Adam Laroche did what??!!!

The Sox used the son to force the ball player to leave. That is scummy
That isn't even close to what happened.
What happened?
He brought his son to and involved him in every single practice. They asked him to cut back a bit. He quit. Is he in the wrong? No. Neither is his team. It's pretty dumb to turn away $13 million for doing what you love though IMO. And he'll never get to do it again. But if he's happy, then good for him.
Not exactly

"Earlier this week, the White Sox implemented a new team policy that prevents players from bringing their children to the clubhouse on an everyday basis. That upset DH Adam LaRoche, whose 14-year-old son Drake is around the team regularly, so he decided to quit baseball.

It's not unusual for players to bring their sons into the clubhouse. In fact, LaRoche himself grew up in a clubhouse. His father Dave LaRoche pitched for five teams from 1970-83 before getting into coaching. Adam was at his side for much of the time. Baseball is fun and players want to share it with their kids.

The White Sox situation is starting to get ugly, however. Players nearly boycotted Wednesday's game in protest, and staff ace Chris Sale reportedly ripped team president Kenny Williams in a face-to-face meeting. On Friday he called him a "bold-faced liar."

Four thoughts on the White Sox situation with Adam LaRoche's son

There is more to this
Dude why do you care? A multi-millionaire went ahead and did whatever the hell he wanted. Baseball is a multi-billion dollar business. If your boss say he doesn't want your kid around all the time you either listen, or quit.

The Yankees kicked Ken Griffey Jr. out of the stadium during practice when his dad was a member, and Griffey Jr. hated them forever. It ended up affecting nothing.
I care because it is a relationship between a father and son and I admire his courage and conviction. I would like to think if I had a son he would look like er um I mean, I would do the same thing.
There was no "agreement" that he could bring his kid into the clubhouse every day. He did it and the team didn't object - until now.

His actual contract has what's called an "integration clause" that says, in effect, this written clause is the ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Anything not in this written contract doesn't count.

I assume Laroche has enough money squirreled away that he will never have to work again; if he doesn't he's an even bigger idiot. Millions of American dad's are perfectly fine fathers even though their jobs or businesses keep them away from their kids for weeks at a time. Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole, using this incident as an excuse to avoid embarrassing himself with a final season fighting to get past the Mendoza Line.

Again I ask: what if every player did this? MLB daycare? Gimme a fuckin' break.
There was no "agreement" that he could bring his kid into the clubhouse every day. He did it and the team didn't object - until now.

His actual contract has what's called an "integration clause" that says, in effect, this written clause is the ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Anything not in this written contract doesn't count.

I assume Laroche has enough money squirreled away that he will never have to work again; if he doesn't he's an even bigger idiot. Millions of American dad's are perfectly fine fathers even though their jobs or businesses keep them away from their kids for weeks at a time. Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole, using this incident as an excuse to avoid embarrassing himself with a final season fighting to get past the Mendoza Line.

Again I ask: what if every player did this? MLB daycare? Gimme a fuckin' break.
Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole,

Yet we decry absentee fathers the same way. Give it a break, the man is doing what he thinks is best for the benefit of his family
Why didn't they just make the boy the bat boy? I suppose that would have stepped on some other toes. What if the boy would have gotten hurt, what then?

Should his employer be required to provide day care? For a 14-year-old? Why was it necessary for a 14-year-old kid to go to the game every day? Why not just buy him a seat?

Why didn't the team simply honor their part of the agreement?

"What if the boy had gotten hurt"? Hell, what if a giant meteor came down on the field? What if Godzilla was playing first base? Let the kid live already.

What the agreement, an oral not written, forever? What happened was the natural result of cancelling a contract especially an oral contract.

Now, let us see him get a job in a casino, steel mill, or a secure sight and bring his kid every day to work. Maybe they did make an oral commitment but I find that really doubtful.

In a litigious society, someone getting hurt is a big consideration for any company. It is a liability in this case without need. How about instead of a meteor it is a baseball or a bat that hits the kid?
There was no "agreement" that he could bring his kid into the clubhouse every day. He did it and the team didn't object - until now.

His actual contract has what's called an "integration clause" that says, in effect, this written clause is the ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Anything not in this written contract doesn't count.

I assume Laroche has enough money squirreled away that he will never have to work again; if he doesn't he's an even bigger idiot. Millions of American dad's are perfectly fine fathers even though their jobs or businesses keep them away from their kids for weeks at a time. Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole, using this incident as an excuse to avoid embarrassing himself with a final season fighting to get past the Mendoza Line.

Again I ask: what if every player did this? MLB daycare? Gimme a fuckin' break.

I wonder if he will take his kid with him while he cashes in on the talk show circuit.
The guy made millions playing a kids game, if he is intelligent, lives modestly, he will invest his money and spend all day with his wife and kids and not need to work another day.
There was no "agreement" that he could bring his kid into the clubhouse every day. He did it and the team didn't object - until now.

His actual contract has what's called an "integration clause" that says, in effect, this written clause is the ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Anything not in this written contract doesn't count.

