59% of U.S. doctors support universal healthcare

Health Care Stories for America | BarackObama.com[/url]

Funny you coincidentally left out the people who get no healthcare at all because they can't afford it who suffer. Just because someone doesn't see a doctor at all because they can't afford it, instead of waiting to see one, doesn't mean the suffering magically goes away.

No system is perfect. Of course stuff that shouldn't happen will happen here too. But those of you who think universal, single payer, government run etc., whatever your preference is, is going to be better, you are dilluding yourself.

Oh, of course. So why did you post examples of universal healthcare?

Look at the goal trying to be achieved here. The basic argument is that people who need healthcare would avail themselves of it, if not but for the cost. So Obama's solution in a nutshell is to lower the cost of healthcare. The rationale being that if barrier of cost is out of the way, there will be no issues in terms of access to healthcare.

No issues? Nobody has claimed that.

That's where the the solution falls apart and the economics I referred to come in. When something costs less the quantity demanded of it goes up. So the only thing you have accomplished is in what way people are prioritized in receiving healthcare. Instead of it being based on how they can pay (which really isn't true for the bulk of American's in the first place), it will based on one's level of need/pain. Which may seem more fair, but the new system hasn't accomplished anything. it clearly isnt' a better system in terms of actually helping people considering more people will be kept in pain than before. All you've basically said is that people who had coverage before should have to suffer as much as those that don't.

You've made the claim that it creates more pain several times now. How exactly?

And yes, making it so that healthcare is spread according to need, as opposed to an arbitrary line (money) is MUCH more efficient for overall health.
That is why every other Western democracy in the world has universal healthcare, because it is cheaper and better.

Only right wing Americans are too dumb to get it.

You haven't heard any of the horror stories of people waiting for healthcare in this utopia you call universal healthcare. Cheap healthcare does not equal quality healthcare Chris and that is exactley what the bulk of countries that have tried this have found.

Ladies Logic: More universal health care horror stories


There's a couple to get you started. If you reduce cost, demand goes up, which means more people wait, which means more people suffer. Guess you didn't take basic principles of economics just like the president.

Ed Schultz is going to Canada to see if what you guys say about their healthcare is true.

If you ask 100 Canadians if they would prefer to have our healthcare or their healthcare, what percentage would say ours?

I think 1 in 10 if you are lucky would give up what they have and pay double for ours like we do.
That is why every other Western democracy in the world has universal healthcare, because it is cheaper and better.

Only right wing Americans are too dumb to get it.

You haven't heard any of the horror stories of people waiting for healthcare in this utopia you call universal healthcare. Cheap healthcare does not equal quality healthcare Chris and that is exactley what the bulk of countries that have tried this have found.

Ladies Logic: More universal health care horror stories


There's a couple to get you started. If you reduce cost, demand goes up, which means more people wait, which means more people suffer. Guess you didn't take basic principles of economics just like the president.

Ed Schultz is going to Canada to see if what you guys say about their healthcare is true.

If you ask 100 Canadians if they would prefer to have our healthcare or their healthcare, what percentage would say ours?

I think 1 in 10 if you are lucky would give up what they have and pay double for ours like we do.
I just called HP customer service, about my printer, and spoke to a woman in Toronto. She'd never give up her Canadian Health Care. She also said that the US wouldn't get it because of the insurance companies.
You haven't heard any of the horror stories of people waiting for healthcare in this utopia you call universal healthcare. Cheap healthcare does not equal quality healthcare Chris and that is exactley what the bulk of countries that have tried this have found.

Ladies Logic: More universal health care horror stories


There's a couple to get you started. If you reduce cost, demand goes up, which means more people wait, which means more people suffer. Guess you didn't take basic principles of economics just like the president.

Ed Schultz is going to Canada to see if what you guys say about their healthcare is true.

If you ask 100 Canadians if they would prefer to have our healthcare or their healthcare, what percentage would say ours?

I think 1 in 10 if you are lucky would give up what they have and pay double for ours like we do.
I just called HP customer service, about my printer, and spoke to a woman in Toronto. She'd never give up her Canadian Health Care. She also said that the US wouldn't get it because of the insurance companies.


might as well close the thread, then, huh?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNR_6UuVl4s]YouTube - France: 'Best' Health Care?[/ame]

I'm curious is this the sort of system that all the proponents of government sponsored healthcare want? If so then tell me, and don't say we get rich people to pay for it, because you will need more than rich people top pay for it. How given the fact that our nation is deeply in debt, and has record unemployment do you propose to pay for this? To raise taxes on an already stressed economy and spend even more money we don't have? While the goal is noble perhaps cost reforms can be accomplished by solving the underlying issues and not look to Govt. to solve them for us.
Health Care Stories for America | BarackObama.com[/url]

Funny you coincidentally left out the people who get no healthcare at all because they can't afford it who suffer. Just because someone doesn't see a doctor at all because they can't afford it, instead of waiting to see one, doesn't mean the suffering magically goes away.

