9/11 Debate - Who attacked us?

dilloduck said:
Well just come out with it. WHO ATTACKED US??? Give us names. Give us plans.

AA Flight 11
First plane sacrificed; hit the North Tower of the WTC

* Walid Al Shehri
* Wail Alsheri (aka Waleed Alsheri)
* Mohammad Atta
* Aabdul Alomari
* Satam Sugami

UA Flight 175
Second plane sacrificed; hit the South Tower of the WTC

* Marawn Alshehhi
* Fayez Ahmed
* Mohald Alshehri
* Hamza Al Ghamdi
* Ahmed Al Ghamdi

AA Flight 77
Third plane sacrificed; hit the Pentagon

* Khalid Almihdhar
* Majed Moqued
* Nawaf Al Hazmi
* Salem Al Hazmi

UA Flight 93
Fourth plane sacrificed; crashed into the ground in Pennsylvania

* Ahmed Al Haznawi
* Ahmed Alnami
* Ziad Jarrah
* Saeed Alghamdi
dmp said:
AA Flight 11
First plane sacrificed; hit the North Tower of the WTC

* Walid Al Shehri
* Wail Alsheri (aka Waleed Alsheri)
* Mohammad Atta
* Aabdul Alomari
* Satam Sugami

UA Flight 175
Second plane sacrificed; hit the South Tower of the WTC

* Marawn Alshehhi
* Fayez Ahmed
* Mohald Alshehri
* Hamza Al Ghamdi
* Ahmed Al Ghamdi

AA Flight 77
Third plane sacrificed; hit the Pentagon

* Khalid Almihdhar
* Majed Moqued
* Nawaf Al Hazmi
* Salem Al Hazmi

UA Flight 93
Fourth plane sacrificed; crashed into the ground in Pennsylvania

* Ahmed Al Haznawi
* Ahmed Alnami
* Ziad Jarrah
* Saeed Alghamdi

Not the real dudes---the REAL dudes !!!! :poke:
Rumsfeld on flight 93: "I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania..."

You may find the following video's on flight 93 very interesting.

Rare flight 93 footage

"The debris here is spread over a 3-4 mile radius..." She continues, "....nothing larger than a phone book.."

Isn't it strange that the debris would be spread over such a wide area if it was indeed crashed?

Another video (which can be veiwed [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg77n3ckHGI]here[/ame]) contains interviews with witnesses of the flight 93 incident. Very intriguing to say the least. While the video is in Italian, the interviews are in English.

Edit: When I said the fighters were moved hundreds of miles, it was a typo, I meant thousands. My apologies.
StoptheMadness1 said:
Rumsfeld on flight 93: "I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania..."

You may find the following video's on flight 93 very interesting.

Rare flight 93 footage

"The debris here is spread over a 3-4 mile radius..." She continues, "....nothing larger than a phone book.."

Isn't it strange that the debris would be spread over such a wide area if it was indeed crashed?

Another video (which can be veiwed here) contains interviews with witnesses of the flight 93 incident. Very intriguing to say the least. While the video is in Italian, the interviews are in English.

Edit: When I said the fighters were moved hundreds of miles, it was a typo, I meant thousands. My apologies.

So where in the hell is the flight 93---the Bermuda Triangle ? :dunno:
Dillo, don't get the idea that I'm saying that flight 93 was not destroyed in PA. It was indeed. However, I disagree with the official story on how that happened. As you can see from these video's, something strange happened in Pennsylvania. Did you take a look at those video's?
StoptheMadness1 said:
Dillo, don't get the idea that I'm saying that flight 93 was not destroyed in PA. It was indeed. However, I disagree with the official story on how that happened. As you can see from these video's, something strange happened in Pennsylvania. Did you take a look at those video's?

ya--A plane flown straight down from 30,000 ft probably looks different than one that has tried to crash LAND.
StoptheMadness1 said:
Rumsfeld on flight 93: "I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania..."

You may find the following video's on flight 93 very interesting.

Rare flight 93 footage

"The debris here is spread over a 3-4 mile radius..." She continues, "....nothing larger than a phone book.."

Isn't it strange that the debris would be spread over such a wide area if it was indeed crashed?

Another video (which can be veiwed here) contains interviews with witnesses of the flight 93 incident. Very intriguing to say the least. While the video is in Italian, the interviews are in English.

Edit: When I said the fighters were moved hundreds of miles, it was a typo, I meant thousands. My apologies.

As far as the Rumsfeld quote goes, it is beyond reason to think that he misspoke? Brought down the plane...shot down the plane...

How is the debris being spread over a lot of ground strange? It's a large aircraft traveling at a high rate of speed (who knows exactly how fast) and hitting the ground. Of course the debris is going to scatter.

