A classic study reveals that young homophobic men have secret gay urges



Both groups—non-homophobic and homophobic men—showed significant engorgement to the straight and lesbian porn and their subjective ratings of arousal matched their penile plethsymograph measure for these two types of video. However, as predicted, only the homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference in response to the gay male porn: specifically, 26 percent of these homophobic men showed “moderate tumescence” (6-12 mm) to this video and 54 percent showed “definite tumescence” (more than 12 mm). (In contrast, for the non-homophobic men, these percentages were 10 and 24, respectively.) Furthermore, the homophobic men significantly underestimated their degree of sexual arousal to the gay male porn.

Single, Angry, Straight Male... Seeks Same?: Scientific American


I finally understand why all the conservatives keep getting "caught".
People who care, care. Homosexuality is squicky, and many of those inclined that way are very conflicted.

next you will tell us that water flows downhill.

And that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides of a right triangle.

And that rain is wet.

Keep trying. You might one day find a gnu thing under the sun.
LMFAO. Homophobics get off on watching gay sex. Spin it anyway you 'desire' gunny. I always wondered about lifer jarheads.
I suppose the gals who went home with us sailors had some intuitive knowledge.
Can't imagine being a scientist in that study. What a crazy thing to study.
I bet homosexual men have trouble holding in farts. Maybe rdean can answer this for us.
He can do a study on it. Feed 5000 homosexual guys some 4 alarm chili, and let him test, one by one, their capacity.
Both groups—non-homophobic and homophobic men—showed significant engorgement to the straight and lesbian porn and their subjective ratings of arousal matched their penile plethsymograph measure for these two types of video. However, as predicted, only the homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference in response to the gay male porn: specifically, 26 percent of these homophobic men showed “moderate tumescence” (6-12 mm) to this video and 54 percent showed “definite tumescence” (more than 12 mm). (In contrast, for the non-homophobic men, these percentages were 10 and 24, respectively.) Furthermore, the homophobic men significantly underestimated their degree of sexual arousal to the gay male porn.

Single, Angry, Straight Male... Seeks Same?: Scientific American


I finally understand why all the conservatives keep getting "caught".
It always cracks me up that people spend money on studies that prove what everyone already knows.

Studies show that the sky really is blue!

Studies show that children like candy!

Studies show that mal is a homophobe and an idiotic racist!

Studies show that RGS has an IQ of 15

LMFAO. Homophobics get off on watching gay sex. Spin it anyway you 'desire' gunny. I always wondered about lifer jarheads.
I suppose the gals who went home with us sailors had some intuitive knowledge.

That reminds me. Once someone wrote their brother was a Marine and he was in an Airport Men's room and someone came on to him. The guy said his brother ran out screaming.

So I asked, "Did he use that really high voice, like an 8 year old girl, with his hands wildly flapping as if his arms were broken at the wrists?"

Of course, I was called those names and the guy said his brother was a macho man who could have "kicked" ass but didn't. So whether he "screamed" or not seemed to suddenly be up for debate.

When a man comes on to a woman and she's not interested, imagine if her response was to "wildly scream" rather than simply say, "no thanks"?

Guys who are so easily "freaked out", in "real life" are referred to as "pussy's".
RETARD alert.

Using the phrase "Retard Alert" implies about you what you were trying to stupidly imply about the OP.

Why must you use the pejorative word "retard" when there are so many better and less- offensive-to-people-with-mental-issues words out there?
RETARD alert.

Using the phrase "Retard Alert" implies about you what you were trying to stupidly imply about the OP.

Why must you use the pejorative word "retard" when there are so many better and less- offensive-to-people-with-mental-issues words out there?

They use the few words they know. And after SGT heard that world so many times growing up, he thought it was merely a "term of endearment".

Shhhh, don't tell him, otherwise, he'll be "crushed".
What about semi-insignificant partial engorgement? I'm asking for a friend. :razz:

What does the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders have to say about so called "homophobia" anyway? Nothing "classic" I'm sure. :eusa_whistle: That's your nouveau PC Poli-Sci (or is it Poli-Psycho science) head shrinker talk for the unhip to be square crowd. If you don't think "Mawage is what bwings us togetha... to be gay" then you must have a mental disorder. Kinda like the Commies locking people up for worshiping any God but the Almighty State.

You know. Or something. Or not.
What about semi-insignificant partial engorgement? I'm asking for a friend. :razz:

What does the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders have to say about so called "homophobia" anyway? Nothing "classic" I'm sure. :eusa_whistle: That's your nouveau PC Poli-Sci (or is it Poli-Psycho science) head shrinker talk for the unhip to be square crowd. If you don't think "Mawage is what bwings us togetha... to be gay" then you must have a mental disorder. Kinda like the Commies locking people up for worshiping any God but the Almighty State.

You know. Or something. Or not.

I think this letter about Pulitzer Prize Winning Conservative Kathleen Parker pretty much sums it up.

