86% of Republicans Think Trump Can Win Election


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Right now I think a ham sandwich could win POTUS if they are anti-establishment.

AP Poll: 86% of Republicans Think Donald Trump Can Win General Election - Breitbart

But a new AP-GfK poll finds registered Republicans and GOP-leaning voters put Trump at the top of the still-unwieldy GOP field when it comes to which candidate fits best with their stand on the issues. They give Trump the best marks for competence and decisiveness.

Far more Republicans than not say they’d vote for Trump in the general election, and 86 percent of Republican voters think he can win in November – giving him a 15 percentage point advantage over his nearest rival.

If the number of Republican candidates shrinks as expected after Saturday’s primary in South Carolina, Tuesday’s Nevada caucuses and on Super Tuesday on March 1, the Trump coalition, it would appear, has plenty of room to grow.

“He understands what the problems are and he conveys that in a way that attracts blacks, whites and Democrats and Jews and Christians and independents and a lot of conservatives and a lot of evangelicals,” said Ed McMullen, a Trump co-chairman in South Carolina. “When you really assess the base of who’s out there for Mr. Trump and why it’s there, it’s there because he’s got the message that they’re looking for.”
Maybe. Depends if the FBI enforces the law equally and indicts Hilary or not.
So the Republican Party has officially gone full retard.

as long as they don't pick that twunt rubio, they have a chance.

I mean, no liberals are going to be leading the dnc this time out, not even one of they is bothering to lie and say they are.
Donald Trump's crossover appeal? Most Democrats say he'd be 'terrible'

Donald Trump's crossover appeal? Most Democrats say he'd be 'terrible'

A new poll by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center underscores the powerful antipathy partisans feel toward the other side.

Among people who identify as Democrats or independents who lean Democratic, almost two-thirds, 64%, say Trump would be a "terrible" president. Another 18% say he would be a "poor" president. Only 8% of self-identified Democrats say he would be "good" or "great."

By contrast, 56% of Republicans or independents who lean to the GOP say Trump would be good or great in the White House.

Perceptions of both Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders are almost as negative among Republicans as Trump is among Democrats.
I'll support whoever becomes the GOP nominee, but I really cringe when it comes to Trump or Ted Cruz.

Trump is such a wild card, it's difficult to accurately access how Americans would view him in a general election versus the Dim candidate.

Cruz, I just don't see him ever being able to garner the majority of voters in the general election.
Neither will get the votes they need. Rubio can, so can Kasich, and they now don't have a chance.
Lefties STILL doubt Trump lol.
I get having an opinion, but you really need to be more open-minded about this.
He could very well win and you know it.

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