9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public

I trust this site would be shut down in a heartbeat if not legitimate and so called 9/11 debunkers would be all over it...and that a people of this stature would be highly concerned and aware of the false claims
made in their name by this time..

Have to ask Gunny about that one.
really..why ?...is not your argument prove the official story isn't ? or prove the site isn't fake...this is just a one line bullshit statement with no foundation or logic...prove the world isn't flat..oh never mind it cant be done...
well, i dont recall anyone telling you to priove anything isnt

the question is always prove it IS
and you can NEVER do that

you prove your conspiracy is...you prove the site is fake...or simply use some common sense and admit many people with expertise and distiguised military careers disagree with your theory of the events of 9/11 and move on from there
I trust this site would be shut down in a heartbeat if not legitimate and so called 9/11 debunkers would be all over it...and that a people of this stature would be highly concerned and aware of the false claims
made in their name by this time..
again, the only recourse would be to sue them
to sue and win you MUST be able to prove damages
to prove damages you have to show that the site is believable

if you dont believe me, ask ANY of the multiple lawyers we have on this site
really..why ?...is not your argument prove the official story isn't ? or prove the site isn't fake...this is just a one line bullshit statement with no foundation or logic...prove the world isn't flat..oh never mind it cant be done...
well, i dont recall anyone telling you to priove anything isnt

the question is always prove it IS
and you can NEVER do that

you prove your conspiracy is...you prove the site is fake...or simply use some common sense and admit many people with expertise and distiguised military careers disagree with your theory of the events of 9/11 and move on from there
again, i have never claimed the site was fake
i have said you cant prove it is legit
well, i dont recall anyone telling you to priove anything isnt

the question is always prove it IS
and you can NEVER do that

you prove your conspiracy is...you prove the site is fake...or simply use some common sense and admit many people with expertise and distiguised military careers disagree with your theory of the events of 9/11 and move on from there
again, i have never claimed the site was fake
i have said you cant prove it is legit

you have been watching to many bush speeches with that kind of double think
you prove your conspiracy is...you prove the site is fake...or simply use some common sense and admit many people with expertise and distiguised military careers disagree with your theory of the events of 9/11 and move on from there
again, i have never claimed the site was fake
i have said you cant prove it is legit

you have been watching to many bush speeches with that kind of double think
no, you just dont get the logic
Investigators Easily Smuggled Bomb Material Into Government Buildings
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Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A new report by the Government Accountability Office inadvertently discredits a claim often made by 9/11 truth debunkers – that bombs could not have been smuggled into the twin towers or Building 7 without being noticed by security.

“In the past year, investigators successfully smuggled bomb-making materials into ten high-security federal buildings, constructed bombs and walked around the buildings undetected,” reports the Washington Post.

The GAO said that Federal Protective Service security at the offices of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the State Department amongst others was easily penetrated by investigators carrying liquid explosives and low-yield detonators.

“In one instance, the GAO obtained a building security tape showing an investigator walking through a security checkpoint with bomb making materials,” according to the Post.

“We knew that the FPS was a troubled agency, but that GAO could penetrate security at these buildings and make bombs without detection is truly shocking,” said Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman.

Several factors would have made it easier for conspirators to smuggle bombs inside the twin towers before 9/11.

According to a September 12, 2001 Newsday report, “bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed,” on the Thursday before the attacks took place. Heightened security procedures had been lifted just days before September 11.
Investigators Easily Smuggled Bomb Material Into Government Buildings
Investigators Easily Smuggled Bomb Material Into Government Buildings
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Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A new report by the Government Accountability Office inadvertently discredits a claim often made by 9/11 truth debunkers – that bombs could not have been smuggled into the twin towers or Building 7 without being noticed by security.

“In the past year, investigators successfully smuggled bomb-making materials into ten high-security federal buildings, constructed bombs and walked around the buildings undetected,” reports the Washington Post.

The GAO said that Federal Protective Service security at the offices of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and the State Department amongst others was easily penetrated by investigators carrying liquid explosives and low-yield detonators.

“In one instance, the GAO obtained a building security tape showing an investigator walking through a security checkpoint with bomb making materials,” according to the Post.

“We knew that the FPS was a troubled agency, but that GAO could penetrate security at these buildings and make bombs without detection is truly shocking,” said Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman.

Several factors would have made it easier for conspirators to smuggle bombs inside the twin towers before 9/11.

According to a September 12, 2001 Newsday report, “bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed,” on the Thursday before the attacks took place. Heightened security procedures had been lifted just days before September 11.
Investigators Easily Smuggled Bomb Material Into Government Buildings
ok, bomb sniffing dogs were removed 4 days before
are you trying to claim that they could have rigged the twin towers and wtc7 for demolition in 4 DAYS!!!!!!
You are all wrong 9/11 did happen a 757 did hit the pentagon the plane simple disinagrated becase of the heat and fuel you are all wrong about world trade building 7 it callapsed on its own because structural integruty was weakend by FIRE in the building from office chairs , carpet , paper , drywall
You are all wrong 9/11 did happen a 757 did hit the pentagon the plane simple disinagrated becase of the heat and fuel you are all wrong about world trade building 7 it callapsed on its own because structural integruty was weakend by FIRE in the building from office chairs , carpet , paper , drywall

shut up...rookie

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Because the Governor of LA said, "No thanks, we don't need FEMA" you fucking liar. It's one big reason she's not the Governor anymore.

no... b/c BROWNIE was running FEMA during Katrina.

and FEMA was not at the pier in NY BEFORE 9/11. That's one of those wacko things that is straight out of Honegger's conspiracy piece.
if it was all "Brownies" fault, how come there wasnt the same troubles in MS and AL since they were actually hit WORSE than LA
explain that one?

