A Reprise: The Right, Never Wrong.

Get this PC

Black, white, male, female, doesn't matter, they'll always be against​

I don't believe any of us on the Right.....who recognized the hoax from the start.....actually expect any of the Democrats behind it will actually be punished.

Republicans never seem to have that killer instinct that Democrats have.....and the Democrats have managed to make America into a Third World Banana Republic......where the guilty don't get punished, only the government's opponents do.

.....they only target Republicans for punishments....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper responded: “No, sir.” When Wyden followed up by asking, “It does not?” Clapper said: “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect—but not wittingly.” Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail."
James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
TS Eliot
Wadda' ya' think about Dunham blowing a huge hole in all the lies you beleived about Trump and Russia?

Turns out it was Hillary the whole time......just as Trump said.
BS you morons have been after Hillary for 20 years Trump is filthy from the tips of his toes to the top of his head How many indicted under Trump 4 years?? Give us a number pc
I guess you missed the "Can't 'Exonerate' On Obstruction" part. He also said he couldn't indict, not because there was no evidence of obstruction, there was, but because of DOJ rules concerning Presidents. And of course Mitch and the GOP congresspersons had no interest in justice, only holding onto power.
So Trump was "obstructing" the illegal and treasonous spying operation the Nazi democrats were conducting in order to overthrow his presidency?

The cad!
BS you morons have been after Hillary for 20 years Trump is filthy from the tips of his toes to the top of his head How many indicted under Trump 4 years?? Give us a number pc

See today's news???

Jim Jordan: Dem’s Number One Election Lawyer Marc Elias ‘Was Involved in Spying’ on Trump​


Jim Jordan: Dem's Number One Election Lawyer Marc Elias 'Was Involved in Spying' on Trump

Monday on Fox News Channel's "America's Newsroom," Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) continued to sound the alarm on special counsel John Durham filing a motion in federal court alleging that Hillary Clinton's political allies paid a contractor to spy on Donald Trump as a sitting president and candidate. |...

Clinton Spying Claims ‘Bigger Than Watergate,’ Rep Tells Starnes​


Clinton Spying Claims 'Bigger Than Watergate,' Rep Tells Starnes

Reports Hillary Clinton’s campaign spied on Donald Trump in 2016 are bigger than Watergate, Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) told the Todd Starnes Show Monday.

“He’s Going to Deliver. He’s Unraveling BIGGEST Political Scandal in US History” – KASH PATEL DROPS BOMBS – Durham Grand Jury Interviewed 24 People So Far (VIDEO)​


"He's Going to Deliver. He's Unraveling BIGGEST Political Scandal in US History" - KASH PATEL DROPS BOMBS - Durham Grand Jury Interviewed 24 People So Far (VIDEO)

Kash Patel, the former chief of staff to the Acting United States Secretary of Defense, joined Greg Kelly on Monday night to discuss the explosive revelations released this past weekend that the Hillary camp and Democrats were spying on Donald Trump’s campaign and later the Trump White House...

Latest Durham revelations put Biden's national security adviser in uneasy light​

Jake Sullivan testified in 2017 it was "absurd" to suggest the Clinton campaign spread "fake Russian information." Court evidence says otherwise.

Latest Durham revelations put Biden's national security adviser in uneasy light

Jake Sullivan testified in 2017 it was "absurd" to suggest the Clinton campaign spread "fake Russian information." Court evidence says otherwise.



Trump was right about democrat spying ⋆ Politicrossing

Trump was right, this isn't a conspiracy theory, his claims were true. Democrats were spying Donald Trump, not just as a candidate, but as president of the United States.
Yeah PC Trump wouldn't sell secrets would he?

rump's financial desperation 'explodes the national security risk by a factor of 10'​

Donald Trump is facing financial peril after his accounting firm, Mazars, broke up with him and cast doubt on a decade of financial reports the firm had created for the Trump Organization.

Trump's financial desperation has created a national security risk, The Daily Beast reported Wednesday.
Despite Trump's reassurances that Mazars is not a problem for his family business, the developments have "stopped members of his inner sanctum from wondering if the highly publicized investigations in New York could actually be what ultimately torches the ex-president’s sprawling family business."
The BEAST interviewed Miami attorney Steven J. Solomon for information on the dynamics.