No system is perfect. Of course stuff that shouldn't happen will happen here too. But those of you who think universal, single payer, government run etc., whatever your preference is, is going to be better, you are dilluding yourself.

Oh, of course. So why did you post examples of universal healthcare?

Because whie our system may have flaws, those found in government health care/ single payer systems are worse.

That's where the the solution falls apart and the economics I referred to come in. When something costs less the quantity demanded of it goes up. So the only thing you have accomplished is in what way people are prioritized in receiving healthcare. Instead of it being based on how they can pay (which really isn't true for the bulk of American's in the first place), it will based on one's level of need/pain. Which may seem more fair, but the new system hasn't accomplished anything. it clearly isnt' a better system in terms of actually helping people considering more people will be kept in pain than before. All you've basically said is that people who had coverage before should have to suffer as much as those that don't.

You've made the claim that it creates more pain several times now. How exactly?[/QUOTE]

I think that should be pretty clear. Again the goal is eliminate the cost barrier of access to healthcare. With that eliminated whether one can pay is no longer a prioritizing factor in when they get treated. The predominant factor would be the level of one's need (who would you like to determine that minor detail btw?). That again coupled with the fact that when the cost of something goes down it will be used/consumed more means greater demand, which will mean more waiting, which means the worst will be treated first, while the pain of others not quite so bad progresses.

[And yes, making it so that healthcare is spread according to need, as opposed to an arbitrary line (money) is MUCH more efficient for overall health.

No it is not more EFFICIENT (learn your terms please).
Canadas conservative party founding principles...

A belief that all Canadians should have reasonable access to quality health care regardless of their ability to pay; and

Founding Principles

If private health care is so amazing, why is there no movement from countries that have public healthcare to go to private healthcare?
No system is perfect. Of course stuff that shouldn't happen will happen here too. But those of you who think universal, single payer, government run etc., whatever your preference is, is going to be better, you are dilluding yourself.

Oh, of course. So why did you post examples of universal healthcare?

Because whie our system may have flaws, those found in government health care/ single payer systems are worse.

Oh, I see. So when you post anecdotal evidence of their flaws, its representative of wider problems, but when I post anecdotal evidence of American flaws, its "every system has problems"? :lol::lol::lol:

Nice cognitive dissonance there.

I think that should be pretty clear. Again the goal is eliminate the cost barrier of access to healthcare. With that eliminated whether one can pay is no longer a prioritizing factor in when they get treated. The predominant factor would be the level of one's need (who would you like to determine that minor detail btw?).

And? Why in the hell would a random, arbitrary factor create more efficiencies than something actually related to health? As for who would determine that detail, how about hospitals, nurses, and doctors as opposed to insurance companies, eh?

That again coupled with the fact that when the cost of something goes down it will be used/consumed more means greater demand, which will mean more waiting, which means the worst will be treated first, while the pain of others not quite so bad progresses.

Well, of course instead we should treat those who are in the best condition first. Thats a marvelous alternative :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

[And yes, making it so that healthcare is spread according to need, as opposed to an arbitrary line (money) is MUCH more efficient for overall health.

No it is not more EFFICIENT (learn your terms please).

Yes it is more EFFICIENT. I know exactly what it means. Apparently you don't, so here you go.

ef⋅fi⋅cient  /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [i-fish-uhnt] Show IPA
Use efficient in a Sentence
–adjective 1. performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort

efficient definition | Dictionary.com
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vNQFa_4S80&feature=PlayList&p=260009B99C98709D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2]YouTube - Canadian Healthcare Is Cracking - Multiple Months Waiting List Just To See A Doctor[/ame]
YouTube - France: 'Best' Health Care?

I'm curious is this the sort of system that all the proponents of government sponsored healthcare want? If so then tell me, and don't say we get rich people to pay for it, because you will need more than rich people top pay for it. How given the fact that our nation is deeply in debt, and has record unemployment do you propose to pay for this? To raise taxes on an already stressed economy and spend even more money we don't have? While the goal is noble perhaps cost reforms can be accomplished by solving the underlying issues and not look to Govt. to solve them for us.
According to the video, and everything I've read, the French have a far better system than we do.
The French spend just over half of what the US does per patient.
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YouTube - France: 'Best' Health Care?

