6% GDP Growth by 2020

Growth assumptions:

Tax flight causes construction in the recipient area and tax reform in anywhere near current form will cause massive tax flight. Construction is a form of investment with a large multiplier effect.

Huge catch up growth due to the end of the Obama era of excessive/unnecessary regulation.

The deportation of criminal aliens requires massive investment in prison cells either rebuilding or remodeling.

Renegotiation of trade deals.

These engines of growth should peak around 2022 after that my crystal ball gets really cloudy.

You're an idiot!

America's economy is slowing. Ending the trade war could fix that

New evidence emerged last week showing how tariffs and the vast uncertainty surrounding the US-China trade war are hurting the economy.
The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

Private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

1.3% during Xmas? Trump SUCKS!
You have no idea what you are spouting. You have no answers. None at all. The only chance we have is to attempt to bring back manufacturing. Otherwise it is going to be service jobs with most lower paying and more and more people collecting checks. Free market! We have people getting paid for being pregnant and getting their time of the month off and having a hang nail and other goodies being for by the consumer/taxpayer. And that is just a start. East Asia with China has near sweat shop conditions for many of it workers. And they like it because they had nothing before. And they have an endless supply of potential workers as a billion of them have not even got into the prosperity.
And I have no idea what you are spouting.
Trump barely cracked 3 percent GDP growth, and never will again, despite outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

If you are stupid enough to believe he'll hit 6 percent, you have seven pounds of brain damage.
Last edited:
Growth assumptions:

Tax flight causes construction in the recipient area and tax reform in anywhere near current form will cause massive tax flight. Construction is a form of investment with a large multiplier effect.

Huge catch up growth due to the end of the Obama era of excessive/unnecessary regulation.

The deportation of criminal aliens requires massive investment in prison cells either rebuilding or remodeling.

Renegotiation of trade deals.

These engines of growth should peak around 2022 after that my crystal ball gets really cloudy.

You're an idiot!

America's economy is slowing. Ending the trade war could fix that

New evidence emerged last week showing how tariffs and the vast uncertainty surrounding the US-China trade war are hurting the economy.
The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

Private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

1.3% during Xmas? Trump SUCKS!
You have no idea what you are spouting. You have no answers. None at all. The only chance we have is to attempt to bring back manufacturing. Otherwise it is going to be service jobs with most lower paying and more and more people collecting checks. Free market! We have people getting paid for being pregnant and getting their time of the month off and having a hang nail and other goodies being for by the consumer/taxpayer. And that is just a start. East Asia with China has near sweat shop conditions for many of it workers. And they like it because they had nothing before. And they have an endless supply of potential workers as a billion of them have not even got into the prosperity.
You guys have no answers either. You just say you'll improve the numbers and then when you don't, you just say, "we have no answers?" Yes we do have answers. Our answer is the same as your answer. Only under our rule the middle class gets a piece of the pie too. Your way has set the middle class back. Back to before the GI bill and New Deal programs that MAG
Growth assumptions:

Tax flight causes construction in the recipient area and tax reform in anywhere near current form will cause massive tax flight. Construction is a form of investment with a large multiplier effect.

Huge catch up growth due to the end of the Obama era of excessive/unnecessary regulation.

The deportation of criminal aliens requires massive investment in prison cells either rebuilding or remodeling.

Renegotiation of trade deals.

These engines of growth should peak around 2022 after that my crystal ball gets really cloudy.

You're an idiot!

America's economy is slowing. Ending the trade war could fix that

New evidence emerged last week showing how tariffs and the vast uncertainty surrounding the US-China trade war are hurting the economy.
The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

Private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

1.3% during Xmas? Trump SUCKS!
He's talking about a 6% growth in the deficit, right? Please tell me this. It's a non drinking night. LOL
Who? What?

The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

Private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

And China is moving to more skilled mftring with lesser skilled moving to other Asian countries, just as happened with Japan.

The US econ is still around 18% mftring but service jobs it is.

