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Funny you coincidentally left out the people who get no healthcare at all because they can't afford it who suffer. Just because someone doesn't see a doctor at all because they can't afford it, instead of waiting to see one, doesn't mean the suffering magically goes away.
No system is perfect. Of course stuff that shouldn't happen will happen here too. But those of you who think universal, single payer, government run etc., whatever your preference is, is going to be better, you are dilluding yourself.
Oh, of course. So why did you post examples of universal healthcare?
Look at the goal trying to be achieved here. The basic argument is that people who need healthcare would avail themselves of it, if not but for the cost. So Obama's solution in a nutshell is to lower the cost of healthcare. The rationale being that if barrier of cost is out of the way, there will be no issues in terms of access to healthcare.
No issues? Nobody has claimed that.
That's where the the solution falls apart and the economics I referred to come in. When something costs less the quantity demanded of it goes up. So the only thing you have accomplished is in what way people are prioritized in receiving healthcare. Instead of it being based on how they can pay (which really isn't true for the bulk of American's in the first place), it will based on one's level of need/pain. Which may seem more fair, but the new system hasn't accomplished anything. it clearly isnt' a better system in terms of actually helping people considering more people will be kept in pain than before. All you've basically said is that people who had coverage before should have to suffer as much as those that don't.
You've made the claim that it creates more pain several times now. How exactly?
And yes, making it so that healthcare is spread according to need, as opposed to an arbitrary line (money) is MUCH more efficient for overall health.