A little perspective on 2014 Senate

No, this thread is about poor Joe's crying and butt hurt over losing the elections on the 4th and now 2 1/2 weeks later he is still crying and trying to convince himself it's all okay.

Yup, and today, you have your new Republican Congress sputtering because Obama just legalized 5 million new Democrats... er, undocumented workers.

Really? I thought it was the same Congress we had November 4th. Interesting, when did they all get sworn in?

Lol! Your ignorance knows no bounds and your cry fest is hilarious.
We had 38 Senate races throughout the country, Joe. Why do you concentrate on just nine?
We had gubernatorial elections in 36 states. The GOP won the majority of those as well. There were House elections in all 50 states. The GOP added seats to their majority.
EVERYWHERE! the GOP gained ground. Even in states where Republicans have zero chance of winning, they received a higher percentage of votes than they did in 2012.
The elections were a referendum on obama. It's stupid and disingenuous of you to claim otherwise.

Actually, because you only really had 9 that were contests.

This is a referendum on why we probably need to get rid of midterms. NO one shows up for them, and we end up with a bunch of nuts, most of which we have to get rid of next election cycle.

Why do crybabies like you want to change the rules when you get spanked?
No, this thread is about poor Joe's crying and butt hurt over losing the elections on the 4th and now 2 1/2 weeks later he is still crying and trying to convince himself it's all okay.

Yup, and today, you have your new Republican Congress sputtering because Obama just legalized 5 million new Democrats... er, undocumented workers.

Really? I thought it was the same Congress we had November 4th. Interesting, when did they all get sworn in?

Lol! Your ignorance knows no bounds and your cry fest is hilarious.

Perhaps you haven't heard some of the hair on fire remarks by teabaggers who were recently elected but haven't begun their term yet. They are certainly sputtering, and making all kinds of threats, but the reality is there is nothing they can do but pitch another tantrum. The republicans should hire a smart person so Obama won't be able to manipulate them so easily. The idiots they have don't even recognize when they are being herded like a bunch of sheep.
We had 38 Senate races throughout the country, Joe. Why do you concentrate on just nine?
We had gubernatorial elections in 36 states. The GOP won the majority of those as well. There were House elections in all 50 states. The GOP added seats to their majority.
EVERYWHERE! the GOP gained ground. Even in states where Republicans have zero chance of winning, they received a higher percentage of votes than they did in 2012.
The elections were a referendum on obama. It's stupid and disingenuous of you to claim otherwise.

Actually, because you only really had 9 that were contests.

This is a referendum on why we probably need to get rid of midterms. NO one shows up for them, and we end up with a bunch of nuts, most of which we have to get rid of next election cycle.
While we're getting rid of mid terms, maybe we should get rid of that pesky document that says we elect Senators every 6 years and Representatives every 2.
Maybe you can find 4 or 5 other idiots that would support such a Constitutional amendment.

Hmm Gumbo and Starkey might make 7.
No, this thread is about poor Joe's crying and butt hurt over losing the elections on the 4th and now 2 1/2 weeks later he is still crying and trying to convince himself it's all okay.

Yup, and today, you have your new Republican Congress sputtering because Obama just legalized 5 million new Democrats... er, undocumented workers.

Really? I thought it was the same Congress we had November 4th. Interesting, when did they all get sworn in?

Lol! Your ignorance knows no bounds and your cry fest is hilarious.

Perhaps you haven't heard some of the hair on fire remarks by teabaggers who were recently elected but haven't begun their term yet. They are certainly sputtering, and making all kinds of threats, but the reality is there is nothing they can do but pitch another tantrum. The republicans should hire a smart person so Obama won't be able to manipulate them so easily. The idiots they have don't even recognize when they are being herded like a bunch of sheep.

More lefties crying! Lol!

You and Joe should get a room.
No, this thread is about poor Joe's crying and butt hurt over losing the elections on the 4th and now 2 1/2 weeks later he is still crying and trying to convince himself it's all okay.

Yup, and today, you have your new Republican Congress sputtering because Obama just legalized 5 million new Democrats... er, undocumented workers.

Really? I thought it was the same Congress we had November 4th. Interesting, when did they all get sworn in?

Lol! Your ignorance knows no bounds and your cry fest is hilarious.