I've never been really sure why the dems have such a hard time communicating to workers why taxing those who once paid union wages to pay for workers' HC and kids education is akin to welfare. Few people want a hand out, or to be told "you didn't build that," but that's a different message than "we're not going to let global capitalists keep screwing you and your kids."

Trump won with that message. Maybe it's because the dems just aren't good at telling workers that while also avoiding planning to cover everyone without a job so they get the same benefits workers get.
Trump barely cracked 3 percent GDP growth, and never will again, despite outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

If you are stupid enough to believe he'll hit 6 percent, you have seven pounds of brain damage.
The gop tax cut experiment failed. Whether the gop's inability to keep deficits in check so the Fed wasn't selling so many Tbills, or whether Trump's tariffs that increase Wal-Mart prices, killed any chance …. or whether there was never any chance at all ….. who knows.
Trump barely cracked 3 percent GDP growth, and never will again, despite outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

If you are stupid enough to believe he'll hit 6 percent, you have seven pounds of brain damage.
The gop tax cut experiment failed. Whether the gop's inability to keep deficits in check so the Fed wasn't selling so many Tbills, or whether Trump's tariffs that increase Wal-Mart prices, killed any chance …. or whether there was never any chance at all ….. who knows.
The experiment involved more than a fake tax cut which steals money from the unborn. It also involved massively increasing spending to all time records.

Government spending is a big chunk of national GDP. Trump has been trying to juice the GDP numbers by spending more than anyone in the history of the universe.
Trump barely cracked 3 percent GDP growth, and never will again, despite outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

If you are stupid enough to believe he'll hit 6 percent, you have seven pounds of brain damage.
The gop tax cut experiment failed. Whether the gop's inability to keep deficits in check so the Fed wasn't selling so many Tbills, or whether Trump's tariffs that increase Wal-Mart prices, killed any chance …. or whether there was never any chance at all ….. who knows.
The experiment involved more than a fake tax cut which steals money from the unborn. It also involved massively increasing spending to all time records.

Government spending is a big chunk of national GDP. Trump has been trying to juice the GDP numbers by spending more than anyone in the history of the universe.
Well, McConnell and McCarthy wash Trump's privates. And Trump is … not a conservative. He's a populist who failed to deliver any populist promise beyond probably making clinic provided abortions unavailable in Ark, LA and Miss .. to begin with. But that's another story.

The tax cuts were premised upon leaving money with the .1% who would invest it in production, put people to work at higher wages, and produce 6% growth. But that probably was never a real option. And when the govt is borrowing money at rates higher than the .1% can get to invest in making shit overseas …. they aren't going to invest in US production.
Trump barely cracked 3 percent GDP growth, and never will again, despite outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

If you are stupid enough to believe he'll hit 6 percent, you have seven pounds of brain damage.
The gop tax cut experiment failed. Whether the gop's inability to keep deficits in check so the Fed wasn't selling so many Tbills, or whether Trump's tariffs that increase Wal-Mart prices, killed any chance …. or whether there was never any chance at all ….. who knows.
The experiment involved more than a fake tax cut which steals money from the unborn. It also involved massively increasing spending to all time records.

Government spending is a big chunk of national GDP. Trump has been trying to juice the GDP numbers by spending more than anyone in the history of the universe.
Well, McConnell and McCarthy wash Trump's privates. And Trump is … not a conservative. He's a populist who failed to deliver any populist promise beyond probably making clinic provided abortions unavailable in Ark, LA and Miss .. to begin with. But that's another story.

