Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein's Math.

This is a fascinating topic!

We are indeed Flatlanders with an arrogance and Ego that is infinitely dense and insists that the Universe MUST conform to it.

Maybe a point of infinite density spawns Infinite Big Bang(s) that we are physically incapable of experiencing or accessing
Or comprehending, even.

Oh by the way: The Earth orbits around a wobbling point on a wobbeling circle = "The earth rotates around a point". In this point we see rotating the whole mass of the Earth. The angular speed of the Earth is "a day" = 360° in 1d =86400±30 s. Well known is the formula v=w*r <-> r=v/w.

So if v=c=299 792 458 m/s and w=1/86000 1/s then r=299 792 458 m/s * 86000 s = 25 782 151 388 000 m. So about 26 billion kilometers far from Earth you would see moving around the landscapes of the planet Earth with more than lightspeed. What will really happen when you will drive with your VW microvan 26 billion kilometers and you will take a look out of the window?

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This is a fascinating topic!

We are indeed Flatlanders with an arrogance and Ego that is infinitely dense and insists that the Universe MUST conform to it.

Maybe a point of infinite density spawns Infinite Big Bang(s) that we are physically incapable of experiencing or accessing
Math tells us that infinities are often artifacts.

For example the "undifferentiable" singularity is often a projection from higher dimensions, and can be "unfolded" then folded back.

The infinities are a good clue about higher dimensionality.
Math tells us that infinities are often artifacts.

For example the "undifferentiable" singularity is often a projection from higher dimensions, and can be "unfolded" then folded back.

The infinities are a good clue about higher dimensionality.

The double slit experiment alone has been jumping up and down telling us that we live in a simulation in lower dimensions
That all depends upon how fast you are traveling, not the distance travelled. ...

You did not notice the mistake I really made? It's not the rotation of the earth which defines the speed in the orbit around the Earth 26 billion kilometers far from Earth beyond this self-defined "light speed horizon". I said with my example indeed nothing else than that it is impossible to fly in a geostationary orbit more than 25 billion kilometers far from Earth.
I do not really know whether the rotation of the Earth is a big problem for telescopes - but I'm very sure we need a lot of mathematics and it needs a lot of computer power to correct all possible mistakes which we make when we watch the sky. In this context I find it very interesting that the ESA telescope Euclid was placed in an orbit around the second Lagrange point of the Earth-Sun system for example. What Euclid will find out? We will see! Also with the help of "Einstein's math" or anyone elses math.

There is only one mathematics which is theoretically able only to say something about one universe - our universe. We are the universe. We have no other point where we stand. If a "parallel universe" exists (what I never will know as long as I am only a part of this universe here) where no mathematics at all would exist I had only one expression for such a universe: It would be a perfect hell; specially for mathematicians. I guess our universe here is indeed the best of all possible worlds. It's nice to find out more about the beauty of our universe - although it is not easy to find out how god made it.
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But if you want to believe in a physical infinitely dense object, please don’t let me stop you from believing that.
There is no space in the atom, the electricity in the core of the nucleus creates magnetic properties. This type of logical atom breaks down into smaller constituent atoms, which break down smaller and smaller infinitely. each level has a finite number of atoms, each with a core that as they get smaller reaches for infinite dense small and hot. The overall area that super high density contributes to an atoms heat gets less and less as you approach infinite small though. I don't believe in black holes anymore. I fear they are such a weird subject from feeding the public with showpops in physics? Will they switch back to believable somehow? It's painful when your focus is Astronomy, fuckin raisinpop BS.

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