If you have a glass that slips out of your hand and breaks on the floor, some pieces are going to scatter, but most of it will be right at your feet. Take that same glass and throw it at the floor, glass is going to go everywhere, and the glass will shatter into smaller pieces.
dilloduck said:
ya--A plane flown straight down from 30,000 ft probably looks different than one that has tried to crash LAND.

It was also flying much faster than the regulated speed allows. Now the movie recount is just a theory but it is a plausible one. The pilot being a "rookie" in terms of flight was flying the plane as fast as he could to get to their destination and have as much velocity as possible. He was unable to control the plane and then crashed it into the ground at an incredible speed. When a plane crash lands, the pilots attempt to slow the plane down as much as possible before hitting the ground. A plane going full throttle into the ground isnt going to leave much plane left with a full tank of gas still on board.

Also isnt the conspiracy theory that there was no plane that flew into the pentagon? I thought that the nuts think its a missile or something. What then of the passengers on board who are no longer alive? Did the conspiracy span so far that they people who boarded that flight were willing to take money from the government to change their identities and move away from their families to cover the lie? Or did the government simply have all these people murdered in their sleep to avoid any suspicion about whether or not they were on the plane? :cuckoo:

It's too hard to be a conspiracy theorist. Put this effort into something useful like getting rid of wasteful government programs like welfare and public education instead of hacking together bits and pieces of subjective evidence to create a "24" like scenario of government treason and murder.
StoptheMadness1 said:
Conspiracy theory? Well, I don't know. I posted links to mainstream news stories that contradict what the official story would lead us to believe.

Did you know that there was massive insider trading just before and on 9/11? That's right, a massive number of put options were put on the very airline which would be attacked on 9/11 - United airlines. Who did this? Obviously whoever was responsible had detailed foreknowledge of the attacks. Why didn't the commission investigate this?

Did you know that there were over 10 drills taking place on 9/11? Many of these drills involved hijacking scenarios, plane crashes, and various other terror attacks. Some of these drills actually moved our fighters hundreds of miles away from New York on 9/11.

What nutball conspiract theorists can never do is answer the questions about their theories.

Massive insider trading: What were the trends leading up to 9/11? What was it like a month before? A year before? No, whoever was responsible did not obviously have detailed foreknowledge of the attacks, though they might have had detailed foreknowledge of something. If trends show that it's not unusual for that kind of thing to happen at certain times of the year, it probably means nobody had foreknowlede of anything. It was just business as usual, and without the attacks would never have been noticed.

The drills: Were these the first drills? Had the military never done anything like it before?

Try to answer a few of these questions before regurgitating tired old conspiracy.
Jimmyeatworld said:
As far as the Rumsfeld quote goes, it is beyond reason to think that he misspoke? Brought down the plane...shot down the plane...

How is the debris being spread over a lot of ground strange? It's a large aircraft traveling at a high rate of speed (who knows exactly how fast) and hitting the ground. Of course the debris is going to scatter.

If you have a glass that slips out of your hand and breaks on the floor, some pieces are going to scatter, but most of it will be right at your feet. Take that same glass and throw it at the floor, glass is going to go everywhere, and the glass will shatter into smaller pieces.

Jimmy Eat World is a pretty kick ass band!
It doesn't necessarily have to be a scenario whereby elite teams of government agents (oxymoron? ha ha) planted explosives, faked plane crashes, etc. It could be more of a case of "let's stand aside and wait for our target to take the first shot so we look like the good guys". I'm not saying it did happen, but I am saying that's it's not nutty to discuss the possibility. WWI, WWII, The Gulf of Tonkin incident, and possibly the Spanish-American war happened under highly suspicious circumstances, to say the least.
BaronVonBigmeat said:
It doesn't necessarily have to be a scenario whereby elite teams of government agents (oxymoron? ha ha) planted explosives, faked plane crashes, etc. It could be more of a case of "let's stand aside and wait for our target to take the first shot so we look like the good guys". I'm not saying it did happen, but I am saying that's it's not nutty to discuss the possibility. WWI, WWII, The Gulf of Tonkin incident, and possibly the Spanish-American war happened under highly suspicious circumstances, to say the least.

Fair enough, but that's not what the nut jobs are saying. I also don't think it's true. The big difference between what you've listed and 9/11, to me at least, is that the enemy had already attacked us before. Granted, they were very different attacks, even the '93 attempt to bring down the WTC, but an attack all the same.
jillian said:
I saw them open for Green Day from first row in the pit ;)

They only did a few songs but were really good.

