Actress fired after ranting about street closures for NYPD Detective Jason Rivera’s funeral

Ah - so you support free speech for SOME people, but not others?

I support free speech for this asshole actress AND our asshole former president.
I see you're simply another commie douche. Well douche, perhaps you noticed where i said she was right.
If we believe in freedom of speech, then she should be allowed her right to express her opinion.

I have no doubt that she was just expressing what some others were also thinking.

But the others were smart enough to keep their big mouths shut.

She should not have been fired, IMHO. (But she put the producers in an untenable position. The producers certainly did not want to anger the New York Police Department.)
You see nothing wrong 😑 with her saying they kill people under 22 for no good reason?” Typical Leftist Remark
If we believe in freedom of speech, then she should be allowed her right to express her opinion.

I have no doubt that she was just expressing what some others were also thinking.

But the others were smart enough to keep their big mouths shut.

She should not have been fired, IMHO. (But she put the producers in an untenable position. The producers certainly did not want to anger the New York Police Department.)
LOL. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. People get fired for saying stupid shit all the time.
I see you're simply behaving like a shrieking child now that your hypocrisy has been pointed out.

See above.

The content of her speech is irrelevant.

Her right - our right - to speak without fear of reprisal is paramount.
Pointing out the truth seems to upset you, vlad. However, if she wanted to speak out and draw unwanted attention to her employers she should have thought first. Free speech us not free, vlad.
And that firing may be illegal.
Bottom line:

People should not be fired for exercising free speech.

Do you disagree?
Quoted from a lawyer who specialities in law as it relates to labor and employment:

A common misconception is that employees have a constitutionally protected right of free speech in the workplace. The truth is, public sector employees enjoy some limited protection. But if you're a private employee, the First Amendment will not protect you from being fired for something you say at work.

Likewise, it won't prevent your employer from firing, disciplining, or demoting you for things you post on social media in your free time. This is true even if your statement is not criminal, vulgar, or offensive.​

LOL. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. People get fired for saying stupid shit all the time.
When i worked at the prison if we expressed any negative sentiment about the company publically we would be fired. I didnt agree with that but i understood it.
She was punished for exercising her free speech rights?

She should sue.
As the left always says when a conservative complains about being cancelled.... your right isnt infringed by a private enterprise and you can say what ever you want but may face consequences for it.
Well, Harvard always has a teaching slot for such 'heroes' as Guzman, same with California univerities. They have Angela Davis on the payroll.
Well, let's defund policing...That'll work! /sarcasm

Cheaper to defund Moonglow and his fellow gimps. They will be happy in Somalia. It's wide open, all kinds of drugs for sale. and no cops or judges, just lots of smiling happy black people.
Pointing out the truth seems to upset you, vlad. However, if she wanted to speak out and draw unwanted attention to her employers she should have thought first. Free speech us not free, vlad.
^ Infantile raving in support of speech suppression.

How much like Democrats conservatives seem to be!
Quoted from a lawyer who specialities in law as it relates to labor and employment:

A common misconception is that employees have a constitutionally protected right of free speech in the workplace. The truth is, public sector employees enjoy some limited protection. But if you're a private employee, the First Amendment will not protect you from being fired for something you say at work.

Likewise, it won't prevent your employer from firing, disciplining, or demoting you for things you post on social media in your free time. This is true even if your statement is not criminal, vulgar, or offensive.​

It depends.

But you don't support free speech?

You agree with the suppression of Trump's speech for instance?
As the left always says when a conservative complains about being cancelled.... your right isnt infringed by a private enterprise and you can say what ever you want but may face consequences for it.
Do you support the suppression of speech?
It depends.

But you don't support free speech?

You agree with the suppression of Trump's speech for instance?
I guess I don’t equate a former President expressing his political views with a slutty wannabe actress that goes by “vinylboobs” disrespecting a fallen police officer during his funeral.

But that’s just me.
You support Trump's removal from Twitter/Facebook?

I think that is an apples and oranges comparison.

In the case of Trump, it's troubling that a communications platform in the modern day "town square" has banned him from it's use.
In the case of this woman, she wasn't being barred from expressing her thoughts. It was her employer fearing the fallout from her comments, that has chosen to disassociate themselves from her.

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