ACLU linked with the Communist Party


Jul 14, 2009
Newly discovered declassified letters found in the Soviet Comintern archives seem to early leaders of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) with the Communist Party, the Daily Caller reports.

Noted author Paul Kengor reportedly unearthed letters, including one written on ACLU stationary, dated on May 23, 1931 and signed by ACLU founder Roger Baldwin that requests help from then-American Communist Party Chairman William Z. Foster in coordinating travel arrangements for ACLU Chairman Harry Ward’s travels to the Soviet Union. The letter suggests Ward’s trip would revolve around a search for “evidence from Soviet Russia” that would undermine America’s capitalist system:

Dear Bill [Foster],

Dr. Harry ward, chairman of this organization, is going to Russia in august to make a six or seven months’ study of a type which nobody has done. Dr. Ward is, as you perhaps know, the author of several books on the profit motive. He has demolished it theoretically. Now he wants to demolish it practically by evidence from Soviet Russia.

Could you give him any letters of introduction or suggestions of persons to see who can show him exactly how non-profit incentives work?
Yours ever,
(Roger Baldwin)


The ACLU?s untold Stalinist heritage | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Unearthed Letters Link ACLU Founders to Communist Party | The Blaze
I'm surprised there's anybody around who doesn't already know about the Communist connection. The founders were well entrenched in Communism, socialism, etc. Hell, Justice Ruth Ginsberg is a card carrying member and at one time was way up on the ACLU ladder.
Baldwin and Eastman were known communist sympathizers, and also devoted followers of some anarchists.
Rather than embark on a tiresome and endless academic debate suffice it to say, so what? While neither system is better than socialistically regulated capitalism, communism is far more desirable than fascism, which is the direction the U.S. is presently headed in.

I personally prefer the ACLU to be oriented to communist ideology rather than that of corporatism.
I chuckle every time I see some conservative screaming about the ACLU. Know why cons don't like the ACLU? Because, in many cases, the ACLU is fighting precisely what it is that conservatives want to do, which is impose their beliefs on others, many times in contravention of the Constitution.

I located the following on another Board. It is a post in a thread asking why conservatives hate the ACLU so much. Here is what the poster says on that issue:

Because some of the values they support violate conservative principals. Conservatives want a strong military and police while the ACLU fights for prisoners and suspect's rights and limits the power of military and police in the process. Conservatives prefer a more traditional culture (which is more exclusive) and the ACLU fights for inclusiveness (defending immigrants, latinos, muslims, GLBT, etc).

That is my impression. Many conservatives are more likely to want an exclusive society (only conservative heterosexual christian white males) with strong national defense (where police and military are given free reign), and the ACLU fights against that by making society more inclusive and limiting the power of authority figures.

Plus when conservatives talk about freedom the freedom they reference usually doesn't include freedom from police or military brutality, nor does it include freedom of minorities to participate freely in society (if anything they support the freedom to marginalize minorities as much as possible. The debate over state's rights that Reagan used to start his 1980 political campaign was about 'the freedom of states rights' which is code for freedom to marginalize black people w/o federal government interference).

Of course, the ACLU quite often fights for principles SUPPORTIVE of conservative views, a fact that is conveniently overlooked by people such as the author of this thread in their zeal to demonize the ACLU in whatever way they can.

There are times when the ACLU takes on some crackpot causes, I will concede that. But, by in large, this country ought to thank its lucky stars we have an organization such as the ACLU. Without it, we would be much the worse off.
It shouldn't come as a surprise. Why did Obama hire a communist for a top job in the "green movement"? Obama and the radical greenies are linked to communism.
I just stated a known fact.

Most of the leadership and members of the the Communist Party and ACLU are Jews.

Why should I be attacked for telling the truth? :doubt:

One of the ACLU's founding member's, Helen Keller, was not Jewish was she?

But she was certainly investigated for her PRogressive/Socialist political leanings.

Oh I don't think she was leaning. She jumped in with both feet. She was proud to be a Socialist.

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