I especially liked her answer to this letter:

Columbus, Ohio: Ms. Parker, congratulations on the Pulitzer. I have to agree with the other posters who say they don't always agree with you, but always enjoy reading your thought-provoking columns. I remember several columns you wrote in the 2003-2004 timeframe where you said you love gays, gay humor, your gay hairdresser, gay cousin, gay neighbors, etc., but felt that allowing gay marriage would result in lawsuits against churches and was against the natural order because male/male and female/female orders don't match nature's intentions.

Do you still feel this way or have your feelings evolved over time? I find it hard to say that the relationships of the gay people in my life are not as worthy of legal recognition.

Pulitzer Prize Winning Homophobe | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

If you have no gay friends or relatives, then why care? But if you do and you promote discrimination, what kind of person are you? Those are the important questions.
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It would be interesting to see the questionnaire to get an idea of how the homophobes were selected.

Well, not really.

I'm just thnking it would be easy to pre-select a group more disposed to get a tad turgid watching gay porn.

In this study, 64 self-reported straight males with a mean age of 20.3 years were divided into two groups (“non-homophobic men” and “homophobic men”) on the basis of their scores on a questionnaire measure of aversion to gay males. Here, homophobia was operationally defined as the degree of “dread” experienced when placed in close quarters with a homosexual.
Both groups—non-homophobic and homophobic men—showed significant engorgement to the straight and lesbian porn and their subjective ratings of arousal matched their penile plethsymograph measure for these two types of video. However, as predicted, only the homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference in response to the gay male porn: specifically, 26 percent of these homophobic men showed “moderate tumescence” (6-12 mm) to this video and 54 percent showed “definite tumescence” (more than 12 mm). (In contrast, for the non-homophobic men, these percentages were 10 and 24, respectively.) Furthermore, the homophobic men significantly underestimated their degree of sexual arousal to the gay male porn.

Single, Angry, Straight Male... Seeks Same?: Scientific American


I finally understand why all the conservatives keep getting "caught".

As if science needed to prove this.
It would be interesting to see the questionnaire to get an idea of how the homophobes were selected.

Well, not really.

I'm just thnking it would be easy to pre-select a group more disposed to get a tad turgid watching gay porn.

In this study, 64 self-reported straight males with a mean age of 20.3 years were divided into two groups (“non-homophobic men” and “homophobic men”) on the basis of their scores on a questionnaire measure of aversion to gay males. Here, homophobia was operationally defined as the degree of “dread” experienced when placed in close quarters with a homosexual.

Watching gay porn wasn't part of the "selection" process. When a man comes on to a woman, a "normal" response is to just say "no thanks, I'm not interested". How often, does the woman turn violent, stabs the guy, freaks out, runs away "screaming"? What if it were a "gay woman"? Would she do those things?

So you have to expect, for normal straight men, if a guy comes on to them, they just say no. What's the big deal?

And believe me, if you have never had a guy come on to you, I suspect you never had a woman come on to you and if that's the case, then that is just sad.

Normal straight men just aren't threatened by gays. They don't care enough to feel threatened.

I suspect homophobes think about gays on a daily basis.
Both groups—non-homophobic and homophobic men—showed significant engorgement to the straight and lesbian porn and their subjective ratings of arousal matched their penile plethsymograph measure for these two types of video. However, as predicted, only the homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference in response to the gay male porn: specifically, 26 percent of these homophobic men showed “moderate tumescence” (6-12 mm) to this video and 54 percent showed “definite tumescence” (more than 12 mm). (In contrast, for the non-homophobic men, these percentages were 10 and 24, respectively.) Furthermore, the homophobic men significantly underestimated their degree of sexual arousal to the gay male porn.

Single, Angry, Straight Male... Seeks Same?: Scientific American


I finally understand why all the conservatives keep getting "caught".

Hmm, if you certain you are not gay that just means you are really gay because young guys get woodys?

Young males get hard-ons all the time and for no particular reason.

I could conduct the same study and prove the same young males are turned on by tractor maintenance and algebra.

The study is obviously politically driven with a pre-determined outcome.
It would be interesting to see the questionnaire to get an idea of how the homophobes were selected.

Well, not really.

I'm just thnking it would be easy to pre-select a group more disposed to get a tad turgid watching gay porn.

In this study, 64 self-reported straight males with a mean age of 20.3 years were divided into two groups (“non-homophobic men” and “homophobic men”) on the basis of their scores on a questionnaire measure of aversion to gay males. Here, homophobia was operationally defined as the degree of “dread” experienced when placed in close quarters with a homosexual.

Watching gay porn wasn't part of the "selection" process. When a man comes on to a woman, a "normal" response is to just say "no thanks, I'm not interested". How often, does the woman turn violent, stabs the guy, freaks out, runs away "screaming"? What if it were a "gay woman"? Would she do those things?

So you have to expect, for normal straight men, if a guy comes on to them, they just say no. What's the big deal?

And believe me, if you have never had a guy come on to you, I suspect you never had a woman come on to you and if that's the case, then that is just sad.

Normal straight men just aren't threatened by gays. They don't care enough to feel threatened.

I suspect homophobes think about gays on a daily basis.

The selection process was a questionnaire said to measure the degree of "dread" experienced by being in the presence of a gay male.

Dread is not hostility. It is a type of fear. If one has gay tendencies but does not wish to, he may well dread being in the company of an openly gay man.

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