The tax cuts were premised upon leaving money with the .1% who would invest it in production, put people to work at higher wages, and produce 6% growth. But that probably was never a real option. And when the govt is borrowing money at rates higher than the .1% can get to invest in making shit overseas …. they aren't going to invest in US production.
If Trump could get rid of all the big spending liberals and neocons, he could make our economy great again. The problem is neocons and liberals would rather the country fail than admit they're wrong. Viva Trump.
Trump barely cracked 3 percent GDP growth, and never will again, despite outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

If you are stupid enough to believe he'll hit 6 percent, you have seven pounds of brain damage.
The gop tax cut experiment failed. Whether the gop's inability to keep deficits in check so the Fed wasn't selling so many Tbills, or whether Trump's tariffs that increase Wal-Mart prices, killed any chance …. or whether there was never any chance at all ….. who knows.
The experiment involved more than a fake tax cut which steals money from the unborn. It also involved massively increasing spending to all time records.

Government spending is a big chunk of national GDP. Trump has been trying to juice the GDP numbers by spending more than anyone in the history of the universe.
Well, McConnell and McCarthy wash Trump's privates. And Trump is … not a conservative. He's a populist who failed to deliver any populist promise beyond probably making clinic provided abortions unavailable in Ark, LA and Miss .. to begin with. But that's another story.

The tax cuts were premised upon leaving money with the .1% who would invest it in production, put people to work at higher wages, and produce 6% growth. But that probably was never a real option. And when the govt is borrowing money at rates higher than the .1% can get to invest in making shit overseas …. they aren't going to invest in US production.
If Trump could get rid of all the big spending liberals and neocons, he could make our economy great again. The problem is neocons and liberals would rather the country fail than admit they're wrong. Viva Trump.
oh yean. Trump's a veritable deficit hawk and the tariffs are sheer genius.
Trump barely cracked 3 percent GDP growth, and never will again, despite outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

If you are stupid enough to believe he'll hit 6 percent, you have seven pounds of brain damage.
The gop tax cut experiment failed. Whether the gop's inability to keep deficits in check so the Fed wasn't selling so many Tbills, or whether Trump's tariffs that increase Wal-Mart prices, killed any chance …. or whether there was never any chance at all ….. who knows.
The experiment involved more than a fake tax cut which steals money from the unborn. It also involved massively increasing spending to all time records.

Government spending is a big chunk of national GDP. Trump has been trying to juice the GDP numbers by spending more than anyone in the history of the universe.
Well, McConnell and McCarthy wash Trump's privates. And Trump is … not a conservative. He's a populist who failed to deliver any populist promise beyond probably making clinic provided abortions unavailable in Ark, LA and Miss .. to begin with. But that's another story.

The tax cuts were premised upon leaving money with the .1% who would invest it in production, put people to work at higher wages, and produce 6% growth. But that probably was never a real option. And when the govt is borrowing money at rates higher than the .1% can get to invest in making shit overseas …. they aren't going to invest in US production.
If Trump could get rid of all the big spending liberals and neocons, he could make our economy great again. The problem is neocons and liberals would rather the country fail than admit they're wrong. Viva Trump.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Man, you are seriously brainwashed.

Trump submitted a $4.7 trillion budget for FY2019.

Not the liberals.

Not the neocons.


That's a full trillion dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending. That's the largest spending budget in the history of the universe!

Deficit Donald is trying to artificially juice the GDP with massive government overspending.

I keep telling you people he's a Democrat. Sooner or later, you'll figure that out.

Actually, no you won't. If you haven't by now, you never will.
Growth assumptions:

Tax flight causes construction in the recipient area and tax reform in anywhere near current form will cause massive tax flight. Construction is a form of investment with a large multiplier effect.

Huge catch up growth due to the end of the Obama era of excessive/unnecessary regulation.

The deportation of criminal aliens requires massive investment in prison cells either rebuilding or remodeling.

Renegotiation of trade deals.

These engines of growth should peak around 2022 after that my crystal ball gets really cloudy.

You're an idiot!

