Actually the bailouts were all paid back!!


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Liberals hate that Wall street was bailed out even when they paid back the money?

Its too stupid and perfecty liberal!!! Liberal governemnt bails out individuals day in and day out with $trillions in welfare and entitlements. The financial bailout was all paid back; when are the welfare bailed out going to pay back their welfare, or, when are the liberals going to object to the personal bailouts!!!
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Liberals hate that Wall street was bailed out even when they paid back the money?

Its too stupid and perfecty liberal!!! Liberal governemnt bails out individuals day in and day out with $trillions in welfare and entitlements. The financial bailout was all paid back; when are the welfare bailed out going to pay back their welfare, or, when are the liberals going to object to the personal bailouts!!!

So according to you the whole GOP congregasion and Mitt Romney opposing hte bailouts means liberlas oppose them... perhaps the problem is that you are so stupid that you do not know what liberal means... so plz go back to 1st grade them come bacjk
Liberals hate that Wall street was bailed out even when they paid back the money?

Its too stupid and perfecty liberal!!! Liberal governemnt bails out individuals day in and day out with $trillions in welfare and entitlements. The financial bailout was all paid back; when are the welfare bailed out going to pay back their welfare, or, when are the liberals going to object to the personal bailouts!!!

So according to you the whole GOP congregasion and Mitt Romney opposing hte bailouts means liberlas oppose them... perhaps the problem is that you are so stupid that you do not know what liberal means... so plz go back to 1st grade them come bacjk

I addressed this idiotic statement here-

And but no, ALL the TARP has NOT been repaid..It is an illusion because what has been repaid, was repaid with taxpayer money anyway..IE; Banks paid back TARP funds by borrowing from the treasury.
GM proudly advertised that it has repaid its government loan, which it did — out of a taxpayer-funded escrow account, i.e., it “repaid” its government money with government money. Senator Grassley blew a righteous head gasket over that shenanigan, the Competitive Enterprise Institute filed a false-advertising complaint in response to GM’s dishonest PR campaign, and the stink rose so high that even the New York Times caught a whiff.

So there’s that.

Oh, yeah: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an infinite line of credit at Treasury and portfolios bursting with the worst kind of junk. Plus, we’re going to lose a bundle on the mortgage-assistance programs tacked on to TARP.

Short version: If TARP had only done what TARP was supposed to do — prop up the banking system — it still would have been a mess, but a mess for which the banks, not the taxpayers, ultimately would have picked up the tab. With everything that’s rolled up into TARP, we’re going to take a bath. And it could get really bad if we don’t do something about Fannie and Freddie – and by doing something I don’t mean getting behind a whole new passel of weak mortgages made to people who cannot even raise the money for a down payment.

Did the TARP Money Really Get Paid Back? - By Kevin D. Williamson - The Corner - National Review Online

And if you go back to the report, Report as of 7-14-11_INVESTMENT.pdf

you'll notice that the fine print accompanying the entries for each of the above exits makes reference either to Footnote 49 or Footnote 50. Footnote 49 reads: "Repayment pursuant to Title VII, Section 7001(g) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 using proceeds received in connection with the institution's participation in the Small Business Lending Fund." Footnote 50 reads: "Repayment pursuant to Title VII, Section 7001(g) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 — part of the repayment amount obtained from proceeds received in connection with the institution's participation in the Small Business Lending Fund."

All of which is to say that these banks repaid cash owed to a program run by the Treasury Department by. . . borrowing from another program run by the Treasury Department.
Banks Pay Back TARP Funds by. . .Borrowing From Treasury | Daniel Gross - Yahoo! Finance
Rad those links Edward and see your mistake.
or google more there are plenty of links with the truth in them. losses have been dumped on the American taxpayer, in part through TARP. The AP’s “fact checkers” claim, on the other hand, that “[n]early all of the money has been paid back, with interest.” Now, the AP is free to use whatever language it wants to describe TARP, but when the money you are still owed ($121B for all of TARP; $67B for just the Wall St. bailout) is more than twice your income on the loan ($40B for all of TARP; $33B for the Wall St. bailout) you are still very much in the red, my friends. You have not, in any commonly understood sense, been paid back nearly all your money, with interest – but that’s precisely what TARP’s apologists would have us believe.

TARP- THE LIES & THE FACTS | S.T.O.P losses have been dumped on the American taxpayer, in part through TARP. The AP’s “fact checkers” claim, on the other hand, that “[n]early all of the money has been paid back, with interest.” Now, the AP is free to use whatever language it wants to describe TARP, but when the money you are still owed ($121B for all of TARP; $67B for just the Wall St. bailout) is more than twice your income on the loan ($40B for all of TARP; $33B for the Wall St. bailout) you are still very much in the red, my friends. You have not, in any commonly understood sense, been paid back nearly all your money, with interest – but that’s precisely what TARP’s apologists would have us believe.


nevertheless on balance the bailouts have been paid back or are supposed to be. The biggest unpaid is Fanny Freddie at 160 billion- a liberal GSE!!

