A Suspicious Conservative


Feb 17, 2013
I am forum shopping for some good fun discussing politics. I was informed such discussion was not welcome in the football forum I post in. I'm a little bit wary of this place, as I see it is sponsored by that vile leftist outfit, MSNBC. Nevertheless, as a conservative, it's more fun to be in the "belly of the beast" - arguing with libs instead of preaching to the choir in a conservative forum.

I consider myself a GOOD NORMAL PRO-AMERICAN AMERICAN, what the leftist mainstream media seems to view as radical right wing these days. I believe America is the greatest country in the world, that we are and SHOULD BE the dominant country in the world - because without our dominance, freedom and civility would fade into a new dark age of tyranny and ignorance. We - primarily America - prevented that by defeating Nazism and Communism. Now the primary enemy of all that is good in the world is Islam - some would say radical Islam. I acknowledge that it is a relatively small percentage of muslims actually committing acts of terrorism, actively inflicting the evils of sharia law, etc. However, clearly the huge percentage of muslims worldwide sympathize with and support the bad deed doers.

Domestically, I am mostly a values conservative and an economic conservative - staunchly anti-tax and anti-government intrusion anyway.

I am optimistic that America will endure and survive the horrors of Obama and the Obama agenda, and that we will eventually move forward by maintaining our world dominance economically and militarily - but then I was optimistic America would have the good sense to throw the bum out in the 2012 election, and that sure didn't happen.

I look forward to fun, intelligent, and civil discussion - again with the optimism that such is possible when dealing with liberals.
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So, how did you like my Washington Redskins beating Dallas twice last season? I thought it was pretty good myself. Oh, welcome.
I am forum shopping for some good fun discussing politics. I was informed such discussion was not welcome in the football forum I post in. I'm a little bit wary of this place, as I see it is sponsored by that vile leftist outfit, MSNBC. Nevertheless, as a conservative, it's more fun to be in the "belly of the beast" - arguing with libs instead of preaching to the choir in a conservative forum.

I consider myself a GOOD NORMAL PRO-AMERICAN AMERICAN, what the leftist mainstream media seems to view as radical right wing these days. I believe America is the greatest country in the world, that we are and SHOULD BE the dominant country in the world - because without our dominance, freedom and civility would fade into a new dark age of tyranny and ignorance. We - primarily America - prevented that by defeating Nazism and Communism. Now the primary enemy of all that is good in the world is Islam - some would say radical Islam. I acknowledge that it is a relatively small percentage of muslims actually committing acts of terrorism, actively inflicting the evils of sharia law, etc. However, clearly the huge percentage of muslims worldwide sympathize with and support the bad deed doers.

Domestically, I am mostly a values conservative and an economic conservative - staunchly anti-tax and anti-government intrusion anyway.

I am optimistic that America will endure and survive the horrors of Obama and the Obama agenda, and that we will eventually move forward by maintaining our world dominance economically and militarily - but then I was optimistic America would have the good sense to throw the bum out in the 2012 election, and that sure didn't happen.

I look forward to fun, intelligent, and civil discussion - again with the optimism that such is possible when dealing with liberals.
Welcome to USMB, texasbadger from a Walker County Republican economic conservative and am a nativee who spent most of her adult life in the Equality State due to transfer. But I came back 3 years ago when my younger sister almost died of cancer (she's well now).

The military needs maintenance, and we need to employ our fiscal conservatism to helping liberals understand the limits of spending money on local, regional, state, and national level. It begins at home, of course, but our work is cut out for us. I only know growing a parasitic generation will not have a good end, it will just turn us into another problem-riddled EU with angry people screaming in the streets their entitlements as happened in Greece and could well spread if the EU doesn't get a grip. But for the grace of God, there go we, and oh, there are no guarantees of good treatment here, but hope you get to liking the place well enough to tolerate the differences in people enough to speak your mind.

And I hope you enjoy the boards. I've been participant to a number of boards, many of which no longer exist due to failure to keep a balance. This one at least tries to keep things balanced. Sometimes things go your way, sometimes they don't, just like in life. I hope they keep it going. Best wishes for enjoying the boards.

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