A strategy of peace in the Middle East

"Without a leader to offer us a positive vision of pragmatic Zionism, we are being stripped of the assets that are critical to us as a civilization".

A strategy of peace in the Middle East - Israel Conference on Peace Israel News | Haaretz

"We long ago grew accustomed to the ad nauseam “we have no partner” speeches, playing such a promising and reassuring melody to the average Israeli ear. According to this tune the whole world hates us and, in any event, we can’t trust the goyim, and even more so if they – heaven forbid – also happen to be Arabs.

We’ve grown so accustomed to this sound that we’ve stopped asking ourselves what our national interest is. Why a change of the political situation, end to the occupation and convergence into a smaller area of land by means of a political settlement and a recognition of the rights of the neighboring peoples, is all for the good, especially for us. Conversely, there are all of the direct and indirect damages that would accrue from the absence of a solution and a continuation of the freeze; as an occupying people, the corruption of one’s morals."
This is like a blast from the Labor party (Mapai) past.
But unfortunately Labor (new coalition) only holds about six (?) seats in the current Knesset.
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"Without a leader to offer us a positive vision of pragmatic Zionism, we are being stripped of the assets that are critical to us as a civilization".

A strategy of peace in the Middle East - Israel Conference on Peace Israel News | Haaretz

Zionism has nothing at all to do with a negotiated peace, it is just the right of the Jews to have a homeland in their historic part of the world.

Until ISLAMONAZI STOOGES stop using Zionism as a nasty word and in a racist manner then the non Jewish Zionists will fight for their rights.
"Without a leader to offer us a positive vision of pragmatic Zionism, we are being stripped of the assets that are critical to us as a civilization".

A strategy of peace in the Middle East - Israel Conference on Peace Israel News | Haaretz

"We long ago grew accustomed to the ad nauseam “we have no partner” speeches, playing such a promising and reassuring melody to the average Israeli ear. According to this tune the whole world hates us and, in any event, we can’t trust the goyim, and even more so if they – heaven forbid – also happen to be Arabs.

We’ve grown so accustomed to this sound that we’ve stopped asking ourselves what our national interest is. Why a change of the political situation, end to the occupation and convergence into a smaller area of land by means of a political settlement and a recognition of the rights of the neighboring peoples, is all for the good, especially for us. Conversely, there are all of the direct and indirect damages that would accrue from the absence of a solution and a continuation of the freeze; as an occupying people, the corruption of one’s morals."

You might be that way but the majority of the Jews I know are polar opposites to your twisted POV. And very few people actually hate the Jews, mostly the arab muslims who were invented hating the Jews and the white Nazi supremacists.
This is like a blast from the Labor party (Mapai) past.
But unfortunately Labor (new coalition) only holds about six (?) seats in the current Knesset.

What exactly would you know, who does not even know that the Jews were the majority property holders in Palestine pre 1948
"Without a leader to offer us a positive vision of pragmatic Zionism, we are being stripped of the assets that are critical to us as a civilization".

A strategy of peace in the Middle East - Israel Conference on Peace Israel News | Haaretz

"We long ago grew accustomed to the ad nauseam “we have no partner” speeches, playing such a promising and reassuring melody to the average Israeli ear. According to this tune the whole world hates us and, in any event, we can’t trust the goyim, and even more so if they – heaven forbid – also happen to be Arabs.

We’ve grown so accustomed to this sound that we’ve stopped asking ourselves what our national interest is. Why a change of the political situation, end to the occupation and convergence into a smaller area of land by means of a political settlement and a recognition of the rights of the neighboring peoples, is all for the good, especially for us. Conversely, there are all of the direct and indirect damages that would accrue from the absence of a solution and a continuation of the freeze; as an occupying people, the corruption of one’s morals."

You might be that way but the majority of the Jews I know are polar opposites to your twisted POV. And very few people actually hate the Jews, mostly the arab muslims who were invented hating the Jews and the white Nazi supremacists.

Fellow posters----you are in for a REAL TREAT----my personal experience (you need not cheer)
In my extensive experience with persons born OVER SEAS----including lots of muslims---
arabs from the middle east and also from other parts of Africa, ----and Iran and
southeast asia, ----the muslims who LEAST hate jews----are those that come
from countries that very recently had a jewish population----like Egypt,
and Syria The muslims that MOST hate jews----are those from countries that
do not ----and did not recently have a jewish population and ----never saw a
jew until coming to the USA-------places like Pakistan and some of the muslim
African countries ----and north india. Such people are able to quote Nazi
literature---chapter and verse. The Stuff which I read as a child and thought
"no one could believe this silly stuff"-----is part of the school curriculum and muslim
schools of southeast asia
Here is my strategy for peace. A one state solution. Send the Palestinian squatters back to their indigenous homelands where they will receive the Arab country love, justice & respect they were so well accustomed to & so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
"Without a leader to offer us a positive vision of pragmatic Zionism, we are being stripped of the assets that are critical to us as a civilization".

A strategy of peace in the Middle East - Israel Conference on Peace Israel News | Haaretz

Zionism has nothing at all to do with a negotiated peace, it is just the right of the Jews to have a homeland in their historic part of the world.

Until ISLAMONAZI STOOGES stop using Zionism as a nasty word and in a racist manner then the non Jewish Zionists will fight for their rights.

You Opinion as a christer goyim has no sway nor does it matter when it comes to Israeli and the internal debate going on within the Jewish community or Israel. The writer of the piece is the granddaughter of Yitzhak Rabin. If it wasn't for your religious delusions of your christ god coming back and the need for Israel to Fulfill your lunatic fantasies you would give a rats ass about Israel or Jews.
"Without a leader to offer us a positive vision of pragmatic Zionism, we are being stripped of the assets that are critical to us as a civilization".