They might have been hit by the hurricanes worse but not by flooding. They knew what would happen to New Orleans if hit with a strong enough hurricane, they knew there would be massive flooding. It was poor planning on many people's part including fema and the Bush team. To deny Bush dropped the ball is pure stupidity. It might have been a group effort but he was part of that group.
no... b/c BROWNIE was running FEMA during Katrina.

and FEMA was not at the pier in NY BEFORE 9/11. That's one of those wacko things that is straight out of Honegger's conspiracy piece.
if it was all "Brownies" fault, how come there wasnt the same troubles in MS and AL since they were actually hit WORSE than LA
explain that one?

They might have been hit by the hurricanes worse but not by flooding. They knew what would happen to New Orleans if hit with a strong enough hurricane, they knew there would be massive flooding. It was poor planning on many people's part including fema and the Bush team. To deny Bush dropped the ball is pure stupidity. It might have been a group effort but he was part of that group.
your post is fucking stupid

if it was FEMA's fault, then it would have been EVERYWHERE
the problems in LA were at the root IN LA
I guess I need my eyes fixed because I don't see any airplanes in those pictures.

I really don't understand why people don't get the point in all this. You should not be here debating you should be out making sure that the 9/11 guys are not right. After all they are looking after your best intrest.

So check it out. Since they use tv as programming and don't tell you the truth behind many things, instist on having wars and top secret information hiding, it makes it real easy conspiracy theory to exist.

If the government really want to debunk all this and get in the clear, the standard mode of operation will need a drastic change. They will need to be open as a book. In order for them to do that they would have to end this silly fake ass war and seperation of race. They can't though not until one nation has conquered all or all the lies will be evident immediately.

The government is pushing all these policys to engineer food, people and what not. They use fear and have their tv play material and internet like this message board talk about just to plant seeds in your minds. This is how they tell you what they are doing. Give it to you gradually so you forget and think it was always there instead of all the sudden just brought up.

You really should consider that we are in a small planet with alot of information being given out. The teaching of the people is the definition of brain washing to a T. The thing that makes it work the best, no other society or government to compare it to. No outside sources that do things differently that are readily available for comparision and opinion besides the ones on this planet which they always show you as inferior so your happy with what you have. This is a system that puts its ideas in your head the very first chance it gets. Really people you need to look and stop being stubborn. You are being conditioned to work on this planet and interact with it a certain way(this will never change no matter who is in control, but do you really think the methods being used are the best). If you know your choices then fine if that is what you choose, 90% of the people have no idea what they are doing here and just conforms to what they see because everyone else is doing what they were taught so you just mimic and immitate till you get lost and forget that you had to learn all the ways to interact with this world in the first place you just think its human nature. LOL big lies.

So what are you going to do about it?
Sit there still with your thumb up your ass and just wait till you die and accomplish nothing and mean nothing to this world and if you never existed we would never miss you. Thats the life you choose to live right now at this very second with the 40 year death trap. Be a worker bee, Support the government so they can have their dreams of control and their own labor force to accomplish them so forget about yours.

Do not get me wrong, a lot of the way things are will never change... that will be a global managment system, the need of food, water and shelter. The exact way these work can change. The thing right here is we want change, the government doesn't want to change it the way we want it. If they did it would have been done already. I am just not talking about 1 nation's government, this is all of them. They are gladly playing a game of owning land, this keeps the illusion together that the world is at war and it keeps them in control. If there was peace we wouldn't be having this problem, you would have to have all these rules to protect your freedoms from tyranny when the tyranny is the rules. There will be no peace at this rate until you are completely broken and battered with no other choice but to accept the masters as your saviour.

So when the slaves get too familiar with there masters and start questioning their motives, swine flu.

It's easier to start over with a work forces then to contain one that has ran off the rails.

Easier to condition the next batch without any witnesses saying that things use to be different before.

You can rest assured that if the flu doesn't get cycling fast enough, something else will occur.

I don't claim to know everything that goes on but I do know what I see. I was born into a world that was pre-existing and established. I know I was given a ssn and throwing into school. I was taught to obey teachers and who was the boss. I learned math, basic science, reading, and writing. I was tested and graded on the limited pre-defined material I read. They call this learning. Besides bad grammar and basic conversation skills nothing learned that has saved my life except for they taught me the skills I would need to be useful to the masters and support the economy by making my only mode of survival is to get money.

I am highly opinionated and apparently opposing the way things are. I am only painting the walls black because you do nothing signs my death certificate and millions of others. It's not that they will nesaccary come after anyone for slandering them, but they will continue to take advantage of you. They bought out all the competition. The economy is only to make you think your not already in a communist state. Put it as it is. Do you really have any other choice? No you don't. So wake up and realize that. Like I said before, if you made the conscious thought that this is how you want to live that is fine. No one can take that away. I am just merely speaking to the ones that haven't even the slightest idea, the real sheep.
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