Aches and Pains

There is an ongoing ad for over the counter pain reliever where they take away the pills for a day and the working stiff guy says he wants his pills back. Doesn't it occur to people that a little muscle ache is a sign that your body is reacting normally and you don't need freaking pills to get through the day? I have no idea of the effects of long term continual use of of over the counter meds but it stands to reason that it can't be good.

KNow what I tell myself when I am all flared up with joint pain? I say to myself, Self: what did your ancestors do when they were flared up? They dealt with it.

half the crap they have on the market has so many warnings on the packaging, its ridiculous. May cause cancer. May cause blindness. May cause liver failure. May cause heart attack or stroke. But it WILL help with joint pain. :cuckoo:

I like Bagbalm. It is for cow boobs, but it sure does wonders on hubbies knees and my wrists. Not so much on my hip, but for bones just under a think works mighty fine. So does sipping green tea. And not eating gluten. Or sodas.

Old fashioned home remedies and doing what great granny and great grandpappy did is fine with me.

If you have joint pain related to deterioration of joints or R.A. you get a prescription. I won't comment on the extended and continual use of prescription meds except to look at the side effects that often include "fatal episodes". Don't let the glitzy ad agencies talk you into continual use of over the counter pain meds for ordinary muscle aches and pains. The junk will probably be worse for you in the long run.
So far, the bagbalm is doing just fine. LOVE when hubby massages my hands and wrist with gooey bagbalm. He said too bad he didn't have bear grease, lol. Gotta love my indian man.:lol:
So far, the bagbalm is doing just fine. LOVE when hubby massages my hands and wrist with gooey bagbalm. He said too bad he didn't have bear grease, lol. Gotta love my indian man.:lol:

For arthritis pain?

Yep. I told the pharmacist I was using the big cans of it I got at the feedlot store and he said is anti inflamatory agents in it for the sore nipples of cows on machines..and works great for arthritis joints as well. And it does. Been using it for 3 years now. Probably why my bloodwork shows not a lot of inflamation.

Ease Arthritis Suffering
Not hurting right now, hon. And it is only at night. No shortness of breath. No numbness. No jaw pain. Just a deep ache under my RIGHT breast. Not the breast itself..deeper inside. If it was left side and I was having a hard time breathing, i would go.
I think it is stomach issues.

OK, then it might be severe GERD, which is also nothing good, but not that emergent.
might be the stomach as well - gastritis, stress ulcers ( if the other pains have been around for a longer time - that might have caused the very small ulcers in the stomach mucosa.

needs to be evaluated.

warm sake is not a bad idea just not this second ( until this possible stomach pain gets evaluated)

What about gallbladder?

I don't have one. I had severe chest pains a few years ago. They said it was a gall stone. Instead of taking the stone out, they yanked the whole gall bladder. Which is the standard procedure now.:eusa_eh:
If I had known the repercussions of NOT having a gall bladder I would have kept it and insisted they take the stone out..which they would not have done anyway. And yep..I still have the exact same chest pains so I lost the gall bladder for nothing.

I have not had chest pains since I first mentioned it in this thread. It was the damn Sprite. Hadn't had a soda in years...since the gall bladder surgery. But the sister in law likes sprite and I thought it wouldn't hurt if I just had a sip. That sip turned in to half a can. I never drank more than that. But I was drinking one every night. I finally put two and two together and got four.....which meant that every night half can of sprite was causing the chest pain every night and the following day. Since I stopped the more pain. Yay!
I don't know if I posted this link or not, but it good reading for those with RA.

However, what makes it difficult in my situation is....there is only one RA specialist in this county and he refuses to see me. So...what is someone to do when the ONLY specialist declines to treat you or even talk to you about different medicines IF I chose to take what he suggests? Hell, just reading this link, some if not all RA Specialists refuse to treat those with Fibro..which I do not have. So what about those with Fibro AND rheumatoid arthritis? They are doomed to just deal with it? And no..I cannot go to another specialist in another county. The insurance program I am on will not pay for it if it is not in THIS county. is the link.

Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Onset Stories, page 29 | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

I am posting in this thread again for one reason. Those who don't have RA don't understand it or what those that do have it, go thru. It SUCKS. And it is extremely painful. How bent up and weak am I going to be at 70 if I even reach that age? It pisses me off and that doesn't help with dealing with this shit when it flares up. And worse, what if the flare up STAYS and doesn't go away like it usually does? I'm tough...but this non stop torture, I don't know how long I will be able to stay strong.
From the link. Highlights are mine:

“The typical case of rheumatoid arthritis begins insidiously, with the slow development of signs and symptoms over weeks to months. Often the patient first notices stiffness in one or more joints, usually accompanied by pain on movement and by tenderness in the joint… Nonspecific systemic symptoms primarily fatigue, malaise, and depression, may commonly precede other symptoms of the disease by weeks to months. Patients complain of severe fatigue 4 to 6 hours after wakening.