America's economy is slowing. Ending the trade war could fix that

New evidence emerged last week showing how tariffs and the vast uncertainty surrounding the US-China trade war are hurting the economy.
The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

Private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

1.3% during Xmas? Trump SUCKS!
You have no idea what you are spouting. You have no answers. None at all. The only chance we have is to attempt to bring back manufacturing. Otherwise it is going to be service jobs with most lower paying and more and more people collecting checks. Free market! We have people getting paid for being pregnant and getting their time of the month off and having a hang nail and other goodies being for by the consumer/taxpayer. And that is just a start. East Asia with China has near sweat shop conditions for many of it workers. And they like it because they had nothing before. And they have an endless supply of potential workers as a billion of them have not even got into the prosperity.
And I have no idea what you are spouting.
Of course you don't. Its all free money that keeps the nation going. Trump is trying to bring real growth here. We have been averaging about 2% a year or so for many decades. We will not last that long if we do not raise the real growth rate. Trump has raised the growth rate due to real employment and real wage increases. Obama did it with less hours worked and no wage increases with inflation eating away at paychecks. Hence the productivity and growth looks better although it is anemic. The real growth has to increase at some point. Because we will not be able to defend ourselves let alone the world in a few decades or so. Guaranteed desperate nations governments become authoritarian and/or use WMD's to attempt to survive or fall. When we fall all of the checks go with it.
Trump barely cracked 3 percent GDP growth, and never will again, despite outspending Obama's worst year of spending by a full trillion dollars.

If you are stupid enough to believe he'll hit 6 percent, you have seven pounds of brain damage.
The gop tax cut experiment failed. Whether the gop's inability to keep deficits in check so the Fed wasn't selling so many Tbills, or whether Trump's tariffs that increase Wal-Mart prices, killed any chance …. or whether there was never any chance at all ….. who knows.
The experiment involved more than a fake tax cut which steals money from the unborn. It also involved massively increasing spending to all time records.

Government spending is a big chunk of national GDP. Trump has been trying to juice the GDP numbers by spending more than anyone in the history of the universe.
Well, McConnell and McCarthy wash Trump's privates. And Trump is … not a conservative. He's a populist who failed to deliver any populist promise beyond probably making clinic provided abortions unavailable in Ark, LA and Miss .. to begin with. But that's another story.

The tax cuts were premised upon leaving money with the .1% who would invest it in production, put people to work at higher wages, and produce 6% growth. But that probably was never a real option. And when the govt is borrowing money at rates higher than the .1% can get to invest in making shit overseas …. they aren't going to invest in US production.
If Trump could get rid of all the big spending liberals and neocons, he could make our economy great again. The problem is neocons and liberals would rather the country fail than admit they're wrong. Viva Trump.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Man, you are seriously brainwashed.

Trump submitted a $4.7 trillion budget for FY2019.

Not the liberals.

Not the neocons.


That's a full trillion dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending. That's the largest spending budget in the history of the universe!

Deficit Donald is trying to artificially juice the GDP with massive government overspending.

I keep telling you people he's a Democrat. Sooner or later, you'll figure that out.

Actually, no you won't. If you haven't by now, you never will.

I realize The Turtle is simply corrupt at this point of his career, and so long as a party controls the senate, there's never any change, and generally it takes a big loss or for the leader to lose an election, to get a change.

But WTF do McCarthy and Mulvaney get out of this? The Freedom caucus goes along with ANY spending after it grumbles a little. But as you point out..... it's the gop spending increases driving this.

And even with that, he proposed ending medicare for an essential block grant. Not as promised.
Face facts, Qdog. The only way we will ever raise our GDP is to destroy China's. Trumpy is the only guy with the balls to take them on so far. It's good to not have a pussy as President. (No sexual implications implied)
The gop tax cut experiment failed. Whether the gop's inability to keep deficits in check so the Fed wasn't selling so many Tbills, or whether Trump's tariffs that increase Wal-Mart prices, killed any chance …. or whether there was never any chance at all ….. who knows.
The experiment involved more than a fake tax cut which steals money from the unborn. It also involved massively increasing spending to all time records.

