A Bipartisan Postmortem Investigation Would Resolve the Issue Once and for All

the only result you trumptards would accept as "resolving the issue" would be a result that would somehow allow trump to have a second term.

God could tell them Joe Biden won and all of a sudden their God will be called Satan and Donald will be their new false God...
the only result you trumptards would accept as "resolving the issue" would be a result that would somehow allow trump to have a second term.
nope, an audit of the mail in ballots. why are you afraid of seeing them? and that doesn't mean a recount, it means auditing the ballots themselves for phony ones. seems it is you that is hanging onto not resolving the issue.
Have a NON PARTISAN 911 type commission,

And when it proves the only ones trying to steal the election, are the Trumper Thieves from the democrats/Biden,

Will you believe the results?


So why bother?
the only result you trumptards would accept as "resolving the issue" would be a result that would somehow allow trump to have a second term.

God could tell them Joe Biden won and all of a sudden their God will be called Satan and Donald will be their new false God...
not at all, see you still don't get it. audit the physical ballots. why are you afraid to allow an audit? put it to bed, not a count, an audit of the paper mail in ballots to see if they are real.
Have a NON PARTISAN 911 type commission,

And when it proves the only ones trying to steal the election, are the Trumper Thieves from the democrats/Biden,

Will you believe the results?


So why bother?
yep, agreed, we get to choose who audits the physical ballot for legitimacy .
the only result you trumptards would accept as "resolving the issue" would be a result that would somehow allow trump to have a second term.
nope, an audit of the mail in ballots. why are you afraid of seeing them? and that doesn't mean a recount, it means auditing the ballots themselves for phony ones. seems it is you that is hanging onto not resolving the issue.
no one is afraid. get a new line, trumptard.

you are laughed out of court, out of social media, out of reality, and out of life, if you continue with that bullshit, loser.
For the 2000 election, a Consortium of the Press, thru the FOIA, went through and counted every vote in every county in Florida, and reported the results they found.

This can be done with this election as well.

But you can’t ask questions because shut up or we crush you.
View attachment 452437

Just keep in mind 9 billion rounds of ammo was purchased in 2020. Add in that sold during Obama’s gun salesman of the decade and the future is going to be interesting as the screws are tightened by the Swamp Creatures.

As far as the Democratic Party is concerned "the issue" has been thoroughly resolved: they won and it's winner take all. One could argue Congress now fears reprisal from We The People but it's all just a piss poor show of force down at the Capitol. No group of patriotic Americans are going to fight their way through a gauntlet of 7000+ national guardsmen. The new republican mantra, downgraded from "stop the steal", is now "live with the steal". Cowards, aren't we all?

Banana Republican should stop the Squeal, but likely will continue the squeal until 2022. If they get shellacked I bet we will sell less squealing. However, if they win in 2022 look for the squeal to become deafening.
Have a NON PARTISAN 911 type commission,

And when it proves the only ones trying to steal the election, are the Trumper Thieves from the democrats/Biden,

Will you believe the results?


So why bother?
yep, agreed, we get to choose who audits the physical ballot for legitimacy .
Let me guess, you'll choose Giuliani, Wood, Bannon, Flynn, Stone, and Powel to judge!!! :lol:
Donald Trump Left Office with All-Time-Low Approval Rating
The 45th president averaged just a 41 percent approval rating from Americans during his four years in office, according to Gallup
With constant 95% negative coverage by the MSM along with their "fake news" its no wonder that Trump had a low approval rating. 2022 and 2024 are coming, we'll see how well the democrat's policies are playing with voters. I'm betting the House and Senate go back to the GOP.
I agree, I see a brutal midterm for the bed wetters, one that will make 2010 look like a minor glitch. One thing is for sure, the GOP better get off it's ass and get rid of these mail in ballots so that 8 million piece of shit liberals can't vote 10 times.
Have a NON PARTISAN 911 type commission,

And when it proves the only ones trying to steal the election, are the Trumper Thieves from the democrats/Biden,

Will you believe the results?


So why bother?
yep, agreed, we get to choose who audits the physical ballot for legitimacy .
Let me guess, you'll choose Giuliani, Wood, Bannon, Flynn, Stone, and Powel to judge!!! :lol:
The fact the DC swamp refuses any analysis speaks everything.
Ted Cruz
stated on January 6, 2021 in a speech on the Senate floor:
“39% of Americans … 31% of independents ... 17% of Democrats believe the election was rigged."

