Investigators Easily Smuggled Bomb Material Into Government Buildings
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Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A new report by the Government Accountability Office inadvertently discredits a claim often made by 9/11 truth debunkers – that bombs could not have been smuggled into the twin towers or Building 7 without being noticed by security.
“In the past year, investigators successfully smuggled bomb-making materials into ten high-security federal buildings, constructed bombs and walked around the buildings undetected,” reports the Washington Post.
The GAO said that Federal Protective Service security at the offices of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the State Department amongst others was easily penetrated by investigators carrying liquid explosives and low-yield detonators.
“In one instance, the GAO obtained a building security tape showing an investigator walking through a security checkpoint with bomb making materials,” according to the Post.
“We knew that the FPS was a troubled agency, but that GAO could penetrate security at these buildings and make bombs without detection is truly shocking,” said Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman.
Several factors would have made it easier for conspirators to smuggle bombs inside the twin towers before 9/11.
According to a September 12, 2001 Newsday report, “bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed,” on the Thursday before the attacks took place. Heightened security procedures had been lifted just days before September 11.
Investigators Easily Smuggled Bomb Material Into Government Buildings