6th graders asked how comfortable are you at a gay bar


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A teacher is under fire after giving a quiz to 6th-grade students asking how comfortable they are in situations such as meeting a “female-to-male transsexual.”
6th Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay Bar?

We can be sure this is a leftist, Trump hater what other idiot would ask this of a sixth grader. If people aren't able to see how these teachers are nothing but jelly fished degenerates then maybe you are part of the problem since you allow these lunatics to teach your kids. ( not all parents of course) some do have enough common sense to see what's going on.
OH NOS - This is TURRIBLE ..

The world will end (assuming Trump doesn't light the candle on a nuke prior that is)

A teacher is under fire after giving a quiz to 6th-grade students asking how comfortable they are in situations such as meeting a “female-to-male transsexual.”
6th Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay Bar?

We can be sure this is a leftist, Trump hater what other idiot would ask this of a sixth grader. If people aren't able to see how these teachers are nothing but jelly fished degenerates then maybe you are part of the problem since you allow these lunatics to teach your kids. ( not all parents of course) some do have enough common sense to see what's going on.
My kids used to come to me with questions about homosexuals and how they are to accept them for who they are... I told them that you didn't accept them for their immorality but because they are US citizens. If the homosexuals persist that they be accepted for fudge packing, then they no longer are accepted as US citizens but deviant assholes. Liberals love the division of the people

United we Stand, Divided we Fall.. and the left is loving the divide...
A teacher is under fire after giving a quiz to 6th-grade students asking how comfortable they are in situations such as meeting a “female-to-male transsexual.”
6th Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay Bar?

We can be sure this is a leftist, Trump hater what other idiot would ask this of a sixth grader. If people aren't able to see how these teachers are nothing but jelly fished degenerates then maybe you are part of the problem since you allow these lunatics to teach your kids. ( not all parents of course) some do have enough common sense to see what's going on.
My kids used to come to me with questions about homosexuals and how they are to accept them for who they are... I told them that you didn't accept them for their immorality but because they are US citizens. If the homosexuals persist that they be accepted for fudge packing, then they no longer are accepted as US citizens but deviant assholes. Liberals love the division of the people

United we Stand, Divided we Fall.. and the left is loving the divide...

I read the other day GLAAD did a survey and were shocked to find out support for them has fallen.

That's what happens when you act like a bunch of Fascists
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OH NOS - This is TURRIBLE ..

The world will end (assuming Trump doesn't light the candle on a nuke prior that is)


Pull your head out of ur heroes ass maybe your brain will get air.

A teacher is under fire after giving a quiz to 6th-grade students asking how comfortable they are in situations such as meeting a “female-to-male transsexual.”
6th Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay Bar?

We can be sure this is a leftist, Trump hater what other idiot would ask this of a sixth grader. If people aren't able to see how these teachers are nothing but jelly fished degenerates then maybe you are part of the problem since you allow these lunatics to teach your kids. ( not all parents of course) some do have enough common sense to see what's going on.

OMG! On the bright side- at least she is catching hell for it.
A teacher is under fire after giving a quiz to 6th-grade students asking how comfortable they are in situations such as meeting a “female-to-male transsexual.”
6th Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay Bar?

We can be sure this is a leftist, Trump hater what other idiot would ask this of a sixth grader. If people aren't able to see how these teachers are nothing but jelly fished degenerates then maybe you are part of the problem since you allow these lunatics to teach your kids. ( not all parents of course) some do have enough common sense to see what's going on.

OMG! On the bright side- at least she is catching hell for it.

LOL she woke up one morning and thought "how can I end my career today?"

"Oh I know I'll ask sixth graders how they feel at a gay bar"
Ask the kids if they would eat a gay wedding cake
A teacher is under fire after giving a quiz to 6th-grade students asking how comfortable they are in situations such as meeting a “female-to-male transsexual.”
6th Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay Bar?

We can be sure this is a leftist, Trump hater what other idiot would ask this of a sixth grader. If people aren't able to see how these teachers are nothing but jelly fished degenerates then maybe you are part of the problem since you allow these lunatics to teach your kids. ( not all parents of course) some do have enough common sense to see what's going on.

OMG! On the bright side- at least she is catching hell for it.

LOL she woke up one morning and thought "how can I end my career today?"

"Oh I know I'll ask sixth graders how they feel at a gay bar"
The STUPID flows with this teacher............................Like a 6th grader being asked about going to a bar period regardless of the type of bar..........

We need a Stupidity Test given to teachers so they can find another profession....................We don't need idiots teaching our kids.
That official Obama portrait is just freakin weird. ... :cuckoo:

His hands are so grossly out of proportion to the rest of his body.

It looks like an elementary school kid painted it. .... :cool:
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A teacher is under fire after giving a quiz to 6th-grade students asking how comfortable they are in situations such as meeting a “female-to-male transsexual.”
6th Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay Bar?

We can be sure this is a leftist, Trump hater what other idiot would ask this of a sixth grader. If people aren't able to see how these teachers are nothing but jelly fished degenerates then maybe you are part of the problem since you allow these lunatics to teach your kids. ( not all parents of course) some do have enough common sense to see what's going on.

Dear MindWars
Homosexuality is such a deep spiritual issue, that most religious leaders haven't totally figured it out.
The closest we have are spiritual healing ministries that have helped counsel people through therapy
to forgive and heal past abusives or conflicts that created unnatural attractions. It's a deep spiritual process
that is different for each person. Some cases, people can change, some cannot even though they pray.
It depends on the person and their spiritual path in life.

If teachers and parents want to bring up this issue, we should have open forums
and work this out among adults first. Figure out that there are different causes and cases.
That not all conditions are manmade or unnatural, and not all are made by birth.

If we as adults can figure out that we don't know and can't judge all cases the same,
if we can understand that different people have different beliefs and process to go through
to reach an understanding. Then we can quit pressuring govt or schools to teach one policy.

There isn't one answer. This is as personal as someone's spiritual journey
process and affiliation. If anything we should teach conflict resolution
and how to respect beliefs of other people and quit bullying by coercion or exclusion.

If we teach respect for beliefs, then it doesn't matter what people believe.
It is not the place for schools to teach any such beliefs. that's where we should
figure this out and set up agreements with parents and teachers how
to address conflicts if these come up. where everyone can feel safe
and nobody is punished or pressured for their beliefs.

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