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted between Nov. 13-17. The online survey included a sample of 1,346 American adults. The sample included 598 Democrats, 496 Republicans and 149 independents. (Some respondents did not identify as any of the three.)

The survey asked respondents to indicate: "how much you agree or disagree" with the statement: "I am concerned that the election is rigged." Here are the results:

All respondents:

  • Strongly agree: 22%
  • Somewhat agree: 17%
  • Somewhat disagree: 17%
  • Strongly disagree: 37%
  • Not sure: 7%


  • Strongly agree: 14%
  • Somewhat agree: 17%
  • Somewhat disagree: 21%
  • Strongly disagree: 30%
  • Not sure: 17%

  • Strongly agree: 7%
  • Somewhat agree: 10%
  • Somewhat disagree: 18%
  • Strongly disagree: 62%
  • Not sure: 3%
Cruz's office said he arrived at the figures in his claim by adding the percentages for "strongly agree" and "somewhat agree."

politifact? almost always wrong.
The Left always need to lean on their propaganda machines for support.
As far as the majority of Americans are concerned, the matter has been settled.
Very true, settled after the MSM whitewash. But what happens when the allegations are investigated? They will either be dismissed, or proven true. What happens if many are proven true? Just sayin'.
Should be looking for proof, not "just sayin'".
IMHO, it's a state issue because each state has it's own election laws so each state needs to investigate if the existing laws were violated and by whom. And then legislate any needed changes and hold any misdeed doers to account for their actions, if possible. Certainly, mail-in ballot laws need to be checked and tightened as necessary, along with a hard look at voting machines/systems to verify their accuracy. Some states were using systems that other state declined to use; why?

Bottom line, there are a lot of people who do not trust their gov't and their election system. And that ain't good. Note to lib/dems: telling all those people to STFU doesn't cut it. Don't be surprised when that attitude gets you nothing but trouble in 2022 and 2024.
But you can’t ask questions because shut up or we crush you.
View attachment 452437

Just keep in mind 9 billion rounds of ammo was purchased in 2020. Add in that sold during Obama’s gun salesman of the decade and the future is going to be interesting as the screws are tightened by the Swamp Creatures.

Newsflash. Here is the last word on Trump's approval rating. You'll see it's pretty consistent. As in consistently bad.
I'm not surprised with President Bone Spurs jawing on about the election being "rigged" for more than six months in advance
leads the true believers to think it was. However, 67 dismissed court cases say otherwise. There was no widespread election fraud.
No one cares how much ammo was purchased. In all likelyhood, if it came to shooting, you Trump supporters would be turning on
each other in the way that Republicans are now. :)

I support a Trumpublican circular firing squad - Wholeheartedly! :cool-45:

Have a NON PARTISAN 911 type commission,

And when it proves the only ones trying to steal the election, are the Trumper Thieves from the democrats/Biden,

Will you believe the results?


So why bother?
yep, agreed, we get to choose who audits the physical ballot for legitimacy .
Let me guess, you'll choose Giuliani, Wood, Bannon, Flynn, Stone, and Powel to judge!!! :lol:
The fact the DC swamp refuses any analysis speaks everything.
The States provided the Trump Campaign every recount and audit if officially requested by them, along with any mandatory recounts, each state Also canvassed their state results, balanced the checks and balances in place to assure accuracy, then certified their results.

What exactly is it, that you want that could be any more thorough than that...???
All states should go to mail in voting....It's the only way to assure accuracy of a recount vote, due to each vote cast is a hand filled paper ballot vs an electronic vote.


States should go back to hand filled paper ballots for in person voting?
the only result you trumptards would accept as "resolving the issue" would be a result that would somehow allow trump to have a second term.

God could tell them Joe Biden won and all of a sudden their God will be called Satan and Donald will be their new false God...
not at all, see you still don't get it. audit the physical ballots. why are you afraid to allow an audit? put it to bed, not a count, an audit of the paper mail in ballots to see if they are real.

Are you joking?

The State of Georgia told you NO, so ask the Governor who is a Republican why he is refusing to comply with your nonsense and the answer is because you just like the OP will never accept Trump was defeated!

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