I'm curious is this the sort of system that all the proponents of government sponsored healthcare want? If so then tell me, and don't say we get rich people to pay for it, because you will need more than rich people top pay for it. How given the fact that our nation is deeply in debt, and has record unemployment do you propose to pay for this? To raise taxes on an already stressed economy and spend even more money we don't have? While the goal is noble perhaps cost reforms can be accomplished by solving the underlying issues and not look to Govt. to solve them for us.
According to the video, and everything I've read, the French have a far better system than we do.
The French spend just over half of what the US does per patient.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxdNMqbwjWQ&NR=1]YouTube - What is the Best Healthcare Option?[/ame]

I like this argument
YouTube - France: 'Best' Health Care?

I'm curious is this the sort of system that all the proponents of government sponsored healthcare want? If so then tell me, and don't say we get rich people to pay for it, because you will need more than rich people top pay for it. How given the fact that our nation is deeply in debt, and has record unemployment do you propose to pay for this? To raise taxes on an already stressed economy and spend even more money we don't have? While the goal is noble perhaps cost reforms can be accomplished by solving the underlying issues and not look to Govt. to solve them for us.
According to the video, and everything I've read, the French have a far better system than we do.
The French spend just over half of what the US does per patient.

Understood that the per patient costs, are lower, but that fails to answer the underlying question here though and thats how do we as a nation pay for this? The other issue is Frnace does not have to to deal with as large an illegal Immigration issue as we do. I submit that even if we reform healthcare and lets say we do adopt a single payer system or for that matter a "govt plan" that does not address the issue of over 80 billion dollars of year spent in Illegal Immigration healthcare and rising. The other issue that it does not address is the underlying causes of drug costs, or tort reform. If you adopt such a system and do not attempt to fix all the causes all we are doing is spending a LOT of money for cover a few people and even then according to the CBO may not cover everyone. I did like the idea though that when someone calls in a Doctor answered the phone, however I don't think as a practical matter some of the French Ideas would translate here because of the population and size differences we have. I also likes the idea of a having the mobile ER that would seem to make a lot of sense especially in an Unrban setting as a way to keep costs down.
Increase taxes, decrease care. Lose/lose. WTF?
You haven't heard any of the horror stories of people waiting for healthcare in this utopia you call universal healthcare. Cheap healthcare does not equal quality healthcare Chris and that is exactley what the bulk of countries that have tried this have found.

Ladies Logic: More universal health care horror stories


There's a couple to get you started. If you reduce cost, demand goes up, which means more people wait, which means more people suffer. Guess you didn't take basic principles of economics just like the president.

Ed Schultz is going to Canada to see if what you guys say about their healthcare is true.

If you ask 100 Canadians if they would prefer to have our healthcare or their healthcare, what percentage would say ours?

I think 1 in 10 if you are lucky would give up what they have and pay double for ours like we do.
I just called HP customer service, about my printer, and spoke to a woman in Toronto. She'd never give up her Canadian Health Care. She also said that the US wouldn't get it because of the insurance companies.

I'm convinced now. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
YouTube - France: 'Best' Health Care?

I'm curious is this the sort of system that all the proponents of government sponsored healthcare want? If so then tell me, and don't say we get rich people to pay for it, because you will need more than rich people top pay for it. How given the fact that our nation is deeply in debt, and has record unemployment do you propose to pay for this? To raise taxes on an already stressed economy and spend even more money we don't have? While the goal is noble perhaps cost reforms can be accomplished by solving the underlying issues and not look to Govt. to solve them for us.
According to the video, and everything I've read, the French have a far better system than we do.
The French spend just over half of what the US does per patient.

Understood that the per patient costs, are lower, but that fails to answer the underlying question here though and thats how do we as a nation pay for this? The other issue is Frnace does not have to to deal with as large an illegal Immigration issue as we do. I submit that even if we reform healthcare and lets say we do adopt a single payer system or for that matter a "govt plan" that does not address the issue of over 80 billion dollars of year spent in Illegal Immigration healthcare and rising. The other issue that it does not address is the underlying causes of drug costs, or tort reform. If you adopt such a system and do not attempt to fix all the causes all we are doing is spending a LOT of money for cover a few people and even then according to the CBO may not cover everyone. I did like the idea though that when someone calls in a Doctor answered the phone, however I don't think as a practical matter some of the French Ideas would translate here because of the population and size differences we have. I also likes the idea of a having the mobile ER that would seem to make a lot of sense especially in an Unrban setting as a way to keep costs down.

We, as a nation, are already paying for this. If costs are lower, than what exactly are we going to be paying for thats extra?

