8 Successful and Aspiring Black Communities Destroyed by White Neighbors

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The whites here are always talking about black failure and how whites had It just as tough. To them blacks are just too dumb to make it. We have failed because it's our own fault. We haven't built anything because we are inferior. But the reason why I say the lot of you are mental cases suffering from psychosis because it's that, or your asses are simply naturally and inherently evil people due to the fact that you deny the truth. So I can excuse this with psychosis, but if you are purposefully doing this, the problem is far worse than that and it cannot be cured. Call me what the fuck you want for saying that, but this is what many of you are showing.

8 Successful and Aspiring Black Communities Destroyed by White Neighbors

And fuck the excuses. Because not a penny was spent by the cities to rebuild these communities.
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In more modern times it has been far more common for Blacks to destroy Black and other communities. Equal opportunity destruction I guess. How uncommon is it for Blacks to kill random people in Chicago? Seems to me you're whining about ancient history and ignoring much more current Black crime waves and riots.
The is no doubt wrongs were committed in the past. No one denies this, but living in the past does you no favors. It evidently fills you with hate and racism toward whites today, who had nothing to do those wrongs you carry so prominently on your shoulders.
The whites here are always talking about black failure and how whites had It just as tough. To them blacks are just too dumb to make it. We have failed because it's our own fault. We haven't built anything because we are inferior. But the reason why I say the lot of you are mental cases suffering from psychosis because it's that, or your asses are simply naturally and inherently evil people due to the fact that you deny the truth. So I can excuse this with psychosis, but if you are purposefully doing this, the problem is far worse than that and it cannot be cured. Call me what the fuck you want for saying that, but this is what many of you are showing.

8 Successful and Aspiring Black Communities Destroyed by White Neighbors

And fuck the excuses. Because not a penny was spent by the cities to rebuild these communities.

Is a time ever going to get here where you stop making these bait threads just so you can fight and call names?
Why can't you discuss racial issues in a for real manner? You only seem happy if you make threads where people call you names, and you call them names in return.
Exactly what does that accomplish?
Why can't you [IM2] discuss racial issues in a for real manner?
From the outside it seems to me the reason is many US whites will not accept there is any legacy damage from centuries of oppression slavery followed by apartheid.

That a section of the populace can be deprived of the ability to build assets and education for centuries then be expected to match citizens whose ancestors have not faced those hardships is incredible to me.

It's the very expression of white privilege. Which is, of course, denied.
The whites here are always talking about black failure and how whites had It just as tough. To them blacks are just too dumb to make it. We have failed because it's our own fault. We haven't built anything because we are inferior. But the reason why I say the lot of you are mental cases suffering from psychosis because it's that, or your asses are simply naturally and inherently evil people due to the fact that you deny the truth. So I can excuse this with psychosis, but if you are purposefully doing this, the problem is far worse than that and it cannot be cured. Call me what the fuck you want for saying that, but this is what many of you are showing.

8 Successful and Aspiring Black Communities Destroyed by White Neighbors

And fuck the excuses. Because not a penny was spent by the cities to rebuild these communities.

My first ancestor was an indentured servant which is similar to a slave before The Revolutionary War. My ancestor saved up his money and bought his freedom from his Master and here I am 320 years later living the life of a rich County Squire.

edit: Anything is possible.
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Why can't you [IM2] discuss racial issues in a for real manner?
From the outside it seems to me the reason is many US whites will not accept there is any legacy damage from centuries of oppression followed by apartheid.

That a section of the populace can be deprived of the ability to build assets and education for centuries then be expected to match citizens whose ancestors have not faced those hardships is incredible to me.

It's the very expression of white privilege. Which is, of course, denied.

Okay. I see what you are saying. I get that. I agree it was wrong. No if's and's or but's about that.

What I do not get is the manner in which he is doing it. Most all of his threads are the same. Bait, and then the name calling starts from all sides and nothing whatsoever is accomplished. There absolutely is no real discussion.
In more modern times it has been far more common for Blacks to destroy Black and other communities. Equal opportunity destruction I guess. How uncommon is it for Blacks to kill random people in Chicago? Seems to me you're whining about ancient history and ignoring much more current Black crime waves and riots.
PBS does this all the time. They run
old black & white newsreels from the 1950s, as if the stuff was happening today. How dumb can anybody be to fall for this crap ?

Current day race relations is a combination of Affirmative Action preference given to blacks, and to deflect from it, race hustlers (Obama, Sharpton, etc) show up and create notions of police brutality to rile blacks up.
There absolutely is no real discussion.
Because many of the participants cannot accept there is any legacy damage, or that they are liable in any way for the excesses and errors of previous governments. It's called white conservative innocence. How can there be any real discussion in those circumstances?

