... waiting just waiting....

There will be punishment for those at the top.... run run run....but there is nowhere to hide :dunno:

Hal Turner thinks the terrorists were terrorists trained in Turkey and recruited through the Ukrainian embassy in Tajikstan...

Moscow Terrorists Trained in . . . . Turkeye' - Recruited Through UKRAINE EMBASSY in Tajikstan!
What follows thereafter? Who benefits of the terror attack?Just remember the year 2000 as KGB performed serial terrorist attacks and blowed up many buildings in Moscow.Shortly thereafter Putin started the Chechen War 2.0
A such attack is a gift for Putin and his regime, isn't it?

It smells not good, we have a de-ja-vue.
What does Putin now?

Mobilization 2.0?
The Lenin-Troztki Regime in Russia?

In anything nothing good for ordinary Russians who allowed the Devil run the country.

Didn't beat the Las Vegas record

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