About 47's Promise To Close Department....Not So Much.

Trumps vision of American education is returning to local districts doing what they want.
Force Bible study, abuse homosexuals, ignore students with learning disabilities, encourage segragation
What about tranny story hour?
What about tranny story hour?

What does tranny story hour do?

It presents Transexuals in a light not normally available to students.
We had a Transexual at story hour and she was not as creepy as my parents told me.
No they don’t
They just offer a more diverse range view of other cultures

Fact Check: Are Buffalo Schools Teaching Students That All Whites Perpetuate Racism?

The Ruling​


It's true that one of BPS' middle school teaching materials includes an article that states, "While all White people and even many POC play a part in perpetuating systemic racism, it is important to recognize the powerful role played by White elites in maintaining this system."
What does tranny story hour do?

It presents Transexuals in a light not normally available to students.
We had a Transexual at story hour and she was not as creepy as my parents told me.
Were you the tranny?

What light is shed on men dressed as grotesque caricatures of women?
Shows children they are not as scary as their parents have taught them

Freak shows are intended to be a little scary.


Do you think parents want convicted child sex offenders reading to their children?

Children coming into our schools have been indoctrinated by their parents.
Indoctrinated to hate minorities, immigrants, gays, non-Christians …..anyone who is different

Schools have to teach them to tolerate those who are different.
The only people that are teaching hate are liberals.
"Raw Story" was a major player in the disinformation and dishonesty that was endemic in the Biden/Harris administration. Why in the world would lefties still rely on the tabloid junk opinion? It's a version of insanity where you know it's still a lie but you accept it as the truth because you like what you hear.
Both sides are guilty of that.

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