A Repeat of 2009: Dems take House pushing massive government expansion, taxes, freebies


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I thought the Left was 'so worried' about the expanding deficit and big spending by the GOP.....

Socialism Rising: Dems take House pushing massive government expansion, as party lurches left

"The growing socialist wing of the Democratic Party will flex its muscle Thursday with the seating of the new Congress, as more self-described Democratic Socialists join the ranks and dozens of sitting and incoming members – including likely 2020 hopefuls – embrace a massive government expansion that would make FDR look like a penny pincher.

The party agenda is increasingly embracing big-government policies like “Medicare-for-all” and guaranteed jobs programs -- as well as an aggressive “Green New Deal” that would include all this and more as part of a fundamental overhaul to America’s economy and specifically its energy sector.

It’s unclear when and if any of them will make it to the floor, let alone pass the House. But their growing support marks an astonishing rise for socialist-leaning policies in just a few years, and reflects a shift in the party itself. A stunning
Gallup poll last summer showed Democrats view socialism more positively than capitalism. The term “Democratic Socialist” was only broadly popularized with the 2016 presidential run of Bernie Sanders, who identifies as one. The enthusiasm behind his bid underscored how ideas that once marinated on the party’s fringe were increasingly becoming mainstream."

The Democrats are officially 'out of the closet' and openly declaring they are SOCIALISTS...it I snow official - their goal to turn this country into Venezuela.

"Medicare-for-all in particular is quickly picking up support."
....among these SOCIALISTS.

"Such proposals would lead to more government involvement in health care, and bring the U.S. a step closer to mostly socialized systems such as the British National Health Service. Their popularity is driven by frustration with the current private insurance system, which remains costly on the individual market despite ObamaCare’s goals. And while Medicare-for-all is estimated to cost tens of trillions of dollars over a decade, advocates argue some of this would replace out-of-pocket expenses already being shouldered by millions of Americans."

Harry Reid admitted immediately after Obamacare was passed that it was designed to fail after eliminating the previous health care system, preventing any going back and driving the nation further towards their preferred government-controlled single payer goal.

"But even more ambitious than Medicare-for-all is what’s known as the Green New Deal. While echoing the language of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, the Green New Deal could be an even more sprawling government and economic overhaul. Championed by groups such as the Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats, the plan would aim to combat both climate change and income inequality – and has been picked up by lawmakers such as Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez."

You remember Cortez, right...the brain-dead socialist who thinks Israel is building settlements in PALESTINE and unemployment is low because people are working 80-hour work weeks?!

As the saying foes, America - "BOHICA"!

Socialism Rising: Dems take House pushing massive government expansion, as party lurches left

At least there isn't a RINO in the WH who will sign all their stupid shit.

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