a perfect example of a déclassé President.. chewing gum at a solemn ceremony

Don't you know, it's OK to HONOR the brutal murdering SS scum as long as you don't chew gum!

Reagan recorded in his diaries that the Germans feared being “ignored” during the upcoming 40th anniversary of V-E Day. “They suffer a great guilt complex over the Nazi period,” he wrote. “I’m suggesting including them this time & making the occasion one of celebrating when the hatred stopped & peace & friendship began which has continued for 40 yrs.”

Hell, America even held events between the North and South Soldiers all the way into the 20th Century!

BUT don't let FACTS get in the way of your subversive rants!

And, of course, there was no other way of not "ignoring" the Germans than to HONOR the murdering SS. :cuckoo:

And this coming from a subversive that wants to give Palestine everything they want! :cuckoo:
Obama has now visited Normandy twice as many times as Reagan.

Did they even have gum back then?

Old Ronnie knew how to commensurate heroes.

Reagan Joins Kohl in Brief Memorial at Bitburg Graves - NYTimes.com

White House aides have acknowledged that the Bitburg visit is probably the biggest fiasco of Mr. Reagan's Presidency. The visit, which was made at the insistence of Mr. Kohl, was overwhelmingly opposed by both houses of Congress, Jewish organizations, veterans' groups and others.

Don't you know, it's OK to HONOR the brutal murdering SS scum as long as you don't chew gum!

Not if it's Wrigley's!

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Don't you know, it's OK to HONOR the brutal murdering SS scum as long as you don't chew gum!

Reagan recorded in his diaries that the Germans feared being “ignored” during the upcoming 40th anniversary of V-E Day. “They suffer a great guilt complex over the Nazi period,” he wrote. “I’m suggesting including them this time & making the occasion one of celebrating when the hatred stopped & peace & friendship began which has continued for 40 yrs.”

Hell, America even held events between the North and South Soldiers all the way into the 20th Century!

BUT don't let FACTS get in the way of your subversive rants!

Do you not know any other words but subversive to play character assassin..?
Don't you know, it's OK to HONOR the brutal murdering SS scum as long as you don't chew gum!

Reagan recorded in his diaries that the Germans feared being “ignored” during the upcoming 40th anniversary of V-E Day. “They suffer a great guilt complex over the Nazi period,” he wrote. “I’m suggesting including them this time & making the occasion one of celebrating when the hatred stopped & peace & friendship began which has continued for 40 yrs.”

Hell, America even held events between the North and South Soldiers all the way into the 20th Century!

BUT don't let FACTS get in the way of your subversive rants!

Do you not know any other words but subversive to play character assassin..?

Sorry if the English language and word meanings fail your 2 digit IQ!
It seems sort of petty, but so many are so disgusted, that even the little things take on bigger meaning. Not to give him a pass, but where the fuck are the people surrounding him to offer better direction..."Excuse me, sir...please swallow. You're being filmed and photographed.":D
It seems sort of petty, but so many are so disgusted, that even the little things take on bigger meaning. Not to give him a pass, but where the fuck are the people surrounding him to offer better direction..."Excuse me, sir...please swallow. You're being filmed and photographed.":D

You mean CORRECT the Mess...iah? Apparently they all LOVE their jobs, so the Chicago Thug, can do no wrong in their books!
Why should anyone care at all about this? Are you people just really fucking desperate to find a real reason to hate Obama? Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. That's the reason to hate Obama. Not gum.

Hate Obama for continuing little Georgie Bush's miserably failed war that was supposed to make Daddy Bush love and respect him. Hate Obama for not repealing the piece of shit massive government USAPATRIOT Act that small-government Republicans bestowed upon us. Hate Obama for not ending the ridiculous drug war that was started 40 years ago by that flaming **** Nixon right after his own committee told him to legalize marijuana.

There are real reasons to hate Obama. There are enough real reasons to impeach Obama. There are enough real reasons to charge Obama with war crimes. But you fucking people can't stomach the idea of America being wrong, so you focus on piddly little bullshit like this. "Obama's a Muslim Marxist Kenyan Martian who's gonna take ar guuuuuuuns!"

Chewing gum during the announcement of the Queen? How dare he? The Queen of Wherever deserves respect, right? Especially from the leader of a nation that prides itself on being founded by overthrowing a big government tyrannical monarchy. First Obama was wrong for showing too much respect for foreign leaders by bowing and being a pussy, now he's wrong for not showing enough respect and being a belligerent ghetto thug. Which is it, Republicans? Do you people even know?
Reagan recorded in his diaries that the Germans feared being “ignored” during the upcoming 40th anniversary of V-E Day. “They suffer a great guilt complex over the Nazi period,” he wrote. “I’m suggesting including them this time & making the occasion one of celebrating when the hatred stopped & peace & friendship began which has continued for 40 yrs.”

Hell, America even held events between the North and South Soldiers all the way into the 20th Century!

