A solution to school bullying


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Bullying is a big problem in many of America's public schools. To end bullying I would have a cadet force similar to CAP or JROTC in every school to act as knights in shining armor to riding to the rescue to stop bullying. To ensure the cadets would not become bullies themselves they would be raised from childhood to learn a code of chivalry. As you can tell Ender's Game influenced my idea. Ender's Game is still my favorite book and it influenced my decision to join CAP and AFJROTC.
How strange "sports" -------------------------------------------------------gone!!! PUFF!!
I was always told to punch the kid back. So... worked out well for me. I was bigger than most of the bullies.

My kid is going to hit between 6'2" and 6'4". He's stocky. He went through a phase where he didn't realize his own strength. So, initially he didn't realize that he had that kind of physical power to stop it and now he doesn't realize how much physical power he actually has. So, what he thinks is a friendly punch in the arm will send one of his best friends into a locker.
Bullying is a big problem in many of America's public schools. To end bullying I would have a cadet force similar to CAP or JROTC in every school to act as knights in shining armor to riding to the rescue to stop bullying. To ensure the cadets would not become bullies themselves they would be raised from childhood to learn a code of chivalry. As you can tell Ender's Game influenced my idea. Ender's Game is still my favorite book and it influenced my decision to join CAP and AFJROTC.

Kind of like the guardian angels. That sounds good. If their parents are on board they could be the advocates to parents and hold parents of bullies publicly accountable on facebook, myspace,etc. A backup support group. Monthly meetings, keeping up with crimes on school campus and following up by attending the court hearings, etc. There is alot that can be done - they should form a support group for parents of children who are bullied also.

It's a good idea, Jake.
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Bullying is a big problem in many of America's public schools. To end bullying I would have a cadet force similar to CAP or JROTC in every school to act as knights in shining armor to riding to the rescue to stop bullying. To ensure the cadets would not become bullies themselves they would be raised from childhood to learn a code of chivalry. As you can tell Ender's Game influenced my idea. Ender's Game is still my favorite book and it influenced my decision to join CAP and AFJROTC.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Maybe having no values is the cause of bullying. Some of our finest youth participate in military cadet programs that teach them great values. Shouldn't these programs be expanded?
As long as they are 150 feet away from my kid, have at it.

Actually, why don't you expand that for the children of the elite? Target those kids.
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As though bullying is any worse now than it has ever been. Schools are toilets of administrators who set rules that intentionally negate any critical thinking. They like to punish the kid who hits back along with the instigator.

To stop bullying, you have to beat the living shit out of the aggressor. Nature has not changed. Somehow the "smart people" think you can massage it into something other than what it truly is.
Bullying is a big problem in many of America's public schools. To end bullying I would have a cadet force similar to CAP or JROTC in every school to act as knights in shining armor to riding to the rescue to stop bullying. To ensure the cadets would not become bullies themselves they would be raised from childhood to learn a code of chivalry. As you can tell Ender's Game influenced my idea. Ender's Game is still my favorite book and it influenced my decision to join CAP and AFJROTC.


Solution? Have the kid being "bullied" stand on his own two feet - pick up a board and beat the hell out of the "bully"

Problem solved. :D

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