A Grievous Sea Change


Sep 23, 2010
Crooks sitting in jail cells have been reelected to local offices. My memory tells me they were Democrats. I do not recall a convicted Republican crook getting reelected. I am not certain if a convict was ever reelected to the US Congress.

An ungodly number of presidents surrounded themselves with crooks, but none ever got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Known-rapist then-Governor Bill Clinton was elected for two terms as president although he never saw a day in jail.

Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton handling bimbo eruptions was notorious for the way she abused women —— then she went on to 2 terms in the US Senate.

History shows that a bunch of American voters in every generation never objected to larceny per se. In recent years an assortment of questionable sexually behavior joined larceny as acceptable. Now, treason is being added to the ranks of odd behavior and larceny.

Media does their best to hide that Bill Clinton, and Taqiyya the Liar, are global government, UN-loving, traitors; nevertheless, a few well-informed Americans, always knew them for what they are.

My point: By the time Hillary Clinton gets her party’s nomination a majority of Democrat voters will have learned enough about her to program treason into their thinking. In short: Electing Hillary Clinton will definitely signal a major sea change in the type of people they elect to govern?

I’ll close by paraphrasing an old adage:

First we abhor, then we tolerate, then we embrace, then we elect.​
Crooks sitting in jail cells have been reelected to local offices. My memory tells me they were Democrats. I do not recall a convicted Republican crook getting reelected. I am not certain if a convict was ever reelected to the US Congress.

An ungodly number of presidents surrounded themselves with crooks, but none ever got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Known-rapist then-Governor Bill Clinton was elected for two terms as president although he never saw a day in jail.

Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton handling bimbo eruptions was notorious for the way she abused women —— then she went on to 2 terms in the US Senate.

History shows that a bunch of American voters in every generation never objected to larceny per se. In recent years an assortment of questionable sexually behavior joined larceny as acceptable. Now, treason is being added to the ranks of odd behavior and larceny.

Media does their best to hide that Bill Clinton, and Taqiyya the Liar, are global government, UN-loving, traitors; nevertheless, a few well-informed Americans, always knew them for what they are.

My point: By the time Hillary Clinton gets her party’s nomination a majority of Democrat voters will have learned enough about her to program treason into their thinking. In short: Electing Hillary Clinton will definitely signal a major sea change in the type of people they elect to govern?

I’ll close by paraphrasing an old adage:

First we abhor, then we tolerate, then we embrace, then we elect.​
Please, if you don't mind, allow me to inject a small amount of info here that better describe the activities of elected officials and office holders. First, is it, or is it not true that we have a Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Would I be correct in saying that members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats alike, make sweet deals behind closed doors that determine legislation and policy? Would I be correct in saying that honesty and politics mix like water and oil? Would I be correct in saying that votes on the floors of Congress are bought and sold? Would I be correct in saying that members of Congress develop contacts while in office, in order to fix themselves up with sweet jobs and/or cushy board positions once they leave public service? Would I be correct in saying that presidents owe many favors by the time they're sworn in, and pay back those favors once elected to the oval office? Would I be correct in saying that presidents use their power and authority to exhibit favoritism and special consideration towards a select few?

Do presidents retain a certain amount of power and influence once they leave office, and continue to pay political debts? And, now, the last questions,"are all presidents Democrats? are all presidents Republicans?

Just a little food for thought.
Just a little food for thought.

To Sonny Clark: I do not doubt your food for thought; however, today’s crooks are not a sea change by any stretch of the imagination.

History shows that a bunch of American voters in every generation never objected to larceny per se.

To Sonny Clark: Explore on my premise and the thread title.

My point: By the time Hillary Clinton gets her party’s nomination a majority of Democrat voters will have learned enough about her to program treason into their thinking.

See this thread:

As I’ve said for years, media has one rule in picking the candidates for both parties: The Republican must be an acceptable substitute for the Democrat. Bottom line: There is no difference between an establishment Republican or a Democrat in the White House.

If Larry Sabato’s prediction is correct again,

CRYSTAL BALL: University of Virginia expert Larry Sabato picked the victor in 49 out of 50 states during the last presidential election​

his crystal ball is more than enough reason than ever before to concentrate on Senate races in 2016:


. . . 'blue' states like California and New York are so populous, the Democratic Party starts out with a huge advantage of 41 extra electoral votes. It takes 270 to win, out of a total of 538.

ALREADY AHEAD: Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' front-runner, would benefit from the same built-in mathematical advantages of the electoral college that helped elect Barack Obama twice

The remaining battleground states – Ohio, Florida, Nevada, Colorado, Missouri, Virginia and New Hampshire – account for 85 votes – enough to 'swing' the contest in either direction.

Two of those swing states, says Sabato, are must-win battles for the GOP.
Blue states will vote for Hillary Clinton well knowing what she is —— traitor included.

By the time Hillary Clinton gets her party’s nomination a majority of Democrat voters will have learned enough about her to program treason into their thinking. In short: Electing Hillary Clinton will definitely signal a major sea change in the type of people they elect to govern?


Tired of election talk ALREADY? You can ignore 43 of the 50 states, says famed presidential prognosticator – and only four really matter
By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For Dailymail.com
Published: 16:46 EST, 7 May 2015 | Updated: 17:32 EST, 7 May 2015​

Finally, Hillary has always been a bigger liar than her husband. She is so good at lying she is rapidly closing in on Taqiyya the Liar’s title —— Biggest Liar of All-time —— a title he was sure he retired after 2012.
Finally, Hillary has always been a bigger liar than her husband. She is so good at lying she is rapidly closing in on Taqiyya the Liar’s title —— Biggest Liar of All-time —— a title he was sure he retired after 2012.

She has another title. She has not lied to the press in 26 days:

Friday marks 26 days since Clinton formally announced she is running for president, but she has yet to do a formal interview with national media, extending her own record as the presidential candidate who’s waited longest in modern history.

Silent Hill: 26 Days into Campaign, No National Interviews for Clinton
by Alex Swoyer8 May 2015
Washington, DC

BN Silent Hill 26 Days into Campaign No National Interviews for Clinton - Breitbart

This is even better:

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