The present generation of posters were alive in the Jim Crow era, their parents permitted, enabled or encouraged it. There's gonna be a period of denial, etc etc before acceptance comes.
Current day race relations is a combination of Affirmative Action preference given to blacks, and to deflect from it, race hustlers (Obama, Sharpton, etc) show up and create notions of police brutality to rile blacks up.
There we go. De Nile really isn't just a river in Egypt.
The whites here are always talking about black failure and how whites had It just as tough. To them blacks are just too dumb to make it. We have failed because it's our own fault. We haven't built anything because we are inferior. But the reason why I say the lot of you are mental cases suffering from psychosis because it's that, or your asses are simply naturally and inherently evil people due to the fact that you deny the truth. So I can excuse this with psychosis, but if you are purposefully doing this, the problem is far worse than that and it cannot be cured. Call me what the fuck you want for saying that, but this is what many of you are showing.

8 Successful and Aspiring Black Communities Destroyed by White Neighbors

And fuck the excuses. Because not a penny was spent by the cities to rebuild these communities.

You showing the DemoKKKrat family happy snaps again!!!

There absolutely is no real discussion.
Because many of the participants cannot accept there is any legacy damage, or that they are liable in any way for the excesses and errors of previous governments. It's called white conservative innocence. How can there be any real discussion in those circumstances?

The present generation of posters were alive in the Jim Crow era, their parents permitted, enabled or encouraged it. There's gonna be a period of denial, etc etc before acceptance comes.

Somebodies' ancestors were slaves?
Mine had to actually work for a living.
Why can't you [IM2] discuss racial issues in a for real manner?
From the outside it seems to me the reason is many US whites will not accept there is any legacy damage from centuries of oppression followed by apartheid.

That a section of the populace can be deprived of the ability to build assets and education for centuries then be expected to match citizens whose ancestors have not faced those hardships is incredible to me.

It's the very expression of white privilege. Which is, of course, denied.

Okay. I see what you are saying. I get that. I agree it was wrong. No if's and's or but's about that.

What I do not get is the manner in which he is doing it. Most all of his threads are the same. Bait, and then the name calling starts from all sides and nothing whatsoever is accomplished. There absolutely is no real discussion.

Name calling is evidence of low breeding.
In more modern times it has been far more common for Blacks to destroy Black and other communities. Equal opportunity destruction I guess. How uncommon is it for Blacks to kill random people in Chicago? Seems to me you're whining about ancient history and ignoring much more current Black crime waves and riots.
PBS does this all the time. They run
old black & white newsreels from the 1950s, as if the stuff was happening today. How dumb can anybody be to fall for this crap ?

Um: cnm does often.

Current day race relations is a combination of Affirmative Action preference given to blacks, and to deflect from it, race hustlers (Obama, Sharpton, etc) show up and create notions of police brutality to rile blacks up.

cnm is living off the fat of the land drenched in Maori blood. He's happy to accept the benefits of that but the US is all wrong because....he says so.

Current day race relations is a combination of Affirmative Action preference given to blacks, and to deflect from it, race hustlers (Obama, Sharpton, etc) show up and create notions of police brutality to rile blacks up.
There we go. De Nile really isn't just a river in Egypt.
YOU are the denier. Obama, Sharpton, Holder, et al race hustlers claimed police brutality in case after case, which all turned out to not be that. Cops were acquitted, as they should not even have been charged. (Darren Wilson, Betty Shelby, Bltimore 6, etc, etc)
YOU are the denier.
There absolutely is no real discussion.
Because many of the participants cannot accept there is any legacy damage, or that they are liable in any way for the excesses and errors of previous governments. It's called white conservative innocence. How can there be any real discussion in those circumstances?

The present generation of posters were alive in the Jim Crow era, their parents permitted, enabled or encouraged it. There's gonna be a period of denial, etc etc before acceptance comes.

Somebodies' ancestors were slaves?
Mine had to actually work for a living.

My dad's family escaped the Iron Curtain while many of his extended family were butchered. He was 15yo at the time. No-one was a harder worker than him..except maybe President Trump. Those that remained were worse off than slaves.

All different now of course.

Somebodies' ancestors were slaves?
Mine had to actually work for a living.
Theirs had to work for no living. But keep denying and deflecting, acceptance will come eventually.

I have every bit of empathy for those who were slaves..........not for modern day moochers expecting a legacy from actions a hundred and fifty years ago or bt DemoKKKrats since then.

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