Hamas Must Be Destroyed Before Any Peace Talks Take Place.

Using a book of fairy tales to bolster your claim doesn't impress me.

They hadn't lived there since the 2nd century, and the people of Europe who adopted their religion had no more claim than a Rastafarian has to Ethiopia.

but here's the burning question- why be so keen to live next to people who want to MURDER you?

Let's leave aside whether they have a valid reason or not. (Although if you did to me what you did to them, I'd want to kill you!) The fact is they want to kill you. Seems like living next door to that is pretty stupid.

You think l’m here to impress you?

No Muslim has ever tried to kill me here.

In fact, most of them are pretty decent.

A lot of them are decent, until they experience Sudden Jihadi Syndrome.
Or until they reach a certain percentage of the population and decide we need sharia law.
No, the Zionist Squatters started it by stealing their land.

At first the Zionists had some sympathy, but their response, which as resulted in 40,000 deaths, in including 13,000 children, has muted out their whining about 1400 of their people being killed.

The Zionists hold thousands of Palestinian Political prisoners.

Yes, that's what you do in a war.

Yet the main reason why Hamas is so popular is because they got aid to the people while Arafat and Abbas fattened their own bank accounts.

Yes. And?

Because at the end of the day, the Zionist Entity is an apartheid, colonial state based on suppressing indigenous people.

The rest of the world, unlike the US, doesn't have a Jewish dominated media feeding their people propaganda. They are seeing both sides of the issue.
Phukk the Gazans.

Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.

Go where? At the end of the day, even with the tens of thousands the Zionist Squatters have murdered, there will still be Millions of Palestinians who will hate them even more now.

You didn't think this through at all, did you?
Phukk the goddamned Gazans. Death to Hamas.
Is it possible to destroy Hamas? Does Israel have a list of its members?
Not the way Israel is going about it. Destroying all of Gaza and mass murdering thousands ABOVE GROUND when Hamas is below ground, can only be described as a genocide.

What happened to the plan to flood the underground tunnels with sea water?
So the Israeli strategy is to send its soldiers into Gaza and see who shoots at them? Sounds like another Viet Nam.

You must not know much about Vietnam if you think we had a list of the VC ... ha ha ha ha ha ...

Hey, stupid ... Hamas has been shooting at Israel for decades now ... have you not been paying attention? ...

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