A strategy of peace in the Middle East - Israel Conference on Peace Israel News | Haaretz

Zionism has nothing at all to do with a negotiated peace, it is just the right of the Jews to have a homeland in their historic part of the world.

Until ISLAMONAZI STOOGES stop using Zionism as a nasty word and in a racist manner then the non Jewish Zionists will fight for their rights.

You Opinion as a christer goyim has no sway nor does it matter when it comes to Israeli and the internal debate going on within the Jewish community or Israel. The writer of the piece is the granddaughter of Yitzhak Rabin. If it wasn't for your religious delusions of your christ god coming back and the need for Israel to Fulfill your lunatic fantasies you would give a rats ass about Israel or Jews.
That's nice. Run along now, kid.
"We long ago grew accustomed to the ad nauseam “we have no partner” speeches, playing such a promising and reassuring melody to the average Israeli ear. According to this tune the whole world hates us and, in any event, we can’t trust the goyim, and even more so if they – heaven forbid – also happen to be Arabs.
The hatred the world has towards Israel has nothing to do with Judaism or Jews, but everything to do with their gross violations of human rights and international laws.

We’ve grown so accustomed to this sound that we’ve stopped asking ourselves what our national interest is. Why a change of the political situation, end to the occupation and convergence into a smaller area of land by means of a political settlement and a recognition of the rights of the neighboring peoples, is all for the good, especially for us. Conversely, there are all of the direct and indirect damages that would accrue from the absence of a solution and a continuation of the freeze; as an occupying people, the corruption of one’s morals."
I'm still confused as to what your position is and would appreciate it if you could be more clear?

Are you in favor of ending the occupation?
Zionism has nothing at all to do with a negotiated peace, it is just the right of the Jews to have a homeland in their historic part of the world.

I think you misunderstand what Zionism is, Phoenall. If it sounds like a dirty word in your ear, it is not a connotation that Zionism's opponents have attached to the word.
Fellow posters----you are in for a REAL TREAT----my personal experience (you need not cheer)
In my extensive experience with persons born OVER SEAS----including lots of muslims---
arabs from the middle east and also from other parts of Africa, ----and Iran and
southeast asia, ----the muslims who LEAST hate jews----are those that come
from countries that very recently had a jewish population----like Egypt,
and Syria The muslims that MOST hate jews----are those from countries that
do not ----and did not recently have a jewish population and ----never saw a
jew until coming to the USA-------places like Pakistan and some of the muslim
African countries ----and north india. Such people are able to quote Nazi
literature---chapter and verse. The Stuff which I read as a child and thought
"no one could believe this silly stuff"-----is part of the school curriculum and muslim
schools of southeast asia

you can barely spell Muslim, let alone do you know much about it, irosie. What you have written on the subject, so full of hatred, should make your face burn with shame ... if you had moral sense.

So please don't seek to enlighten us on Muslims. You blew your chance.
"Without a leader to offer us a positive vision of pragmatic Zionism, we are being stripped of the assets that are critical to us as a civilization".

A strategy of peace in the Middle East - Israel Conference on Peace Israel News | Haaretz

Zionism has nothing at all to do with a negotiated peace, it is just the right of the Jews to have a homeland in their historic part of the world.

Until ISLAMONAZI STOOGES stop using Zionism as a nasty word and in a racist manner then the non Jewish Zionists will fight for their rights.

You Opinion as a christer goyim has no sway nor does it matter when it comes to Israeli and the internal debate going on within the Jewish community or Israel. The writer of the piece is the granddaughter of Yitzhak Rabin. If it wasn't for your religious delusions of your christ god coming back and the need for Israel to Fulfill your lunatic fantasies you would give a rats ass about Israel or Jews.

And that is where you arte wrong as my good friends on here will tell you. I call a spade a spade and will down anyone that LIES about the role played by Jews like you in forcing WW2 on the world. Just as I will be the first to tell the truth about the holocaust and why I fell out with the likes of Sally and Irose on other boards. Told I was a Jew hater until I pulled up the evidence and now they know just how much I despise SELF SERVING JEWS LIKE YOU
What exactly would you know, who does not even know that the Jews were the majority property holders in Palestine pre 1948

Jews owned about 7% of the land, concentrated in exactly the areas in Billo's map, coastal Jaffa up to Haifa and over to Galilee.

Sorry you have been misinformed previously. Thought everyone knew this.
1948 was indeed a land grab.
Here is my strategy for peace. A one state solution. Send the Palestinian squatters back to their indigenous homelands where they will receive the Arab country love, justice & respect they were so well accustomed to & so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

your 'one state solution' will discredit Israel totally in the world community. Plus of course it is unworkable. Plus of course Palestinians have now been shown definitively NOT to be squatters in any sense of the word, but rather the descendants of Jews from ancient times who therefore have an historical claim to Palestine at least as good as that of the Zionist Jews, and in reality much better.
The hatred the world has towards Israel has nothing to do with Judaism or Jews, but everything to do with their gross violations of human rights and international laws.
Funny. When do arabs give a camel's crap about "human rights and international laws"?
I'm still confused as to what your position is and would appreciate it if you could be more clear? Are you in favor of ending the occupation?
What will palistanians, left with no occupation, do?
I think you are letting Zionists tell you who Palestinians are.

Bad idea. You will repeatedly embarrass yourself in the public arena if you allow that to happen.

Palestinians are NOTHING like the Z's say they are.

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