Abortion Poll


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

thankfully we are a republic and not a democracy,,,

the majority cant vote for anyone to be murdered,,,

I say we give all the unborn AR-15's to shoot any person that tries to kill them,,,
I question all polls after 2016.

It's true what a professor told us in college. Any poll can be manipulated to achieve any desired result.
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

thankfully we are a republic and not a democracy,,,

the majority cant vote for anyone to be murdered,,,

I say we give all the unborn AR-15's to shoot any person that tries to kill them,,,

So we are not a democracy, yet in congress we are, and on the SCOTUS and in all states but 2 .
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

thankfully we are a republic and not a democracy,,,

the majority cant vote for anyone to be murdered,,,

I say we give all the unborn AR-15's to shoot any person that tries to kill them,,,

So we are not a democracy, yet in congress we are, and on the SCOTUS and in all states but 2 .
an education is a terrible thing to waste,,,
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.
Well then let the states decide. Kill all the black babies you want in CA and NY and other Democrat shit holes. Let the rest of the people go about their business and respect life.
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

At one time the majority of Americans supported slavery, denying women the right to vote, and segregation.

Using societal approval as a metric of morality is asinine.
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

Nice attempt at propaganda, Sparky. Unfortunately for you, some of us have memories longer than five minutes, and can recall this exact campaign taking place right after Justice Kennedy retired, as well as every other time you pro-aborts felt like your "sacred right" to kill unborn babies might be interrupted.

During the Kennedy retirement melodrama, we were treated to all manner of vague stories about polls "proving" that Americans LOVED abortion and Roe v. Wade. Turns out, according to Pew Research Center, that something like 40% of people don't even know what Roe v. Wade is about. And many people mistakenly believe that overturning Roe v. Wade would mean a national ban on abortion, rather than simply reverting back to the states to decide.

Furthermore, it has long been known that polls seeking a pro-abort outcome are typically vague and misleading in their wording, doing things like identifying Roe v. Wade as "the decision that legalized abortion" (leading less-informed people to believe that abortion was universally illegal beforehand), or "“established a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion, at least in the first three months of pregnancy.” When the poll states that Roe v. Wade effectively allows for abortion any time during the pregnancy, approval ratings drop.

Further-furthermore, anyone who says, "People who disagree with me should shut the fuck up" is really just telling me "I know what I'm saying is bullshit, and I'm too dumb and cowardly to deal with opposition."

So thanks for announcing yourself as a dickless liar, not that this was news. And be sure to enjoy having to hear us continue to say whatever the fuck we want, for however long it takes for your candy-ass to run away crying for your safe space.
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.
Well then let the states decide. Kill all the black babies you want in CA and NY and other Democrat shit holes. Let the rest of the people go about their business and respect life.

His position is "Everyone loves abortion, so we should NEVER allow it to become a matter for vote!"
At what point would any individual think its ok to abort? Is this best left to the individual? The person and her doctor? The person and her parents? The person and her mate? The person and her Pastor? The person and her maker? There are no easy answers on this one-maybe we should just move on-we have a law on the books.
At what point would any individual think its ok to abort? Is this best left to the individual? The person and her doctor? The person and her parents? The person and her mate? The person and her Pastor? The person and her maker? There are no easy answers on this one-maybe we should just move on-we have a law on the books.

Let me clarify your woefully-fuzzy thinking processes, in the hopes that we won't have to listen to this sort of vague inanity in the future.

"At what point would any individual think it's okay to buy a slave? Is this best left to the individual? The person and her family? The person and her pastor? The person and her maker? There are no easy answers on this one. Maybe we should just move on. We have a law on the books." If you read that quote from someone prior to the Civil War, would you have still thought their behavior immoral and evil, and believed that they should have known that, as well, despite it being legal?

Also, we technically DON'T "have a law on the books". We have a judicial decision on the books, saying that abortion exists in a law where it's not actually mentioned at all.
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

thankfully we are a republic and not a democracy,,,

the majority cant vote for anyone to be murdered,,,

I say we give all the unborn AR-15's to shoot any person that tries to kill them,,,

So we are not a democracy, yet in congress we are, and on the SCOTUS and in all states but 2 .
an education is a terrible thing to waste,,,
So we agree, then.

I have also been of the opinion that Penelope is one of the very least wasteful posters on this board.
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

I am pro choice...especially when it comes to people like you...
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

thankfully we are a republic and not a democracy,,,

the majority cant vote for anyone to be murdered,,,

I say we give all the unborn AR-15's to shoot any person that tries to kill them,,,

So we are not a democracy, yet in congress we are, and on the SCOTUS and in all states but 2 .
an education is a terrible thing to waste,,,
So we agree, then.

I have also been of the opinion that Penelope is one of the very least wasteful posters on this board.

least wasteful???
I dont know what that means,,,

I dont waste much time with her ,,,so that might be what you mean,,,
Abortion poll: Most Americans oppose 'fetal heartbeat' laws, closing of all clinics in a state

America has spoken, and the majority are against fetal heartbeat laws that abound in states supportive of President Brokeahontas.

So, it's way past time for the "pro birth" cults to slink back under their rocks and shut the f... up. Think about it; they want births but could then care less about the child's welfare.

thankfully we are a republic and not a democracy,,,

the majority cant vote for anyone to be murdered,,,

I say we give all the unborn AR-15's to shoot any person that tries to kill them,,,

So we are not a democracy, yet in congress we are, and on the SCOTUS and in all states but 2 .
an education is a terrible thing to waste,,,
So we agree, then.

I have also been of the opinion that Penelope is one of the very least wasteful posters on this board.

least wasteful???
I dont know what that means,,,

I dont waste much time with her ,,,so that might be what you mean,,,
See the post I was responding to.

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