Perhaps you haven't heard some of the hair on fire remarks by teabaggers who were recently elected but haven't begun their term yet. They are certainly sputtering, and making all kinds of threats, but the reality is there is nothing they can do but pitch another tantrum. The republicans should hire a smart person so Obama won't be able to manipulate them so easily. The idiots they have don't even recognize when they are being herded like a bunch of sheep.

More lefties crying! Lol!

You and Joe should get a room.

Exactly which part do you consider crying? just because you want the democrats to be upset isn't enough to do it.
No, this thread is about poor Joe's crying and butt hurt over losing the elections on the 4th and now 2 1/2 weeks later he is still crying and trying to convince himself it's all okay.

Yup, and today, you have your new Republican Congress sputtering because Obama just legalized 5 million new Democrats... er, undocumented workers.

Really? I thought it was the same Congress we had November 4th. Interesting, when did they all get sworn in?

Lol! Your ignorance knows no bounds and your cry fest is hilarious.

Perhaps you haven't heard some of the hair on fire remarks by teabaggers who were recently elected but haven't begun their term yet. They are certainly sputtering, and making all kinds of threats, but the reality is there is nothing they can do but pitch another tantrum. The republicans should hire a smart person so Obama won't be able to manipulate them so easily. The idiots they have don't even recognize when they are being herded like a bunch of sheep.

More lefties crying! Lol!

You and Joe should get a room.

Exactly which part do you consider crying? just because you want the democrats to be upset isn't enough to do it.

Funny coming from a guy that inserts his opinion that Republicans are throwing a tantrum, you are comical.

I don't give a shit whether you or any Democrat are upset or not, Joe cares otherwise the little guy wouldn't be in all these threads trying to convince himself otherwise.
Why do crybabies like you want to change the rules when you get spanked?

Actually, there's a sensible, non-partisan reason to want to be rid of midterms.

And, no, not just that most people don't show up to them and we get wild swings in congress.

But also that it requires us to be in a cycle of perpetual election. When your Congressman is thinking about 2016 the minute he wins in 2014, he's really not concentrating on the job you sent him there to do.
While we're getting rid of mid terms, maybe we should get rid of that pesky document that says we elect Senators every 6 years and Representatives every 2.
Maybe you can find 4 or 5 other idiots that would support such a Constitutional amendment.

Actually, there's a lot of merit to that.

Get rid of the Gerrymandering of congressional districts, get rid of 6 year terms for Senators and 2 year terms for Congressmen and get rid of the utlimate idiocy the Electoral College.

Here's the thing. Most of us don't vote because our votes don't really count. Maybe if they did, we would.
Yup, typical Mormon... all smiles until someone calls bullshit on you.

I think I've told you already.....I am no longer lds.

But I forgive your drug damaged brain anyway.

Who called what bullshit.

You want to put words in peoples mouths...but don't seem to like it when they get shoved up your ass.
We get it, Joe. You hate Mormons. I'm sure any that have met you aren't real crazy about you, either.

Now! Go crawl back under your rock.

Forget mormons....

Joe hates anyone who disagrees with his belief he somehow is entitled to something.
Since Romney got the nomination nearly 3 years ago, he's had a hard on for Mormons.

It's sad, really. I think the boss who canned him for being a meth head must have been LDS.
Since Romney got the nomination nearly 3 years ago, he's had a hard on for Mormons.

It's sad, really. I think the boss who canned him for being a meth head must have been LDS.

Mormons seem to be just one group he hates.

They all get lumped into...."whoever stands between me and my goodies".
Since Romney got the nomination nearly 3 years ago, he's had a hard on for Mormons.

It's sad, really. I think the boss who canned him for being a meth head must have been LDS.

Naw, I've had a hard on for Mormons for 30 years now, ever since I met some when I was inthe service. Creepy, lying backstabbing hypocrites. And that was before I even bothered to study any of the batshit crazy stuff they believe.

and the GOP let them hijack their party for a PSA.
Yup, typical Mormon... all smiles until someone calls bullshit on you.
The election was over over two weeks ago, get over you butt hurt Joe, this thread sure shows how pissed you have been over it.

Well, I'm pissed our politics are so dysfunctional. That our government can be paralyzed for two years because 5 million Bubba-rednecks can change control of the Senate.

So now we are going to get the President doing what he SHOULD have done six years ago- actually ACT like a President.

And you guys will all whine when he does it, because he's black.

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