Why didn't they just make the boy the bat boy? I suppose that would have stepped on some other toes. What if the boy would have gotten hurt, what then?
Should his employer be required to provide day care? For a 14-year-old? Why was it necessary for a 14-year-old kid to go to the game every day? Why not just buy him a seat?
Why didn't the team simply honor their part of the agreement?
"What if the boy had gotten hurt"? Hell, what if a giant meteor came down on the field? What if Godzilla was playing first base? Let the kid live already.
What the agreement, an oral not written, forever? What happened was the natural result of cancelling a contract especially an oral contract.
Now, let us see him get a job in a casino, steel mill, or a secure sight and bring his kid every day to work. Maybe they did make an oral commitment but I find that really doubtful.
In a litigious society, someone getting hurt is a big consideration for any company. It is a liability in this case without need. How about instead of a meteor it is a baseball or a bat that hits the kid?