Illegal immigrants contribute to the population, pay taxes, and all the rest as well you know. Not as much as others (because they don't make as much), but they contribute to society as well. Also, by the way, many social service organizations can't help illegal aliens.

Making a plan that addresses problems early instead of waiting until they have to go to the hospital (since thats pretty much the only way an illegal immigrant can get healthcare) will reduce costs by itself.

Tort reform? Sorry, but thats just made up garbage. The county with the most expensive healthcare in the United States has capped malpractice suits at, IRRC, $500k.

As for drug costs, it becomes much, much cheaper to buy drugs if the government can push around drug companies and buy them in bulk.
YouTube - France: 'Best' Health Care?

I'm curious is this the sort of system that all the proponents of government sponsored healthcare want? If so then tell me, and don't say we get rich people to pay for it, because you will need more than rich people top pay for it. How given the fact that our nation is deeply in debt, and has record unemployment do you propose to pay for this? To raise taxes on an already stressed economy and spend even more money we don't have? While the goal is noble perhaps cost reforms can be accomplished by solving the underlying issues and not look to Govt. to solve them for us.
According to the video, and everything I've read, the French have a far better system than we do.
The French spend just over half of what the US does per patient.

Understood that the per patient costs, are lower, but that fails to answer the underlying question here though and thats how do we as a nation pay for this? The other issue is Frnace does not have to to deal with as large an illegal Immigration issue as we do. I submit that even if we reform healthcare and lets say we do adopt a single payer system or for that matter a "govt plan" that does not address the issue of over 80 billion dollars of year spent in Illegal Immigration healthcare and rising. The other issue that it does not address is the underlying causes of drug costs, or tort reform. If you adopt such a system and do not attempt to fix all the causes all we are doing is spending a LOT of money for cover a few people and even then according to the CBO may not cover everyone. I did like the idea though that when someone calls in a Doctor answered the phone, however I don't think as a practical matter some of the French Ideas would translate here because of the population and size differences we have. I also likes the idea of a having the mobile ER that would seem to make a lot of sense especially in an Unrban setting as a way to keep costs down.
France has a large immigrant population.
Oh, I see. So when you post anecdotal evidence of their flaws, its representative of wider problems, but when I post anecdotal evidence of American flaws, its "every system has problems"? :lol::lol::lol:

Nice cognitive dissonance there.

Not at all. I said both systems have flaws and that those of government run health care are/will be worse. What exactly are you not clear about.

And? Why in the hell would a random, arbitrary factor create more efficiencies than something actually related to health? As for who would determine that detail, how about hospitals, nurses, and doctors as opposed to insurance companies, eh?

Well, of course instead we should treat those who are in the best condition first. Thats a marvelous alternative :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

[And yes, making it so that healthcare is spread according to need, as opposed to an arbitrary line (money) is MUCH more efficient for overall health.

Yes it is more EFFICIENT. I know exactly what it means. Apparently you don't, so here you go.

ef⋅fi⋅cient  /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [i-fish-uhnt] Show IPA
Use efficient in a Sentence
–adjective 1. performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort

efficient definition | Dictionary.com

The current system doesn't create efficiency. Simply a government run system would increase inefficiency. Does it appear to you that doctors are sitting around just waiting to see patients? Never has appeared that way in my time and I have more experience with the system than you probably ever will. Doctors not seeing patients is inefficient, yet despite the fact that people have to pay for healthcare that really doesn't happen here. You talk about efficiency than completely contradict yourself on the issue.

Making a plan that addresses problems early instead of waiting until they have to go to the hospital (since thats pretty much the only way an illegal immigrant can get healthcare) will reduce costs by itself.

So explain, how exactly, with the increase demand on the system is it going to treat the worst first (as you say it should) and at the same time going to find time to practice preventative medicine? A system that can't do the later, but does the former (as again you say it should) doesn't sound all that efficient to me.
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Suuuuuuuure they do.

Of course, the questions and methodology of the purported poll aren't mentioned.

That is why every other Western democracy in the world has universal healthcare, because it is cheaper and better.

Only right wing Americans are too dumb to get it.

oh geez here we go again....Chris Hannity the mantra king.....
Ed Schultz is going to Canada to see if what you guys say about their healthcare is true.

If you ask 100 Canadians if they would prefer to have our healthcare or their healthcare, what percentage would say ours?

I think 1 in 10 if you are lucky would give up what they have and pay double for ours like we do.

and you can ask 100 Americans the same question Bobo....and get the same results.... all Big Ed is doing is going up there to do some fishing,under the guise of working....hows your POT bellied pig?....
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