BUT don't let FACTS get in the way of your subversive rants!

Do you not know any other words but subversive to play character assassin..?

Sorry if the English language and word meanings fail your 2 digit IQ!

Really, don't try to pull me down to your level...
So tell me...

A few years ago were you eating French Fries or Freedom Fries?

Deflection much? Has nothing to do with the thread, you might want to review zone 2 posting rules.

Just can't seem to admit your dear leader is nothing but a slimy piece of chicago gutter trash, can you?

You on the right will sorely miss him come 2017. Obama withdrawal syndrome for people that have no life other than Obama. There will be a booming business in opening up twelve step programs for Obama anonymous clinics in third world red states like texas (tejas),
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Why should anyone care at all about this? Are you people just really fucking desperate to find a real reason to hate Obama? Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. That's the reason to hate Obama. Not gum.

Hate Obama for continuing little Georgie Bush's miserably failed war that was supposed to make Daddy Bush love and respect him. Hate Obama for not repealing the piece of shit massive government USAPATRIOT Act that small-government Republicans bestowed upon us. Hate Obama for not ending the ridiculous drug war that was started 40 years ago by that flaming **** Nixon right after his own committee told him to legalize marijuana.

There are real reasons to hate Obama. There are enough real reasons to impeach Obama. There are enough real reasons to charge Obama with war crimes. But you fucking people can't stomach the idea of America being wrong, so you focus on piddly little bullshit like this. "Obama's a Muslim Marxist Kenyan Martian who's gonna take ar guuuuuuuns!"

Chewing gum during the announcement of the Queen? How dare he? The Queen of Wherever deserves respect, right? Especially from the leader of a nation that prides itself on being founded by overthrowing a big government tyrannical monarchy. First Obama was wrong for showing too much respect for foreign leaders by bowing and being a pussy, now he's wrong for not showing enough respect and being a belligerent ghetto thug. Which is it, Republicans? Do you people even know?
This is nothing ... just wait until images of Obama emerge with him chewing gum while playing golf! :eek: There are going to be mass aneurysmal explosions of alarming proportions among Conservatives like never before.
So tell me...

A few years ago were you eating French Fries or Freedom Fries?

Deflection much? Has nothing to do with the thread, you might want to review zone 2 posting rules.

Just can't seem to admit your dear leader is nothing but a slimy piece of chicago gutter trash, can you?

You on the right will sorely miss him come 2017. Obama withdrawal syndrome for people that have no life other than Obama. There will be a booming business in opening up twelve step programs for Obama anonymous clinics in third world red states like texas (tejas),
No worries ... their incessant president Obama bitching will quickly be replaced with incessant president Rodham-Clinton bitching. :lol:
Obama Chomps On Gum During D-Day Anniversary Event…Update: France Not Happy

And people wonder where stereotyping comes from!
Obama was caught on camera chewing gum while clapping during the welcome for Her Majesty the Queen. He kept chewing throughout the ceremonies, also managing to anger France. French twitter blew up (not to mention British and American reaction):
Obama Chomps On Gum During D-Day Anniversary Event?Update: France Not Happy | Weasel Zippers

What a really low class slob!

Is there anyone who doesn't know how obnoxious it is to do that on camera at a solemn event? It's all about attitude here. Obama has a bad attitude with many of our allies and especially our military. Had this been a meeting with the Taliban or the Muslim Brotherhood, he would have been on his best behavior and completely respectful of them.
I for one do not "HATE" anyone. Hating is a waste of existence.
I do not like the person that represents ME to the world doing something I wouldn't do, i.e. chewing gum in church,
in ceremonies honoring people and in places that most civilized people would from childhood be told by their parents.."don't chew gum spit it out!"
This shows Obama obviously didn't respect the dead,the living, the civilized by doing what the majority of civilized people would do.. "NOT chew gum"!
It is the little things in life that people notice and in the case of Obama his attempts to do grandiose sweeping as Michelle said :

"I am desperate for change — now — not in 8 years or 12 years, but right now. We don’t have time to wait. We need big change — not just the shifting of power among insiders. We need to change the game, because the game is broken. When I think about the country I want to give my children, it’s not the world we have now. All I have to do is look into the faces of my children, and I realize how much work we need to do."

"He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.
Campaign rally at UCLA, quoted in "It’s All About Him" by William Kristol in The New York Times (25 February 2008)"

So there you have it folks! Michelle/Obama WANT big changes. Strange isn't it she said "push yourselves to be better"? Words just words...
Actions speak louder and a gum chewing President telling us we are our brother's keeper while his brother lives in a $12/year hut???

Actions speak louder then words...
$Screen Shot 2014-06-07 at 6.44.31 AM.png
Hey, lighten up a bit. It's not Barry's fault there weren't any hot foreign dignitary babes around for him to flirt with during the ceremony. But he probably knows gum chewing instead is another good way to get under Michelle's skin.

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