9-11-01 Federal agency planned plane-crashing-into-building drill

Said1 said:
Did you insert the word "aircraft"? I'm really to lazy to read the memo.

It's just context. The memo said aircraft a sentence or two before that one. In that sentence, it just said "target."
Max Power said:
It's just context. The memo said aircraft a sentence or two before that one. In that sentence, it just said "target."

Ok, I read the article and must say, that has to be one of the worst articles I've ever read. It doesn't clarify anything. Nothing. Nodda. Zip.
Well friends, it took years for the JFK conspiracy stuff to die down.
Did we ever decide if it was Johnson, Castro, or the Mob that did it?
How about J. edger Hoover and the FBI?

This will, no doubt, take years to die too. Some people just LOVE to make the unknown
their own personal mystery so that they can spend time pointing fingers at there favorite target/s. It’s much like that board game “clue”, isn’t it? Only real life.

For the rest of us, it’s entertaining watching the LOONS play. :)
Said1 said:
Ok, I read the article and must say, that has to be one of the worst articles I've ever read. It doesn't clarify anything. Nothing. Nodda. Zip.

Then read the memo.
Said1 said:
Now remind me, what is this memo proving again? Seriously, you need to walk me through this.

Here's an example of how the USG could have predicted 9-11, but they claim otherwise (there's a quote from Condi in that thread, 2nd post).

The 9-11 commission gave absolutely no mention of this memo, despite the fact that it is clearly relevant.
Max Power said:
Aww gee, I guess it's a waste of space in the memo, where it says bin Laden, “might take the course of least resistance and turn to a civilian [aircraft] target.”

It's a good thing bin Laden didn't actually do that, right?
Oh wait!

And if you actually read the damn thing, it was a suggestion that because of the threat against "military passenger aircraft" the person writing the memo in 1998 wanted to take precautions for civilian aircrafts as well. Add to this the fact that these were specific threats on Saudi Arabian TV in 1998 against Saudi Arabian aircraft. So how do you make the leap from this memo to 9/11? Its pretty obvious that terrorists want to hijack planes. They've been doing it since the 70's. Try explaining your logic instead of throwing random stories out there.
Mr. P said:
It is clear these threats were directed at US personal, Military and Civilian, in the ME not the USA.
But, then conspiracy folks can twist most everything.


The memo wasnt even clear of that. It suggested that Bin Laden made threats against "military passenger aircraft" on Saudi Arabian TV in 1998. The memo doesnt explain if its US aircraft or SA aircraft.
Max Power said:

Here's an example of how the USG could have predicted 9-11, but they claim otherwise (there's a quote from Condi in that thread, 2nd post).

The 9-11 commission gave absolutely no mention of this memo, despite the fact that it is clearly relevant.

Explain to me in your opinion how the Government could have taken a memo in 1998 about a vague threat against military aircraft by a terrorist in Saudi Arabia could have predicted what would happen on 9/11? Seriously, i'm curious what your thought process is on this.
insein said:
The memo wasnt even clear of that. It suggested that Bin Laden made threats against "military passenger aircraft" on Saudi Arabian TV in 1998. The memo doesnt explain if its US aircraft or SA aircraft.
No it doesn't. Actually the memo doesn't even say he was targeting civil aircraft, just civilian aircraft couldn’t be ruled out. I think a lot of folks aren’t reading the memo for what it says, but for what they want it to say.

My link, of Ladens comments make it clear to me, he was focused on removing all westerners from the ME at the time of the interview, not attacking the US.
Clearly Johnny Carson, wearing his headgear, had raised the envelope (memo) to his forhead and made Maxi aware of things us mere mortals cannot read in it.
LuvRPgrl said:
Clearly Johnny Carson, wearing his headgear, had raised the envelope (memo) to his forhead and made Maxi aware of things us mere mortals cannot read in it.
Ahhhhh…the GREAT Karnak! :bow3:
The memo mentions airports, military aircraft, civilian aircrafts, civilian targets, SAM missiles, etc. Specifically regarding civilian aircrafts it states:


Wow...that definitely shows that Bin Laden was olanning the 9/11 attacks......... :scratch:

Should the Bush Administration or the FBI or the CIA have grounded every plane coming in and out of the US for a year or so until we knew exactly what Bin Laden had in mind? Should we have immediately destroyed all SAM missiles (afterall...they were mentioned!!!) Should the airports have been closed down (or better yet...demolished!) to avoid them being used by terrorists...or should we have simply photographed and followed everyone entering or leaving a US airport pre-9/11???