“It’s incredibly significant. And frankly, I’ve never heard of a situation where an accounting firm is going back retroactively 10 years,” he told The Beast.
Joseph Cirincione, a fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, warned Mazars' decision will scare off legitimate accounting firms and banks from working with the former president.
“This explodes the national security risk by a factor of 10, because now he's going to be desperate for new loans. Legitimate banks are not going to touch him. So it expands the universe of shady characters who could offer him loans in return for favors that might include disclosing U.S. national security secrets,” Cirincione said. “Whether it is the Saudis, Russians, narcoterrorists—anybody with access to hundreds of millions would be in the running for Donald Trump’s new loan officer."
“That is why you don’t give security clearance to people who are financially compromised," he explained.
Read the full report.
Yeah PC Trump wouldn't sell secrets would he?

rump's financial desperation 'explodes the national security risk by a factor of 10'​

Donald Trump is facing financial peril after his accounting firm, Mazars, broke up with him and cast doubt on a decade of financial reports the firm had created for the Trump Organization.

Trump's financial desperation has created a national security risk, The Daily Beast reported Wednesday.
Despite Trump's reassurances that Mazars is not a problem for his family business, the developments have "stopped members of his inner sanctum from wondering if the highly publicized investigations in New York could actually be what ultimately torches the ex-president’s sprawling family business."
The BEAST interviewed Miami attorney Steven J. Solomon for information on the dynamics.

“It’s incredibly significant. And frankly, I’ve never heard of a situation where an accounting firm is going back retroactively 10 years,” he told The Beast.
Joseph Cirincione, a fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, warned Mazars' decision will scare off legitimate accounting firms and banks from working with the former president.
“This explodes the national security risk by a factor of 10, because now he's going to be desperate for new loans. Legitimate banks are not going to touch him. So it expands the universe of shady characters who could offer him loans in return for favors that might include disclosing U.S. national security secrets,” Cirincione said. “Whether it is the Saudis, Russians, narcoterrorists—anybody with access to hundreds of millions would be in the running for Donald Trump’s new loan officer."
“That is why you don’t give security clearance to people who are financially compromised," he explained.
Read the full report.

So we should ignore treason and espionage by your Reich because "Orange Man Bad?"
Ignore this too traitor

Biden rejects Trump claim​

Rejecting Trump claim, Biden grants Jan. 6 panel access to White House logs: NYT​


February 16, 2022, 7:54 AM



Scroll back up to restore default view.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -President Joe Biden has rejected former President Donald Trump's executive privilege claims and ordered White House visitor logs to be released to the panel investigating the deadly Jan. 6, 2021 attack, the New York Times reported on Wednesday.
Citing a letter to the National Archives, the Times said Biden granted congressional investigators access to the data “in light of the urgency” of their work probing Trump supporters' violent siege at the U.S. Capitol last year, and ordered the agency to turn over the logs within 15 days.
Representatives for the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) could not be immediately reached for comment. Representatives for Trump, a Republican, also could not be immediately reached.
Ignore this too traitor

Biden rejects Trump claim​

Rejecting Trump claim, Biden grants Jan. 6 panel access to White House logs: NYT​


February 16, 2022, 7:54 AM



Scroll back up to restore default view.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -President Joe Biden has rejected former President Donald Trump's executive privilege claims and ordered White House visitor logs to be released to the panel investigating the deadly Jan. 6, 2021 attack, the New York Times reported on Wednesday.
Citing a letter to the National Archives, the Times said Biden granted congressional investigators access to the data “in light of the urgency” of their work probing Trump supporters' violent siege at the U.S. Capitol last year, and ordered the agency to turn over the logs within 15 days.
Representatives for the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) could not be immediately reached for comment. Representatives for Trump, a Republican, also could not be immediately reached.


Dumbfuck Nazi
Your gestapo republican party is over The scum have shown themselves

Heil Soros.


{"It’s important to be in communication with your constituents, not to be their boss. You’re their representative. We’ve got to get this formula right. The Democratic Party in Tennessee is basically facing extinction. We’ve been on a long downhill slide for a long time. }

Uber Alles Democrat?

Nope - fuck you Nazi.
I guess you and PoliticalChic forgot that Mueller was appointed by Trump's AG, Barr.

I guess you forgot that Barr wasn't named AG for a full year after the traitorcrats pushed Whitey Bulger's bitch down pussy Jeff Session's throat along with his thug brigade of Weissman and the goon squad.

I guess you forgot that mobbed up Mueller had no choice but to exonerate the last legitimate president.
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