50% of women 30 years or younger don’t have children and 50% of them will never have a child.

Women are human beings and not just incubators for babies

If they never have a child, they’re still complete people and fully contributing members of society
This ^^^ fucking LOSER doesn't understand ANYTHING about logic.
hahaha… you scared pussies are scared shitless to talk about the bulk of childless purple haired pieces of dog shit…you know they are all disgusting suicidal incels on depression and anxiety meds.

Only people who have kids contribute?

I’m a nurse who takes care of the sick, plus I pay a shit ton of taxes. I contribute more than many
FUCKING SAD….purple hairs don’t even know…our most fundamental responsibility is to continue the existence of mankind…It’s like the RIGHT genetic coding totally skipped the purple hairs.

You need to exit the cult. I’m scared of what fuckup.

Kamala Harris winning…
Or won't consent to being paid low wages and no benefits.

Income inequality in America is destroying the system.

Give Trump a chance! He will aggravate the problem and end it!

The bonus though, might be that he will accept America's fall from glory and not continue the war against Russia that's meant to save America's unchallenged power.

So give Trump a chance! He has a new plan for democracy!
One thing Trump does is look for what's wrong with America and use it against his opponents.

We gave him a chance. Horrible. He's going to lose bad. So happy.
How do you propose to create a 'big, strong' middle class? What opportunities don't poor people have now that a 'big, strong' middle class would support?

Why don't the poor people EARN a better wage instead of being over-dependent on government -- a clear-cut approach to not incentivize someone to better themselves? Notable individuals who were living in poverty and better themselves to either start businesses and/or become wealthy are: Opray Winfrey, Howard Schultz, Denzel Washington, etc .. etc.. etc.
I only have to read one sentence and I have a quick answer. I don't need to read the rest but I will after I quickly and easily answer. How would I fix or create a strong middle class? Just like FDR New Deal did. Just like unions did. Right now unions are fighting and winning. You don't realize they bring your/our wages up too.

Instead of the system we have now where the rich are getting richer and richer and we are struggling. I would roll back a lot of tax breaks Bush Reagan and Trump gave rich people and corporations.

I can't type it all out. Read this

and this

Then we'll talk.
The best career an American woman can have is to be a wife and mother. And it is the happiest lifestyle, as anyone who has been around large numbers of women in their 30's and 40's can plainly see.

The idea that a woman can be fulfilled in a career is pathetic nonsense. Imagine sitting in a nursing home talking about all the great deals you closed. As contrasted with talking about your kids and grandkids whom you raised successfully because you were THERE.

If two incomes are necessary in a household with children, the priority MUST be with nurturing the children, and not pawning them off on schools, tutors, coaches, and day care centers.

Our culture is fucked up, and young women are lied to constantly by Leftist instigators who abhor the nuclear family. It's no wonder so few of them can see clearly what is right before their eyes.
The best career an American woman can have is to be a wife and mother. And it is the happiest lifestyle, as anyone who has been around large numbers of women in their 30's and 40's can plainly see.

The idea that a woman can be fulfilled in a career is pathetic nonsense. Imagine sitting in a nursing home talking about all the great deals you closed. As contrasted with talking about your kids and grandkids whom you raised successfully because you were THERE.

If two incomes are necessary in a household with children, the priority MUST be with nurturing the children, and not pawning them off on schools, tutors, coaches, and day care centers.

Our culture is fucked up, and young women are lied to constantly by Leftist instigators who abhor the nuclear family. It's no wonder so few of them can see clearly what is right before their eyes.
Sure, fuckup

Was rusty limpthought surrounded by loving children?

How many children does Lindsey Graham have?

Does Ben Shapiro have any kids?
FUCKING SAD….purple hairs don’t even know…our most fundamental responsibility is to continue the existence of mankind…It’s like the RIGHT genetic coding totally skipped the purple hairs.
What, my hair’s purple now?

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