A public warning: You might want to remain aware of your surroundings

No one goes to the poll using their birth certificate as a photo ID.

You have to have the birth certificate in order to obtain a valid picture ID or driver's license, don't you?
Birth certificate, marriage license, title to the house and property, social security card, bank membership card, medicare card, concealed carry license, credit cards, DD214 separation papers from the military, Kwik-Trip Rewards card, driver's license, Veteran's Administration ID card, Insurance card....

You tell me if I have my "papers."
Only the birth certificate or a passport works. Unless you are carrying it they can suck you up. Even with it they can suck you up. Hah hah
Don't try to pull that shit on me. I just got done working as an election inspector for our township polling place, last Tuesday.

So trust me, I know what "proof of citizenship" and "proof of residence" are.
Evidently you don't. Only a passport or birth certificate, and even then you can arrested until its authenticated. Trump's America.
President Trump is immediately going address the issue of deporting 10-20 million illegal migrants within the next 6-8 months. Many of these people are going to become angry, hostile, and possibly violent. Many of them have jobs here in the US and have moved their families here. And many of them are going to be resentful of being sent back where they came from.

So this is not a good time to be unaware of what's going on around you. Keep your head out of your cell phone and watch what's happening around you. It doesn't matter who you voted for. You could be attacked at random, on the basis of your appearance, language, or other features that indicate you are a natural-born American citizen. So keep your head on a swivel and maintain constant situational awareness wherever you are. If you have a concealed carry permit, carry every day and everywhere it's not prohibited.

I'm just putting this out there for your own safety, ok?
Way ahead of you..... Started taking those precautions a couple months ago including beefed up security cameras,
A quick check on all the ammo stock and improved the automatic lighting around the house. The two blue nosed pit bulls on the first floor have free reign of the fenced in yard.
Evidently you don't. Only a passport or birth certificate, and even then you can arrested until its authenticated. Trump's America.
So what’s the problem? You show up to a processing center with your birth certificate or passport, and get a Voter I.D. Card.
Nope. Depends on state.

Not my fault some states like voter fraud. My state makes you prove you are who you say you are, and Trump won.

I guess you do know that the only states Harris won, were states that didn't require a voter ID, right?
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Thanks for this important advice. Luckily for me, I live in a state where one is free to carry concealed without permission from the government, so it can be assumed that literally anyone you meet on the street is armed.

God loves South Dakota!

I bet South Dakota isn't much of a dumping ground for illegal migrants either.
Whoa, they also elected Oblama.

Of course we elected Obama. But in 2011, my state Governor Scott Walker signed a bill requiring voter ID for all elections. And Trump won Wisconsin in the next election, the first time a Republican candidate won the state's electoral votes since 1984.

Haven't seen any obvious illegals. Gov. Kristi promised her constituency that there would be no illegals here.


I saw a lot of them today, in this little Wisconsin town of 5k people. There were about 15 of them at the Goodwill store. The looks in their eyes told me they know they're about to get booted out of the county. They're starting to look a little desperate. Same thing at Walmart.
I saw a lot of them today, in this little Wisconsin town of 5k people. There were about 15 of them at the Goodwill store. The looks in their eyes told me they know they're about to get booted out of the county. They're starting to look a little desperate. Same thing at Walmart.

I see some folks hanging out in families in front of WalMart, but I never see them at Home Depot or Menard's. Hard to tell if they're illegal.

Actually, the population of brown people is very concentrated in a couple of neighborhoods, but they're mostly stable looking sub-Saharan Africans. Don't know.

I do trust our county sheriffs to be very familiar with who they'd be, if they're here.

So what’s the problem? You show up to a processing center with your birth certificate or passport, and get a Voter I.D. Card.
And are retained a few weeks in jail and potentially deported to a random country because...government. Welcome to Trumpland.

I see some folks hanging out in families in front of WalMart, but I never see them at Home Depot or Menard's. Hard to tell if they're illegal.

Actually, the population of brown people is very concentrated in a couple of neighborhoods, but they're mostly stable looking sub-Saharan Africans. Don't know.

I do trust our county sheriffs to be very familiar with who they'd be, if they're here.

Why would they stop at "brown people?"
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