Finding this information made me feel validated (read: not crazy). Reading RA Warrior has the same effect. I love the analogy of the spear actually being a pen. With hair color and sunscreen, I am putting it off as long as I can, but I, too, aspire to be like an elephant eventually—grey and wrinkled.

MrG has arthritis in his knee and whines when it hurts. Sometimes, I think he just doesn't "get it" had bad it hurts ME when it is EVERY joint and he expects me to wash the dishes, do the gardening, weedeating the lawn, mopping the floors, vac'in the carpets, doing the laundry, taking the dogs for their walks, COOKING with heavy assed pans, carrying HEAVY assed plates of food from the kitchen to his room.
Hey Gracie, I have a really good suggestion, but I don't know if you're willing to use it.

My room mate is in her 60's, and she has a lot of joint pain as well that she manages with pills. Well, when CO started with legal consumption of cannabis, we started going there and trying out their suggestions for joint pain.

One of them was to get some of the THC infused lotion that they sell in the 420 shops. My room mate was kinda skeptical about them working, because she has used hemp oil lotion (didn't contain THC), and it didn't do anything for her. However, last year we went up there and she decided to try some of their lotions. Now, we'd been driving all day and her joints weren't exactly happy so she took one of her pain pills. An hour later, the pain had gone down a little, but she was still hurting so I suggested that she try some of that lotion she'd gotten.

She applied it to one side of her body so that she could see if it worked or not, and 15 min. after applying the lotion to her left side, it quit hurting completely, where as the side that didn't get any lotion was still hurting.

Next day? She applied lotion before we started driving, and she had no problems that whole day. Now? Whenever she starts to hurt fairly bad, she puts on the lotion and has no more problems, AND she doesn't have to take a pain pill. Additionally, there are ZERO psychoactive reactions, so you don't get stoned and can continue on with your day with no problems or fuzziness.

I know that there are a lot of people that would reject that suggestion, but trust me, not only have I seen it work for her, but I've also seen it work very well for one of my neighbors (he has chronic pain as well due to joints, and we gave him a sample size that she had bought to see if it worked for him as well).

Try some THC infused lotion from CO, I promise it will help, without having to take a pill.

Additionally, if you're interested in trying to smoke or eat it, get varieties that are made from the Indica strain of cannabis. That is the kind that is good for pain relief, relaxation and allowing you to sleep.

Hope that helps.
This could be me writing this. She did it so much better.

I’m still saying no to the RA meds as they are intended to be used in cases of early diagnosis. The most sleep I have had in a year is roughly 1hr at a time. I wasn’t tired at first, but now I have to lie down all the time. I am very lucky that I run my own business from home and can just about function to keep this going but at a very slow pace.

I never was anaemic and am not now. I’ve screamed for GOD in the night but sometimes even he hasn’t been there. I’ve felt like cutting my hands off, but like the physio guy said, when you cut off one, how will you manage the other? duh! affects your brain bit time eh?

Lots of people have given me support and practical help and the rheumatologist guys respect my decision over meds, as I have done so much research and cant really find a positive reason for taking them at quite this stage. I’m going off my head with the pain most days, but really its the loss of function and ability to exercise that are really doing my head in. I’m a multi-tasking, high energy, need little sleep kind of person – well that’s who I was – not so sure and confident now.

Sometimes I feel like I’m really gambling with my life by not starting on the disease meds, but deep down, I know this is the right decision for this moment in time.
Try some THC infused lotion from CO
What is CO? Colorado? Do I need a docs referral? At this point, i will try anything. The flareup is a bitch this time. And I am so tired the past week. Prolly due to the constant non stop throbbing. It just wears me out.
There is a store in Santa Barbara and one in Monterey (both same distance from me). I wonder if they ship since it is illegal to ship out of state. I wonder if my pharmacist can order some lotion for me? I don't want to get high, but if it will stop the pain in my wrists (those hurt the worst)...I'd love to try some.

My old doc told me "do NOT take methotrexate". I have not forgotten his words.
Try some THC infused lotion from CO
What is CO? Colorado? Do I need a docs referral? At this point, i will try anything. The flareup is a bitch this time. And I am so tired the past week. Prolly due to the constant non stop throbbing. It just wears me out.

Yes, CO is Colorado. As far as needing a doctor's referral, none is required, because they sell the THC infused lotion in the recreational shops as well. You can buy a couple of 8 oz bottles and not go over the limit for people who aren't Colorado natives.

If you are not a CO resident, then you are only allowed to buy up to 1/4 oz or the equivalent of edibles and other products per store. And, that is all you want to have on you if you are stopped.

However, there is no communication between the 420 shops, so if you visit more than one shop, you could possibly end up going home with more than that.
There is a store in Santa Barbara and one in Monterey (both same distance from me). I wonder if they ship since it is illegal to ship out of state. I wonder if my pharmacist can order some lotion for me? I don't want to get high, but if it will stop the pain in my wrists (those hurt the worst)...I'd love to try some.

