Zone1 A person from the past you'd like to date?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
As the title says. A historical personality you wouldnt mind having a relationship with.

Esmeralda eventhough only a cartoon figure

any of those for their intellect and personality

and of course not so far back, but recent history the half dutch/russian half hungarian gypsy (father) mariska veres for her striking look, striking blue eyes, raven black hair, very beautiful....

Dear Uncle Adolf , and I would ask him to send you First Class to Treblinka , Belsen or one of the other big and friendly holiday camps .
You deserve something final .
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Dear Uncle Adolf , and I would ask him to send you First Class to Treblinka , Belsen or one of the other big and friendly holiday camps .
You deserve something final .

No one ever called Adolf Hitler "Dear Uncle". What for heavens sake do you think about when you use this expression, fan of Nazi methods?

PS.: The problem today is by the way not that Adolf Hitler was a great man. He never was. He was totally "normal". So the problem is that everyone is able to be an Adolf Hitler. Take yourselve as an example, slave of Putin.
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No one ever called Adolf Hitler "Dear Uncle".
Firstly , I did ,
So stop being stupid .
Also ,his family did .
So stop being more stupid .
Next , all of his fan club and social platform followers do .
So go bury yourself .

Why is it that so many Krauts are boring , dense and lack any sense of humour ?
Firstly , I did ,
So stop being stupid .

Aha. I am stupid because you call Hitler your dear uncle. What kind of sickness is this, brainworm?

Also ,his family did .

Hitler was ashamed about his own family so he tried to eliminate all information about them. Hitler gave himselve the image as if he had no background at all.

So stop being more stupid .
Next , all of his fan club and social platform followers do .
So go bury yourself .

Why is it that so many Krauts are boring , dense and lack any sense of humour ?

Tell me a humorous joke about your war in the Ukraine, Nazi-Russian. For example a joke about the 67 years old Ukrainian whose wife had a stroke. You bombed his house so he had only three walls any longer and did not know how to keep warm his beloved wife in the Ukrainian winter. Loves Putin such demonstrations of the own personal might and power, slave of Putin? What jokes make your leading criminals about such people?
Aha. I am stupid because you call Hitler your dear uncle. What kind of sickness is this, brainworm?
blah , blah
Jangleblah , you are what we call a self righteous , pompous ass .
That just makes you predictable and very boring .
But the reason you are such a blighted individual is that there is not the slightest trace of a sense of humour in your make-up .
Even allowing for the British scene, where virtually nothing is taboo and our humour is surreal and dark , you suffer from being Humour Dead .
Not no funny bone . Simply a not funny person -- self righteous and unbearably pompous .

Being half German by blood on my mother's side -- though not by birth , upbringing and education -- I have seen your exact type countless times in Germany .

I feel sure you perfectly now understand how I feel about any post you have made or ever will .

Guten Morgen und Auf Wiedersehen .
Jangleblah , you are what we call a self righteous , pompous ass .
That just makes you predictable and very boring .
But the reason you are such a blighted individual is that there is not the slightest trace of a sense of humour in your make-up .
Even allowing for the British scene, where virtually nothing is taboo and our humour is surreal and dark , you suffer from being Humour Dead .
Not no funny bone . Simply a not funny person -- self righteous and unbearably pompous .

Being half German by blood on my mother's side -- though not by birth , upbringing and education -- I have seen your exact type countless times in Germany .

I feel sure you perfectly now understand how I feel about any post you have made or ever will .

Guten Morgen und Auf Wiedersehen .

Why for heavens sake do you try to justify what's not able to be justified? Russian, leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers! Yesterday!

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