94% of the universe’s galaxies are permanently beyond our reach

Since GOD resides within each of us, we need to forgive ourselves first, then we can embrace GOD, who neither needs or requires us to make pleas of any kind on our own behalf.
Could you two please take this Religious discussion somewhere else.
This is the Science section.
There isn't - and has Never been - any evidence for Any of the many 'gods' here or elsewhere.
Are you one of those lunatics that thinks you're the reincarnation of Tutankhamun or something?
No, missed that time period on earth, was here during Akhenaten and Nefertiti's rule however. Unlike you, a very enlightened man for his time.
Been there done that in previous lives opted out of it this time around.
We would love to hear the things you know that have eluded the global communities of astronomers and cosmologists. And how you know these things.

We would love to hear the things you know that have eluded the global communities of astronomers and cosmologists. And how you know these things.


Much of what I could tell you will not make sense until you master quantum slipstream and have a working model. And as far as I can know that will not happen until 2037.
Much of what I could tell you will not make sense until you master quantum slipstream and have a working model. And as far as I can know that will not happen until 2037.
So you have made up stuff and no evidence. I kind of thought so.

This is the science section.
Could you two please take this Religious discussion somewhere else.
This is the Science section.
There isn't - and has Never been - any evidence for Any of the many 'gods' here or elsewhere.
This is toooooooooooooooooo hypocritical. Why is it that the atheists and their idiot scientists are the only ones allowed in the science section? The creationists and their scientists all know Jesus has to come again to destroy the world because of the atheists and sinners. We relish it as The Rapture as we get to experience what heaven on Earth with God and without sin was supposed to be.

Furthermore, it is evidence of how weak atheist science, scientists, and their lies are. They should not be the only ones allowed in the science section with their BS atheist religion. I provided an alternative solution, tongue firmly in cheek, but all the believers know that Jesus will come again already. The Bible knew that Jesus not coming was impossible because of exchanging the truth for a lie. The Second Coming of Jesus and the end of the world must come. Everyone dying because of global warming is not what is coming.
It is pretty ironic that the one person who easily posts more in the science section than anyone on this board -- that would be the deluded, YEC fraud james bond -- is whining that his brand of insanity is "not allowed" here.

I think this ironic, idiotic rant sums him and his belief system up rather well.
It is pretty ironic that the one person who easily posts more in the science section than anyone on this board -- that would be the deluded, YEC fraud james bond -- is whining that his brand of insanity is "not allowed" here.

I think this ironic, idiotic rant sums him and his belief system up rather well.
Clearly that guy has an obsessive need to troll the science thread with his anti-science. His "ironic, idiotic rant" doesn't sum up a belief system it sums up a trolling system. He brings in his religion over and over and over in any science thread no matter what the topic is.
It is pretty ironic that the one person who easily posts more in the science section than anyone on this board -- that would be the deluded, YEC fraud james bond -- is whining that his brand of insanity is "not allowed" here.

I think this ironic, idiotic rant sums him and his belief system up rather well.
Young Earth was a response to the old Earth the atheists made up to counter creationists who ruled the world of science. Afterward, this Darwinism led to Nazism, the Holocaust, eugenics, and other horrors of atheism in this world. Most of all evolution and evolutionary thinking of no God/gods. You are one who believe in these horrors and fake godless science that is not observable nor have any evidence.
Clearly that guy has an obsessive need to troll the science thread with his anti-science. His "ironic, idiotic rant" doesn't sum up a belief system it sums up a trolling system. He brings in his religion over and over and over in any science thread no matter what the topic is.
It's a display of abnormal psychology. And a strong indication that he has serious doubts about his own beliefs. Not trolling, being completely serious.

He often contradicts himself, from one day to the next, as he vomits the first, reactionary thought that fizzles into his colon, when confronted with an idea that u.nsettles him. He will declare victory in every thread, spam every thread, then play the victim and say he "isn't allowed" to post his ideas here.

These are all psychological coping mechanisms meant for the benefit of and for an audience of one. Himself.

He knows he has made no headway. He knows he is losing by eleventy trillion to zero. He sees that the world left his fundie magical beliefs behind 150 years ago. And his faith has been shaken to its core.

This elicits bizarre and childish behavior from him.
Clearly that guy has an obsessive need to troll the science thread with his anti-science. His "ironic, idiotic rant" doesn't sum up a belief system it sums up a trolling system. He brings in his religion over and over and over in any science thread no matter what the topic is.
Clearly, you are the "idiotic," "anti-science" troll calling creation science "anti-science." How can it not be real when all the greatest scientists were creationists and pointed out how science backed up the Bible. Sir Francis Bacon was a creationist and founder of the Scientific Method, He wrote, "I had rather believe all the fables in the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind."
It's a display of abnormal psychology. And a strong indication that he has serious doubts about his own beliefs. Not trolling, being completely serious.

He often contradicts himself, from one day to the next, as he vomits the first, reactionary thought that fizzles into his colon, when confronted with an idea that u.nsettles him. He will declare victory in every thread, spam every thread, then play the victim and say he "isn't allowed" to post his ideas here.

These are all psychological coping mechanisms meant for the benefit of and for an audience of one. Himself.

He knows he has made no headway. He knows he is losing by eleventy trillion to zero. He sees that the world left his fundie magical beliefs behind 150 years ago. And his faith has been shaken to its core.

This elicits bizarre and childish behavior from him.
Even your topic points to evidence for God and creation. Evolution and evolutionary thinking has no origins except fairy tales of singularity (stolen from the Christians) and abiogenesis. It proves there is no life from non-life and the universe could not have just started by itself. None of evolution and evolutionary thinking is OBSERVABLE. You could not disprove the global flood nor Jesus rising again from the dead. Now, we know the Bible had the world as spherical while the skeptics thought it was flat. All you have are ad hominem attacks against me. How much of a fake person are you?
Young Earth was a response to the old Earth the atheists made up to counter creationists who ruled the world of science. Afterward, this Darwinism led to Nazism, the Holocaust, eugenics, and other horrors of atheism in this world. Most of all evolution and evolutionary thinking of no God/gods. You are one who believe in these horrors and fake godless science that is not observable nor have any evidence.
I don't think you're going to score any points in the scientific community, but it made comfort you to know, Albert Einstein once said, " Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. " Not so comforting, would be that most scientists on this site or the line their views with Christiaan Huygins, who said, " The world is my country, science is my relation. " Best to stick with the religious sites, at least there all you have to deal with mostly are the agnostics.
I don't think you're going to score any points in the scientific community, but it made comfort you to know, Albert Einstein once said, " Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. " Not so comforting, would be that most scientists on this site or the line their views with Christiaan Huygins, who said, " The world is my country, science is my relation. " Best to stick with the religious sites, at least there all you have to deal with mostly are the agnostics.
Typo : science is my religion.

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