ACORN saddened by McCain's betrayal

Because we think every legal voter should be able to vote, and the more procedures and red tape there is, the more people on the fringes get disenfranchised.

what red tape is involved in presenting your ID to prove you are who you say you are?

I don't think you can register to vote without an ID anyway so seems you'd have one handy. and if you can register without an ID that's just stupid.
what red tape is involved in presenting your ID to prove you are who you say you are?

I don't think you can register to vote without an ID anyway so seems you'd have one handy. and if you can register without an ID that's just stupid.
You can register to vote without ID. You just need a valid address.
what is wrong with finding out the intent of the voter when it's unclear?

and yes, ACORN is behind Obama...I suspect if they were behind McCain, doing the exact same shit, you'd be gung ho over them....

ummm how about the fact that the election hasn't taken place yet DD? is there some magical universe where it's Nov 4th already and the election is over? :cuckoo:

you're right, it should be looked into and if there is fraud those people should be prosecuted accordingly.

I don't know what it's like were you live but in FL you have to show a valid photo ID that matches your registered address in order to vote. Seems pretty simple to me.

Um... if it were in the opposite direction, i would complain as well.. because I am not for illegal activity no matter who the party is.... I am only FOR McCain because he lines up more with my beliefs than Obama does.. not that I agree with everything about McCain... just as I do not agree with everything about Bush... hell, there is the very rare instance that I agree with a talking point Obama has ;)

And no.. it is not election day yet... but I am not one to only look at things after the fact... especially in this case with ACORN where it is a pattern that has been showing itself not just recently, but over a period of time and various elections now
And the definition of 'valid address' is quite hazy in some instances.. hence see voters registered to an empty lot or Wrigley Field
I hate to break it to you, but people that work for the elections office check to see if an address is valid or not. And they also check to make sure every one and their brother isn't using the same one.
You can register to vote without ID. You just need a valid address.

how do they know it's a valid address if it's not on your ID?

Obviously it's worse to try to deny the rights of legitimate voters but it's not okay to try to gain votes from people who aren't eligible to vote in the first place.

Why anyone would want their party to win at all costs is beyond me. What happened to the democracy that we supposedly try to get other countries to emulate?
I hate to break it to you, but people that work for the elections office check to see if an address is valid or not. And they also check to make sure every one and their brother isn't using the same one.

Yet there are many that slip through the cracks... and we hear about those all the time... each and every one, unfortunately, is not held up to the needed scrutiny
how do they know it's a valid address if it's not on your ID?

Obviously it's worse to try to deny the rights of legitimate voters but it's not okay to try to gain votes from people who aren't eligible to vote in the first place.

Why anyone would want their party to win at all costs is beyond me. What happened to the democracy that we supposedly try to get other countries to emulate?
Silence, in all seriousness, most of this is over hyped. There are no credible cases of voter fraud on either side.
When striving for voter turn out AND accuracy it appears as if both parties are guilty of wanting things to be fair in their favor. :lol:
Yet there are many that slip through the cracks... and we hear about those all the time... each and every one, unfortunately, is not held up to the needed scrutiny

I agree with you that people who aren't eligible to vote shouldn't be allowed to vote but ask yourself this...which number do you think is greater, voters who are legally allowed to vote but who are removed illegally from the voters rolls or voters who registered illegally showing up to the polls to vote?

There are tens of thousands of disenfranchised voters every election cycle and it's done by the GOP as a rule not an exception.

caging voters, sending police to minority residence to "verify" registrations, having police at polling places, inadequate voting machines, long lines, etc etc. These are all tactics of the GOP.

Filling out a form with an erroroneous name and/or address is wrong but if they person in question never shows up to vote what harm has been done? do you think the fake person missed voting?

Like I said, ACORN pays their temp employees per registration...that just begs for fraud IMO... and that should be changed ASAP!
I agree with you that people who aren't eligible to vote shouldn't be allowed to vote but ask yourself this...which number do you think is greater, voters who are legally allowed to vote but who are removed illegally from the voters rolls or voters who registered illegally showing up to the polls to vote?

There are tens of thousands of disenfranchised voters every election cycle and it's done by the GOP as a rule not an exception.

caging voters, sending police to minority residence to "verify" registrations, having police at polling places, inadequate voting machines, long lines, etc etc. These are all tactics of the GOP.

Filling out a form with an erroroneous name and/or address is wrong but if they person in question never shows up to vote what harm has been done? do you think the fake person missed voting?

Like I said, ACORN pays their temp employees per registration...that just begs for fraud IMO... and that should be changed ASAP!

Link ?

ACORN said it terminates canvassers who forge applications. In Broward County, it fired one worker after he turned in applications with similar handwriting and brought the matter to the attention of the Supervisor of Elections Office.

Pay to gather registrations started at $8 an hour, and the goal was 20 signups per day. The organization did not pay by the signature or pay bonuses for volume. The organization also tried to follow up on each registration, calling the person listed to confirm that the form is accurate

one would assume if they are paid hourly and the goal is 20 per day, if they do not meet that goal they are terminated rather quickly....hence incentive to make up registrations to fill in any void that might occur.
I agree with you that people who aren't eligible to vote shouldn't be allowed to vote but ask yourself this...which number do you think is greater, voters who are legally allowed to vote but who are removed illegally from the voters rolls or voters who registered illegally showing up to the polls to vote?

There are tens of thousands of disenfranchised voters every election cycle and it's done by the GOP as a rule not an exception.

caging voters, sending police to minority residence to "verify" registrations, having police at polling places, inadequate voting machines, long lines, etc etc. These are all tactics of the GOP.

Filling out a form with an erroroneous name and/or address is wrong but if they person in question never shows up to vote what harm has been done? do you think the fake person missed voting?

Like I said, ACORN pays their temp employees per registration...that just begs for fraud IMO... and that should be changed ASAP!

It depends on what you call legally showing up to vote... if they are 'legal', and don't have the ID if required, or if they do not fill out the ballot properly, or have not properly registered... then too bad, too sad, there is a process to follow... that being said.. I think there is much more room for voter registration fraud and vote fraud, then 'disenfranchising' someone in terms of voting

And police at polling places is disenfranchisement??? PUH-LEASE.... their help in keeping electioneering away, being there for crowd control, etc is a GOOD thing... and inadequate voting machines? Talk to your election board and don't blame your opposing party. Just like 'long lines'

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