A Loyalty Oath? C'mon...

who doesn't trust unnamed sources?
No one trusts anything or anyone, just as desgined. Chaos is the goal.


sorry.... i just had to....
All I see is a tiny box with an x in it.

don't know how old you are, but it was a 'get smart' reference.
Comey has returned the ball in the "who said what to whom" discussion that Trump started with "Comey told me three times I am not under investigation." Comey's friends say, "Yeah, well the President asked him twice to take a loyalty oath."

Three times Comey said something, but with the President's batting average on accuracy, I'll wait to see if Comey wishes to clear that up. And that three times thing--like before the rooster crows, Peter, you will deny me three times....Kind of puts a stamp of authenticity on it, doesn't it?

Asking Comey to take a loyalty pledge is about the creepiest thing I've heard yet, and I thought I'd been creeped out by this guy before. Kneel and kiss my ring, swear you are my man, and maybe I'll let you keep your job. ???? Glad Comey said no. Convenient Trump didn't mention that part in his story about the dinner.

Right there on its website, the FBI says the bureau and its officials must only swear an oath to the Constitution — not even a president. The reason? Because the latter “too easily leads to tyranny”:

It is significant that we take an oath to support and defend the Constitution and not an individual leader, ruler, office, or entity. This is true for the simple reason that the Constitution is based on lasting principles of sound government that provide balance, stability, and consistency through time. A government based on individuals — who are inconsistent, fallible, and often prone to error — too easily leads to tyranny on the one extreme or anarchy on the other. The founding fathers sought to avoid these extremes and create a balanced government based on constitutional principles.

Analysis | Trump reportedly sought a loyalty pledge from Comey. The FBI says this ‘leads to tyranny.’

Don't forget, just because NYT and WaPo don't disclose their sources doesn't mean their sources aren't credible--WaPo broke Watergate, remember. Trump has planned all along to fire Comey? I'll bet he has, ever since Comey told him he wouldn't take a loyalty oath. Who else has been asked? Jeff Sessions? Pompeo? Did they say yes? Who else? Would be interesting to know.
Comey was a substandard employee. He was terminated. No Watergate here fanatic liberal. Shut off CNN, MSNBC, and take a breath. Beautiful weekend...plant flowers or something Mary.
Comey is fired, old news, move on

your orange overlord is going down..... get use to it sweetcakes.

Yeah yeah yeah since the day he announced he was running you loons have been saying that. Not going to happen, dumb fuck


it's astounding how you bask in the glory of poor education....

Get back on topic, which is unnamed sources spewing BS
That's what fake journalism has become in Times and Post..."unnamed sources."
Comey is fired, old news, move on

your orange overlord is going down..... get use to it sweetcakes.

Yeah yeah yeah since the day he announced he was running you loons have been saying that. Not going to happen, dumb fuck


it's astounding how you bask in the glory of poor education....

Get back on topic, which is unnamed sources spewing BS
That's what fake journalism has become in Times and Post..."unnamed sources."

lol.... the best thing that president tinkles can do is denigrate the I C even more....
your orange overlord is going down..... get use to it sweetcakes.

Yeah yeah yeah since the day he announced he was running you loons have been saying that. Not going to happen, dumb fuck


it's astounding how you bask in the glory of poor education....

Get back on topic, which is unnamed sources spewing BS
That's what fake journalism has become in Times and Post..."unnamed sources."

lol.... the best thing that president tinkles can do is denigrate the I C even more....
Sure. Yellow Journalism.
Trump is starting to sound like Hydra from Captain America. Weird times we're living in.

This is such an embarrassment to our nation. Other countries must think we're all loopy.
Yeah yeah yeah since the day he announced he was running you loons have been saying that. Not going to happen, dumb fuck


it's astounding how you bask in the glory of poor education....

Get back on topic, which is unnamed sources spewing BS
That's what fake journalism has become in Times and Post..."unnamed sources."

lol.... the best thing that president tinkles can do is denigrate the I C even more....
Sure. Yellow Journalism.

lol... the I C isn't the press, deary. but they do hold all the cards considering they have the means to let loose anything incriminating against trump.... oh & the press is protected from releasing any classified documents given to them from the very people investigating the tribblehead .
Comey is fired, old news, move on

your orange overlord is going down..... get use to it sweetcakes.

Yeah yeah yeah since the day he announced he was running you loons have been saying that. Not going to happen, dumb fuck


it's astounding how you bask in the glory of poor education....

Get back on topic, which is unnamed sources spewing BS
That's what fake journalism has become in Times and Post..."unnamed sources."
We'll see about that. Your idiot President has now raised the issue of whether he's got the dinner on tape. Dems in the senate are already requesting it and someone or other is mounting an investigation (naturally--do these people EVER work on legislation? ) and may subpoena the tapes. If the President says they don't exist and they do, HE'D better hope he's got all the "enemies" out of the WH, because it'll be leaked, $100,000 or not. Watch Trump closely on the golf course the next few days near any water hazards. He may be destroying evidence.
your orange overlord is going down..... get use to it sweetcakes.

Yeah yeah yeah since the day he announced he was running you loons have been saying that. Not going to happen, dumb fuck


it's astounding how you bask in the glory of poor education....

Get back on topic, which is unnamed sources spewing BS
That's what fake journalism has become in Times and Post..."unnamed sources."
We'll see about that. Your idiot President has now raised the issue of whether he's got the dinner on tape. Dems in the senate are already requesting it and someone or other is mounting an investigation (naturally--do these people EVER work on legislation? ) and may subpoena the tapes. If the President says they don't exist and they do, HE'D better hope he's got all the "enemies" out of the WH, because it'll be leaked, $100,000 or not. Watch Trump closely on the golf course the next few days near any water hazards. He may be destroying evidence.
He could have possibly asked that, according to some unnamed sources...who in effect...almost confirmed it.

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