9/11: What really happened on that day?

Not only is that not specific, that's not even anything other than a metaphor -.-

Wrong again, it was all humor.

I never said it wasn't humor, I said it wasn't specific.

I want people to know what really happened on 9/11.

People do know.

Some people know some things, sure. There's a lot to know, however, and I also believe that a lot of people are misinformed on the facts, as well as the most plausible theories for what happened on that day.

What makes you think you know something millions of others do not?

Here you go again, talking about vague generalities. How about tackling something real, like the points made in an article from Architects and Engineers like the following one:
#2 of 6: NIST's WTC 7 Reports: Filled with Fantasy, Fiction, and Fraud

If these conspiracy theories were true, don't you realize you wouldn't even be posting? Your dead lifeless body would be found hanging in a closet due to an apparent erotic-asphyxian accidental suicide or wrapped around a tree in a tragic DUI accident.

You want to believe that, go right ahead. Me, I think those behind 9/11 only focus on those who are seriously messing with the official story line. There's certainly a list of people whose testimony contradicted the official story's version of events who have died after 9/11:

Or if you prefer a document instead of a video:
Mysterious 9/11 Witness Deaths
Sorry, I don't believe in conspiracy theories.

What's ironic is how so many people have lost touch with the definition of what a conspiracy is. Google defines the word thusly:
"a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful", as well as "the action of plotting or conspiring". Based on this definition, 9/11 was a conspiracy regardless of whether Al Qaeda was behind it, or whether others were behind it. This is why those who disbelieve the official story frequently call those who -do- believe the official story OCTers, or Official Conspiracy Theorists. Corbett did an excellent 5 minute video on those who believe the official conspiracy theory, you might consider taking a look at it sometime...

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