A Challenge For You Democrats For The SOTU Speech Tonight


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
It's called the "Official President Trump State Of The Union Speech Drinking Game." Your objective tonight is to take a double swig of cheap vodka every time President Trump uses the words "a", "an", or "the".

Good luck and may the Pagan goddess Gaia be with you.

shouldn't this be in the retard subforum?

The only "retreads" among us are the ones such as yourself, who will sit while steam comes out of their ears while watching the SOTU address.

Don't stroke out tonight. Seriously, we'd all miss you pointy-headed little fuckers.
I wonder if Trump is going to have someone shout "you lie" when he says something that is untrue? They did it to Obama his first time giving the SOTU.

And.....................if someone does shout out something less than complimentary, how do you think the Donald would handle it? I think he'd have a meltdown mid speech myself.

Kinda hope something like that happens, would make entertaining television.
A Challenge For You Democrats For The SOTU Speech Tonight

Why would any Democrat accept any challenge -- satirical or otherwise -- related to this evening's SOTU speech? Every bit of onus preceding, during and as a consequence of the SOTU speech belongs to one and only one person: Donald Trump. Trump required to give the speech, but, other perhaps than members of Congress and perhaps some appointed officials, nobody is required to listen to it. In fact, AFAIK, members of Congress aren't even required to be present for the speech, though they are required to make available an opportunity/means for the POTUS to report to them the state of the union.

The President "shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."
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I wonder if Trump is going to have someone shout "you lie" when he says something that is untrue? They did it to Obama his first time giving the SOTU.

And.....................if someone does shout out something less than complimentary, how do you think the Donald would handle it? I think he'd have a meltdown mid speech myself.

Kinda hope something like that happens, would make entertaining television.
Well Obama said that the illegal aliens couldn't get Obamacare, and that was a LIE

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