Green Day??????I don't want to be a Geen Day idiot! :duh3:

What is with that little clown that fronts for them and his really gay eyeliner? You would almost swear they think they are doing something new and deep but it's just the same old shit, different decade. A bunch of notalent fags..... not that there is anything wrong with that....but it sure shows how worthless Grammy awards are.

So Jillian, you do that pit stuff huh, that's cute. :wtf:
sitarro said:
Green Day??????I don't want to be a Geen Day idiot! :duh3:

What is with that little clown that fronts for them and his really gay eyeliner? You would almost swear they think they are doing something new and deep but it's just the same old shit, different decade. A bunch of notalent fags..... not that there is anything wrong with that....but it sure shows how worthless Grammy awards are.

So Jillian, you do that pit stuff huh, that's cute. :wtf:

Don't be shy. Say what you really think. :D
sitarro said:
Green Day??????I don't want to be a Geen Day idiot! :duh3:

What is with that little clown that fronts for them and his really gay eyeliner? You would almost swear they think they are doing something new and deep but it's just the same old shit, different decade. A bunch of notalent fags..... not that there is anything wrong with that....but it sure shows how worthless Grammy awards are.

So Jillian, you do that pit stuff huh, that's cute. :wtf:
Actually the guys in Green Day are quite talented. It's just that 95% of the time they waste it :laugh:
The ClayTaurus said:
Actually the guys in Green Day are quite talents. It's just that 95% of the time they waste it :laugh:

Didn't you like the way I turned their hit song "American Idiot"around on them? Pretty sharp for an old fart dontcha think?

Oh and as far as the thread subject, I believe that some asswipe towel heads commandeered 4 airlines and selfishly murdered thousands of innocent people from around the world. I believe that bean pole Bin Laden and his fanatical followers were responsible along with help of some kind from most of the ungrateful, uncivilized, uneducated jerks in the Middle East.

Before the parrots throw out the bullshit about how we brought it upon ourselves, we are the ones that not only provide a huge market for the only worthwhile product that comes from the Middle East, Western companies discovered and figured out how to get it out of the ground while the animals that happen to be sitting on top of it were busy killing each other. It was western companies that incurred the expense and hardship of bringing the people and equipment to that hell to drill for this commodity. What did the jerks do, they stopped shooting at each other long enough to steal the oilfields back from the rightful leasers and have become rich beyond their Allah's dreams.

Again, we haven't taken a drop of oil, we buy it and make them rich. With all of this wealth, do they help the people of the region? No, like black rap rippoffs they take the money and buy a lot of sparkling trinkits, gold chains, 24 " rims on Esplanades, snow ski resorts in the desert, outrageous hotels and buildings, multiple gold lined palaces for themselves and kidnapped young boys. The U.S. has given trillions in foreign aid to all of these useless wasters of space. The Middle East could literally blow itself up and no civilized people would give a shit.

I am always amazed when the neo-leftist actually try to justify murder, whether by airliner or strapon explosive belts.
sitarro said:
Didn't you like the way I turned their hit song "American Idiot"around on them? Pretty sharp for an old fart dontcha think?

Oh and as far as the thread subject, I believe that some asswipe towel heads commandeered 4 airlines and selfishly murdered thousands of innocent people from around the world. I believe that bean pole Bin Laden and his fanatical followers were responsible along with help of some kind from most of the ungrateful, uncivilized, uneducated jerks in the Middle East.

Before the parrots throw out the bullshit about how we brought it upon ourselves, we are the ones that not only provide a huge market for the only worthwhile product that comes from the Middle East, Western companies discovered and figured out how to get it out of the ground while the animals that happen to be sitting on top of it were busy killing each other. It was western companies that incurred the expense and hardship of bringing the people and equipment to that hell to drill for this commodity. What did the jerks do, they stopped shooting at each other long enough to steal the oilfields back from the rightful leasers and have become rich beyond their Allah's dreams.

Again, we haven't taken a drop of oil, we buy it and make them rich. With all of this wealth, do they help the people of the region? No, like black rap rippoffs they take the money and buy a lot of sparkling trinkits, gold chains, 24 " rims on Esplanades, snow ski resorts in the desert, outrageous hotels and buildings, multiple gold lined palaces for themselves and kidnapped young boys. The U.S. has given trillions in foreign aid to all of these useless wasters of space. The Middle East could literally blow itself up and no civilized people would give a shit.

You should listen to music before you critique it. Cause it has nothing to do with 9/11.

I am always amazed when the neo-leftist actually try to justify murder, wether by airliner or strapon explosive belts.

I'm amazed by anyone who justifies terrorism. But I haven't seen where anyone has done that on this thread. Or maybe you just felt like venting? S'okay. ;)
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