A Loon's Response


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Here is a typical looney-tune response, by a Loon or a Pinhead, that is a Democrat, by which I mean an "Undeclared Socialist"....from another thread--it doesn't matter which, the response is typical:

"Attacking bad logic like the endless cum hoc fallacies for the fallacies they are is not in any way "defending" the object of the fallacious attack. This is itself another fallacy, and one that should be outgrown by, say, junior high school."

What does this mean?

It means the same thing as:

"Nutter" and "Hater Dupe" which are other popular Socialist Democrat Horse Shit.

They simply cannot defend their positions...and they think calling the Messenger an "Idiot" is Political Debate. But they increasingly look like they have no comprehension of what it takes to form a society so great as America---they just want to leech off of it.

This post is on a Political Discussion Board, and its purpose is to call out the Democrats, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Loons, Pinheads....whatever it is they want to be called...as to whether they will ever actually address issues other than by responses such as above.

20 Trillion in Debt.

What will they do about it?
Blaming Jefferson or Reagan or Bush is not a valid answer. I have children. They want to know about the future.

Mullahs with nuclear weapons.

Are Mullahs deterred by the Concept of"Mutually Assured Destruction"? Or, will they embrace it as a way to Allah and those damn 72 virgins. My grandmother thanks Obama for bringing peace with the damn Iranians for the next 5 years, maybe, while they DON'T have the nuclear bomb, but my children are aghast that they will have to deal with them after they have the nuclear bomb.

Sanctuary Cities

How do you defend Sanctuary Cities...which actually harbor criminals in defiance of Law, but in pursuance of illegal votes for Democrats. Why isn't that Treason? They just voted on this in the House. EVERY Republican voted to stop it; every Democrat voted to carry on, except for a few Democrat Cowards who abstained.


I could go on and on.....but I am tired of typing.

Why can't you get a debate out of Fucking Democrats on these matters?

Because legitimate debate tends to generate Truth.

And Democrats hate Truth like a vampire hates sunrise.

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There are a lot of smaller ways to try and address the debt but the 3 major ways I would address it would be to reduce spending on defense, reforming SS disability, and raising taxes. It is very difficult to do this given the current economic climate so economic growth is a major consideration.

The US has let its trade deficit grow out of control with China, Japan, and Germany. We need to address these issues head on and do everything we can to normalize relations. The most obvious issue is the manipulation of the USD. We should also reform the corporate tax code so that it makes sense in this age of globalization.

Mullahs with nukes is something we want to avoid but I also have no interest in war. Iran is modernizing faster than our neighbors and starting another unfunded war would just make everything worse, including the debt. The path to peace begins with improving relations with the people of Iran and opening up trade. This approach is similar to how Nixon went to China which drastically changed our relationship with them and helped lead to a far safer world.

I couldn't care less about the sanctuary city debate.
Thank you.

I don't agree with much you said, but it is an example of how Political Debate should be carried on.
I wonder how the gov. convinced the stupid Americans that taxing their paychecks, and everything else, to the hilt is a good idea. :eek:
It leads to a wasteful gov. or worse one that wants to strengthen other countries at our expense. Let's stop borrowing money from China at ridiculous interest and then giving it away to nations that chant "Death to America". We could fix every bridge in the country.

The whole world is picking sides for WW3, and you think that now is a good time to cut our defenses. Let's cut 110,000 government jobs like Russia just did, and pay our soldiers more. Let's NOT invite Cuba to suck the teat, and instead make the homeless vet a thing of the past.

It doesn't matter if you have no interest in it. The Mullahs do. And they are genocidal. Let's not give them money. Let's feed the hungry children in America instead.

Let's not shore up the Pacific rim. Let's not contribute to India's rise, while we fall. Let's tax imports like they tax our exports, and start manufacturing things here again. Which will create jobs, which will disperse money into the community.

Let's do that instead of working overtime to feed the pig.
The OP is swell! He makes a common error, however.

At issue isn't whether or not "the left" can defend positions here. Rather, it is that "the left" has grown weary of doing so only to be ignored by "the right".

Solutions to the debt have been offered ad nauseam by "the left".

Iran is less likely to get a nuclear weapon today than it was two weeks ago.

There are very valid reasons for why we have "sanctuary cities" and none of them have to do with votes.

Now...pick one of these and I will gladly spend a few minutes "defending" my position.
Why don't you just pick out any Clownish Loon Position you think you can make a logical, fact-based defense of....anything rather than "solutions have been offered"..."there are valid reasons"..."Iran is less dangerous than 2 weeks ago".

What nonsense.

Aren't you the "Nutter" Guy? I thought I had you on Ignore.
Why don't you just pick out any Clownish Loon Position you think you can make a logical, fact-based defense of....anything rather than "solutions have been offered"..."there are valid reasons"..."Iran is less dangerous than 2 weeks ago".

What nonsense.

Aren't you the "Nutter" Guy? I thought I had you on Ignore.

And...here I was trying to have a mature, adult discussion. I thought that's what you were after. I guess not.
Why don't you just pick out any Clownish Loon Position you think you can make a logical, fact-based defense of....anything rather than "solutions have been offered"..."there are valid reasons"..."Iran is less dangerous than 2 weeks ago".

What nonsense.

Aren't you the "Nutter" Guy? I thought I had you on Ignore.

And...here I was trying to have a mature, adult discussion. I thought that's what you were after. I guess not.

A Loon's Response.

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