A good summation…

The globalists have their eyes strained on ukraine. The US is in the bag now and subservient to the WEF. Not every state will go along with it. There will be resistance against the global order.
The globalists have their eyes strained on ukraine. The US is in the bag now and subservient to the WEF. Not every state will go along with it. There will be resistance against the global order.
New World Order!
No, it's just that truth is truth and I'm willing to back up any argument you want to challenge me on. But you can't which is why it's easier just to say "it's all rhetoric" because you can't debate one issue at a time. There is too much evidence on my side.

The Far Rights childish rhetoric is what got us Trump
The Far Rights childish rhetoric is what got us Trump

No, what got us Trump is we got sick of professional politicians that say they'll do one thing and then do another when they do get elected. His main issue that got him in was the border situation. He promised he'd seriously address it and he did. Every other candidate was talking about immigration reform and bullshit like that. We didn't ask for reform, we asked that the flow of immigrants stop, so Trump won on that issue.
No, what got us Trump is we got sick of professional politicians that say they'll do one thing and then do another when they do get elected. His main issue that got him in was the border situation. He promised he'd seriously address it and he did. Every other candidate was talking about immigration reform and bullshit like that. We didn't ask for reform, we asked that the flow of immigrants stop, so Trump won on that issue.
You are partially right

Trump pointed at Mexicans and told people they are murderers and rapists

He pointed at Muslims and told people they were dancing on rooftops on 9-11

He knew what buttons to push
You are partially right

Trump pointed at Mexicans and told people they are murderers and rapists

He pointed at Muslims and told people they were dancing on rooftops on 9-11

He knew what buttons to push

Why do you try to defend your position with pure bullshit so easily proven bullshit? Would you like the video again of what Trump actually said about Mexico?
So where did he say all Mexicans were rapists and murderers? And what did he say that was factually incorrect?

He never said ALL
What he did say is “some” are good people

Not most are good people only some Mexicans are good
He never said ALL
What he did say is “some” are good people

Not most are good people only some Mexicans are good

Here is what you said:

You are partially right

Trump pointed at Mexicans and told people they are murderers and rapists

Now wait a minute. You didn't say Trump thought some were rapists and murderers, you said he pointed at Mexicans and said they were murderers and rapists. If you didn't mean all, why didn't you say some or most.

Furthermore when Trump did point out, he said "they are not good people like you (pointed in another direction) and you (pointed in another direction) and you. That is what he said.
Here is what you said:

Now wait a minute. You didn't say Trump thought some were rapists and murderers, you said he pointed at Mexicans and said they were murderers and rapists. If you didn't mean all, why didn't you say some or most.

Furthermore when Trump did point out, he said "they are not good people like you (pointed in another direction) and you (pointed in another direction) and you. That is what he said.
You two really fucked up my fantastic thread. Leave it to you two idiots.
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…Of where we are today. I don’t see this ending well, but I’m a skeptic when it comes to these things.

To Vote or Not to Vote?
Our once great nation seems to be coming apart right before our eyes. Americans are perhaps more divided on social and political matters than at any other time throughout its history. Not only are we experiencing a recession and a proxy war against Russia on behalf of Ukraine that’s costing taxpayers billions each month, but crime throughout the country has skyrocketed (at least in every Blue state and major city). Anti-White rhetoric in the public sphere is not only viewed as perfectly tolerable, but it’s increasing as well. Jewish activist groups such as the ADL are on the constant warpath to stamp out even the slightest whiff of any perceived “anti-Semitism.”

The federal government lies openly to the American people, and a complicit media makes certain to obfuscate any information that might place the Biden administration in a poor light—right now they’re gearing up to intimidate witnesses who might shed light on the Biden family influence pedaling scams. Gay marriage, Transgender acceptance, Critical Race Theory and drag queen story hour are unashamedly promoted by our public-school systems. District Attorney Office’s throughout many U.S. states are intentionally lenient in terms of sentencing Black and Hispanic criminals as a means of eradicating “systemic racism” from the justice system. This not only perverts justice, but it exacerbates the nation’s widespread crime problem since offenders are continuously released back into the same communities they’ve victimized.

The 2020 presidential election was fraught with fraud, and the recent mid-term elections seemed to have had its fair share as well. All of this and more has led some to decry that the entire system is “rigged,” and that voting is “useless.” Whether it’s Democrats or Republicans, the entire Congress is corrupt (save a select few members). Congressional treason becomes even more evident when one realizes that commitment to Israel’s security is their top priority, including giving billions annually to the nation for their military defense. Putting “America first” is evidently the farthest thought from our Congress.

Claiming that America’s two-party political system is nothing more than a “uniparty” seems at times to have some validity. Both Democrats and Republicans, for example, support illegal immigration, although for different reasons. The Democrats see illegals as their new and growing voter base, whereas Republicans see them as cheap labor for corporations and small businesses. Everyone seems to win except the average White American whose country is slipping away right before them.

Republicans and Democrats largely agree that racial ‘diversity’ is a good thing for the country. Both parties also support “gay and LGBTQ+ rights.” Both Republicans and Democrats maintain unwavering support for Israel and are committed to stamping out every vestige of “anti-Semitism.”
And what's helping fan all this divisiveness? Social media.

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