My old doc told me "do NOT take methotrexate". I have not forgotten his words.

Since you live in CA, yes, you do have to get a doctor's referral since CA is a medical only state.

But, from what you've posted on here, it wouldn't be hard for you to get a cannabis card for chronic pain, and therefore would be allowed to buy some THC lotion in the 420 stores.

Trust me, I've seen it work miracles for my room mate and my neighbor, and they have pretty much the same thing you are describing.

Get a medical marijuana card, go buy some lotion, and put it on. Matter of fact, you might even be able to cut down on the pain meds that you get from the doctor as well, meaning that you don't have to suffer the side effects like constipation.

And no, you can't get stoned from rubbing on the lotion.
There is a store in Santa Barbara and one in Monterey (both same distance from me). I wonder if they ship since it is illegal to ship out of state. I wonder if my pharmacist can order some lotion for me? I don't want to get high, but if it will stop the pain in my wrists (those hurt the worst)...I'd love to try some.

My old doc told me "do NOT take methotrexate". I have not forgotten his words.

Since you live in CA, yes, you do have to get a doctor's referral since CA is a medical only state.

But, from what you've posted on here, it wouldn't be hard for you to get a cannabis card for chronic pain, and therefore would be allowed to buy some THC lotion in the 420 stores.

Trust me, I've seen it work miracles for my room mate and my neighbor, and they have pretty much the same thing you are describing.

Get a medical marijuana card, go buy some lotion, and put it on. Matter of fact, you might even be able to cut down on the pain meds that you get from the doctor as well, meaning that you don't have to suffer the side effects like constipation.

And no, you can't get stoned from rubbing on the lotion.
I take one major pain pill per night. Vicodin. The past week, I have taken half of one during the day, and a whole one just before I go to bed at 2am. I hate being made sleepy from them but I love it stopping it from "I'm gonna fucking kill myself if this keeps up" pain to "oh, I can deal with this throb until tonight when I can take a whole one with a little wine" and the wine consists of 1/2 to 1/4 cup. I do NOT want to have to go on pain management program so I am just dealing with it the best I can, but its a bad flare this time. Really bad. It wears me out, so I am awake for about 6 hours, then get just flat out exhausted and fall asleep...until the throbbing wakes me up again. Its a vicious cycle.

I see my doc on the 24th of next month. I will ask him about it. I tried the acetonomfimenenmomfuckingstupidname and it did diddly squat.
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Um. Kinda hard for me to do that. I guess I am just wondering if growing old is this continual ache and does it ever get any better. In short...I'm whining. Gimme a tissue.

Is it really hard for you to exercise? I'm just asking. I do not know if you have any medical conditions that would prevent you from exercising. Sometimes people think they just cannot exercise because they are just too out of shape or too old. In almost all cases neither is true. Even minimal exercise such as just walking can make a huge difference in the way you feel.

Rhuematoid arthritis and now hip bursitis. About 10 lbs overweight. I used to walk the dogs but can't any more without collapsing in pain from my left hip. Did some gardening today and thought fer sure I was having a heart attack, so I stopped.
I miss walking the dogs. I just can't do it.
The aches and pains I am talking about is the non stop throbbing, aching in my wrists, knees, shoulders. Even resting, it hurts. And the past 2 days, nonstop pain in my chest. I'm getting tired of it and I am only 62. WTF am I going to feel like at 70???

Like I said...just whining. Sniff. Honk.

What about water aerobics? Something like that to build some muscle but not stress the joints? Swimming?

I run, but get sore afterwards - a hot hot soak in a tub is my favorite remedy :)
What do you do to try to alleviate the continual aches and pains? Any secrets ya wanna share?

Personally, I am getting tired of it. Mostly it's at night. What's up with that?

Ice is the miracle treatment. Never use heat for chronic pain, heat feels good but it has not therapeutic value.

If you don't have frozen corn or peas in your freezer, try this. If not, put a wet hand towel in a gallon size bag, fold it, seal it, and freeze it. Then put it on for 20-minutes, off and on. Yep it's cold, but it will relieve pain associated with inflammation,.
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id love to soak tonight....but can do. they raised the water rates, and there are 4 of us using water which is restricted. i am just thankful its only in my hands that hurt so much and not everywhere else all at once. they will fit in the sink or the big spaghetti pot.
Try some THC infused lotion from CO
What is CO? Colorado? Do I need a docs referral? At this point, i will try anything. The flareup is a bitch this time. And I am so tired the past week. Prolly due to the constant non stop throbbing. It just wears me out.

I think RA in and of itself causes hubby behaving and being nice? If not, keep a collection of bean bags by your side and throw him a zinger now and then.
he is nice. just clueless. no matter how much i try to make him understand, he still just doesnt get it. its almost trying to make a man understand what labor pains and birth feels like. they just flat out dont get it and never will.

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