Government spending is a big chunk of national GDP. Trump has been trying to juice the GDP numbers by spending more than anyone in the history of the universe.
Well, McConnell and McCarthy wash Trump's privates. And Trump is … not a conservative. He's a populist who failed to deliver any populist promise beyond probably making clinic provided abortions unavailable in Ark, LA and Miss .. to begin with. But that's another story.

The tax cuts were premised upon leaving money with the .1% who would invest it in production, put people to work at higher wages, and produce 6% growth. But that probably was never a real option. And when the govt is borrowing money at rates higher than the .1% can get to invest in making shit overseas …. they aren't going to invest in US production.
If Trump could get rid of all the big spending liberals and neocons, he could make our economy great again. The problem is neocons and liberals would rather the country fail than admit they're wrong. Viva Trump.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Man, you are seriously brainwashed.

Trump submitted a $4.7 trillion budget for FY2019.

Not the liberals.

Not the neocons.


That's a full trillion dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending. That's the largest spending budget in the history of the universe!

Deficit Donald is trying to artificially juice the GDP with massive government overspending.

I keep telling you people he's a Democrat. Sooner or later, you'll figure that out.

Actually, no you won't. If you haven't by now, you never will.

I realize The Turtle is simply corrupt at this point of his career, and so long as a party controls the senate, there's never any change, and generally it takes a big loss or for the leader to lose an election, to get a change.

But WTF do McCarthy and Mulvaney get out of this? The Freedom caucus goes along with ANY spending after it grumbles a little. But as you point out..... it's the gop spending increases driving this.

And even with that, he proposed ending medicare for an essential block grant. Not as promised.
Come on Qdog. You know everything the Dems. do is designed to undermine Trump. Any imbecile can see that. So when our country fails, are you going to celebrate with the rest of them?
Growth assumptions:

Tax flight causes construction in the recipient area and tax reform in anywhere near current form will cause massive tax flight. Construction is a form of investment with a large multiplier effect.

Huge catch up growth due to the end of the Obama era of excessive/unnecessary regulation.

The deportation of criminal aliens requires massive investment in prison cells either rebuilding or remodeling.

Renegotiation of trade deals.

These engines of growth should peak around 2022 after that my crystal ball gets really cloudy.

You're an idiot!

America's economy is slowing. Ending the trade war could fix that

New evidence emerged last week showing how tariffs and the vast uncertainty surrounding the US-China trade war are hurting the economy.
The manufacturing sector suffered its worst month since June 2009. Services, the larger portion of the modern economy, grew at its weakest pace in three years.

Private payroll growth continues to slow

The outlook for the economy is dimming. The New York Federal Reserve's GDP growth forecasting model was downgraded on Friday to 1.3% for the fourth quarter, compared with an earlier forecast of 1.8%.

1.3% during Xmas? Trump SUCKS!
You have no idea what you are spouting. You have no answers. None at all. The only chance we have is to attempt to bring back manufacturing. Otherwise it is going to be service jobs with most lower paying and more and more people collecting checks. Free market! We have people getting paid for being pregnant and getting their time of the month off and having a hang nail and other goodies being for by the consumer/taxpayer. And that is just a start. East Asia with China has near sweat shop conditions for many of it workers. And they like it because they had nothing before. And they have an endless supply of potential workers as a billion of them have not even got into the prosperity.
And I have no idea what you are spouting.
Of course you don't. Its all free money that keeps the nation going. Trump is trying to bring real growth here. We have been averaging about 2% a year or so for many decades. We will not last that long if we do not raise the real growth rate. Trump has raised the growth rate due to real employment and real wage increases. Obama did it with less hours worked and no wage increases with inflation eating away at paychecks. Hence the productivity and growth looks better although it is anemic. The real growth has to increase at some point. Because we will not be able to defend ourselves let alone the world in a few decades or so. Guaranteed desperate nations governments become authoritarian and/or use WMD's to attempt to survive or fall. When we fall all of the checks go with it.
real wages
Wage Growth Tracker - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

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