If you look at the security briefings, the PDB's, etc...all we knew (from what has been unclassified) was the Bin Laden didn't like us and wanted to attack us...he was probably planning on doing it...and oh yeah...New York, Washington, D.C, Chicago, and LA were all on his list of potential targets. He was looking at planes, federal buildings, missiles, shopping malls, schools, suitcase nukes, biological weapons, anthrax, and about a million other things...yet only one scenario out of a possible trillion or so actually came to pass...

So...while some people here might see that as a shockingly obvious indication that Bin Laden had men in the United States training and prepared to hijack commercial passenger jets and fly them into prominent economic, political, and military buildings in several different US cities...the rest of us in the really real world know that our nation is threatened by numerous different nations, crazy people, terrorist organizations, etc. every day...those who are in a position to do so do what they can...they will never be able to stop everything...and with the intelligence agencies in our nation as screwed up as they were/are...it is unfortunately not a surprise that they missed the ball on 9/11.

To state that somehow a vague warning is a clear indication is like stating that Nostradomus was a brilliant forecaster of EXACTLY what was going to happen in the future. Its really simple (not to mention a fun game of I Wanna Be A Conspiracy Theorist) to Monday-Morning-Quarterback a warning that is vague now and would have been even more so before 9/11...but its just not an accurate depicition of what really happened...what really went wrong...and what really needs to be done in order to try and insure that things go better next time.
Gem said:
The memo mentions airports, military aircraft, civilian aircrafts, civilian targets, SAM missiles, etc. Specifically regarding civilian aircrafts it states:


Wow...that definitely shows that Bin Laden was olanning the 9/11 attacks......... :scratch:

SO you don't think that a memo about bin laden possibly hijacking civilian aircraft warranted being MENTIONED by the 9-11 commission?

Max Power said:
SO you don't think that a memo about bin laden possibly hijacking civilian aircraft warranted being MENTIONED by the 9-11 commission?

It has been mentioned, and they said it didn’t have any effect on “Their” investigation, basically. I had the link early today..not now.
Max Power Tried to Make a Point and Failed:
SO you don't think that a memo about bin laden possibly hijacking civilian aircraft warranted being MENTIONED by the 9-11 commission?


I think that anything and everything that was related to the attacks in anyway should have been fair game to the commission. Hence how I knew the commission was a total joke when Jamie Gorelick was placed on it rather than testifying before it.

Condi Rice was just one of several people who were called to discussed several briefings that talked about Bin Laden possibly, maybe, hypothetically looking at about a billion different things including civillian aircraft...

Interesting...yes, absolutely. Anything that in anyway was significant enough to stop the 9/11 attacks? Not that we have seen yet.

If I told you that tomorrow I was either going to use a bus, a car, a train, a truck, a tractor trailer, a motorcycle, a bicycle, a horse and buggy, or a carrier pigeon to blow up a building in either San Francisco, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Santa Fe, or Tulsa....would you be able to stop me? What if I told you I was a caucasian 26 year old who was 5 feet tall? Helpful sure, but certainly not enough to stop me...

Now...if the day after tomorrow I blew up a building in Tulsa using a bus...and there were pictures of a 20-something short white girl getting onto a bus in Tulsa you might say "Hey...there are PICTURES of the terrorist...we had her message board posts that TOLD US what she was going to do!!! WHY OH WHY WAS NOTHING DONE TO STOP THIS HEINOUS CRIME!!!"

You might say that, Max....but you'd sound almost as silly as you do now.

The 9-11 panel looked at briefings and evidence...the problem wasn't that we didn't read the right intelligence...the problem seems to be that we didn't HAVE the right intelligence...and THAT should be what we are all so furious about...that due to the inability to communicate effectively...due to the lack of translators...due to the walls placed for political means...we were unable to stop an attack that was probably very preventable if the intelligence agencies in this nation had been working the way they were supposed to.

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