Most importantly when are the trillions and trillions in personal liberal bailouts going to be paid back??? Don't the liberal personal bailouts work?? Why not put Wall St on permanent bailout welfare too??
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So according to you the whole GOP congregasion and Mitt Romney opposing hte bailouts means liberlas oppose them

if i said that I'll pay you 10,000. Bet or run away with your liberal strawman tail between your legs

THe problem is that you are illtierate so you dont really know what you post because you cannot read

a liberal switching to pure personal attack after he lost debate.
Liberals hate that Wall street was bailed out even when they paid back the money?

Its too stupid and perfecty liberal!!! Liberal governemnt bails out individuals day in and day out with $trillions in welfare and entitlements. The financial bailout was all paid back; when are the welfare bailed out going to pay back their welfare, or, when are the liberals going to object to the personal bailouts!!!

So according to you the whole GOP congregasion and Mitt Romney opposing hte bailouts means liberlas oppose them... perhaps the problem is that you are so stupid that you do not know what liberal means... so plz go back to 1st grade them come bacjk

What does Liberal mean to you?
Liberals hate that Wall street was bailed out even when they paid back the money?

Its too stupid and perfecty liberal!!! Liberal governemnt bails out individuals day in and day out with $trillions in welfare and entitlements. The financial bailout was all paid back; when are the welfare bailed out going to pay back their welfare, or, when are the liberals going to object to the personal bailouts!!!

So according to you the whole GOP congregasion and Mitt Romney opposing hte bailouts means liberlas oppose them... perhaps the problem is that you are so stupid that you do not know what liberal means... so plz go back to 1st grade them come bacjk

What does Liberal mean to you?

too stupid!!! Liberal means big government losses have been dumped on the American taxpayer, in part through TARP. The AP’s “fact checkers” claim, on the other hand, that “[n]early all of the money has been paid back, with interest.” Now, the AP is free to use whatever language it wants to describe TARP, but when the money you are still owed ($121B for all of TARP; $67B for just the Wall St. bailout) is more than twice your income on the loan ($40B for all of TARP; $33B for the Wall St. bailout) you are still very much in the red, my friends. You have not, in any commonly understood sense, been paid back nearly all your money, with interest – but that’s precisely what TARP’s apologists would have us believe.


nevertheless on balance the bailouts have been paid back or are supposed to be. The biggest unpaid is Fanny Freddie at 160 billion- a liberal GSE!!

Most importantly when are the trillions and trillions in personal liberal bailouts going to be paid back??? Don't the liberal personal bailouts work?? Why not put Wall St on permanent bailout welfare too??

The banks would lose an important part of their income if there were no people on welfare, or on unemployment, or temporarily down on their luck.
Although banks do not report how much revenue they receive from these types of arrangements, JP Morgan Chase, for instance, collects around $100,000 a month from EBT card usage fees under its contract with Washington State—this is on top of the $800,000 the state pays it.
Welfare recipients say their money's being taken by Chase bank | Seattle

America's Poor are Paying Big Banks for Benefits : The Shriver Brief

Putting Wall Street and corporations on "permanent" bailouts as you suggest means we will no longer be a capitalistic society, and instead be a Fascist one, and you seem to be good with that..:cuckoo:
So according to you the whole GOP congregasion and Mitt Romney opposing hte bailouts means liberlas oppose them... perhaps the problem is that you are so stupid that you do not know what liberal means... so plz go back to 1st grade them come bacjk

What does Liberal mean to you?

too stupid!!! Liberal means big government

And how small has the government gotten with help from so called
"conservatives", please do tell us you stuck in fanatsyland idiot..
And how small has the government gotten with help from so called
"conservatives", please do tell us you stuck in fanatsyland idiot..

dear, conservatives don't control the government!!!!!! Elections are decided by independents!! Any more goofy questions??
And how small has the government gotten with help from so called
"conservatives", please do tell us you stuck in fanatsyland idiot..

dear, conservatives don't control the government!!!!!! Elections are decided by independents!! Any more goofy questions??
You didn't answer the question I asked, I didn't ask you who controls the government or who decides elections..Why do you dodge answering what I asked?

What does Liberal mean to you?

You answered by saying-

too stupid!!! Liberal means big government

And once again I ask you, how small has the government gotten with help from so called "conservatives" in control??
Liberals hate that Wall street was bailed out even when they paid back the money?

Its too stupid and perfecty liberal!!! Liberal governemnt bails out individuals day in and day out with $trillions in welfare and entitlements. The financial bailout was all paid back; when are the welfare bailed out going to pay back their welfare, or, when are the liberals going to object to the personal bailouts!!!
Actually I would argue that a majority, if not all, of those payments that you call "bailouts" are spent back into the economy shortly after they are paid.
How has the TARP welfare payments been injected back into the economy and stimulated any growth or reversed the problems that Wall street helped create ???
And how small has the government gotten with help from so called
"conservatives", please do tell us you stuck in fanatsyland idiot..

dear, conservatives don't control the government!!!!!! Elections are decided by independents!! Any more goofy questions??

You didn't answer the question I asked, I didn't ask you who controls the government or who decides elections..Why do you dodge answering what I asked?

dear, how are conservatives going to help make the government small if they don't control enough of the government or win enough elections???????
See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, very slow!!!

And once again I ask you, how small has the government gotten with help from so called "conservatives" in control??


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