Abolish the ‘Undemocratic’ Electoral College?

Yeah, but Virginia has 4 times as many EC electors in the EC. You'd rather have it so the voters in small states wouldn't have any say at all. Suck it up.
I'd prefer that my vote counted as much as the votes from small states. That doesn't seem too much to ask. I'll suck it up until I have a chance to change it. Then you can suck it up.
Wyoming cannot have less than 3 electoral votes. DC has 3 electoral votes and they have no representative and no senators.
And that is fair to DC?

Do you want to give Virginia 39 votes to make it more equitable? How many would California get at that rate? How many states would have their electoral vote reduced to keep the total at 535?
Why 535? Why not 1,000 or 10,000? I'd say, why not give every state one EC vote for every 200,000 people. I'd also like to see an end to winner-take-all allocations. CA would get many more EC votes but a good number would go to the GOP.

You really have no clue as to how this works. I suggest, being a good liberal, you try educating yourself and shut up until you do.
I know exactly how it works and it's history. It is not rocket science.
And that is fair to DC?

Why 535? Why not 1,000 or 10,000? I'd say, why not give every state one EC vote for every 200,000 people. I'd also like to see an end to winner-take-all allocations. CA would get many more EC votes but a good number would go to the GOP.

I know exactly how it works and it's history. It is not rocket science.
When it comes to socialism how much can we give to each other? We have foreign slaves making our products while you promote social justice.
When it comes to socialism how much can we give to each other?
Good question. I believe the Bible says to tithe 10%. Today, Christians are giving at 2.5% of income. Seems like plenty of room there.

We have foreign slaves making our products while you promote social justice.
Which do you object to, foreign slaves or social justice?
Democrats certainly don't care about the MILLIONS of people they "disenfranchised" through abortion.
Hmm....I'm not sure sure im sad about that....they are aborting their own....possible future democrat voters....I think that should be encouraged.....

...just sayin'
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