I assume Laroche has enough money squirreled away that he will never have to work again; if he doesn't he's an even bigger idiot. Millions of American dad's are perfectly fine fathers even though their jobs or businesses keep them away from their kids for weeks at a time. Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole, using this incident as an excuse to avoid embarrassing himself with a final season fighting to get past the Mendoza Line.

Again I ask: what if every player did this? MLB daycare? Gimme a fuckin' break.
Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole,

Yet we decry absentee fathers the same way. Give it a break, the man is doing what he thinks is best for the benefit of his family

Give me a break, being with your kid 24/7 and doing what is best for the kid are two different things. I will admit I didn't read the article but is there something wrong with the kid he can't be away from his Father?
The guy made millions playing a kids game, if he is intelligent, lives modestly, he will invest his money and spend all day with his wife and kids and not need to work another day.

Quite a heroic stand to walk away from a 13 million dollar contract after making millions. Of course he has a nest egg, it isn't like he is walking away from welfare and now will have to become a beggar. I am thinking he was tired of playing baseball or saw his career coming to a close and decided that this was a good reason to quit.

He will find that there is almost nowhere else he will be able to take his kid to work every day.
There was no "agreement" that he could bring his kid into the clubhouse every day. He did it and the team didn't object - until now.

His actual contract has what's called an "integration clause" that says, in effect, this written clause is the ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Anything not in this written contract doesn't count.

I assume Laroche has enough money squirreled away that he will never have to work again; if he doesn't he's an even bigger idiot. Millions of American dad's are perfectly fine fathers even though their jobs or businesses keep them away from their kids for weeks at a time. Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole, using this incident as an excuse to avoid embarrassing himself with a final season fighting to get past the Mendoza Line.

Again I ask: what if every player did this? MLB daycare? Gimme a fuckin' break.
Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole,

Yet we decry absentee fathers the same way. Give it a break, the man is doing what he thinks is best for the benefit of his family

Give me a break, being with your kid 24/7 and doing what is best for the kid are two different things. I will admit I didn't read the article but is there something wrong with the kid he can't be away from his Father?
So now you know what is best for another man's son? Parents decide what is in the best interests of their children unless they are deemed unfit or for another good reason. The boy is home schooled and otherwise cared for in appropriate measures. Nothing wrong with what the dad has done and is continuing to do.
There was no "agreement" that he could bring his kid into the clubhouse every day. He did it and the team didn't object - until now.

His actual contract has what's called an "integration clause" that says, in effect, this written clause is the ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Anything not in this written contract doesn't count.

I assume Laroche has enough money squirreled away that he will never have to work again; if he doesn't he's an even bigger idiot. Millions of American dad's are perfectly fine fathers even though their jobs or businesses keep them away from their kids for weeks at a time. Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole, using this incident as an excuse to avoid embarrassing himself with a final season fighting to get past the Mendoza Line.

Again I ask: what if every player did this? MLB daycare? Gimme a fuckin' break.
Laroche is a sanctimonious, self - absorbed asshole,

Yet we decry absentee fathers the same way. Give it a break, the man is doing what he thinks is best for the benefit of his family

Give me a break, being with your kid 24/7 and doing what is best for the kid are two different things. I will admit I didn't read the article but is there something wrong with the kid he can't be away from his Father?
So now you know what is best for another man's son? Parents decide what is in the best interests of their children unless they are deemed unfit or for another good reason. The boy is home schooled and otherwise cared for in appropriate measures. Nothing wrong with what the dad has done and is continuing to do.

Actually, I agree, what the dad did was up to him. I am merely arguing that blaming the baseball club is really unfair. I think they already had gone above and beyond. At 14 there are many other alternatives. The dad picked the one best for him, good for him.
The guy made millions playing a kids game, if he is intelligent, lives modestly, he will invest his money and spend all day with his wife and kids and not need to work another day.

Quite a heroic stand to walk away from a 13 million dollar contract after making millions. Of course he has a nest egg, it isn't like he is walking away from welfare and now will have to become a beggar. I am thinking he was tired of playing baseball or saw his career coming to a close and decided that this was a good reason to quit.

He will find that there is almost nowhere else he will be able to take his kid to work every day.

I wouldn't say heroic, really just a lifestyle choice to be around while your kids are growing up. It's a good set of values, the team is doing what is best family. The guy is $35 million, live modestly, invest wisely and life will be good. Put the money in an interest bearing cds, bonds and he will make $1million a year and if he lives on $200,000 a year he will increase his net worth. Not heroic, by any means.
Why didn't they just make the boy the bat boy? I suppose that would have stepped on some other toes. What if the boy would have gotten hurt, what then?

Should his employer be required to provide day care? For a 14-year-old? Why was it necessary for a 14-year-old kid to go to the game every day? Why not just buy him a seat?

Why didn't the team simply honor their part of the agreement?

"What if the boy had gotten hurt"? Hell, what if a giant meteor came down on the field? What if Godzilla was playing first base? Let the kid live already.

What the agreement, an oral not written, forever? What happened was the natural result of cancelling a contract especially an oral contract.

Now, let us see him get a job in a casino, steel mill, or a secure sight and bring his kid every day to work. Maybe they did make an oral commitment but I find that really doubtful.

In a litigious society, someone getting hurt is a big consideration for any company. It is a liability in this case without need. How about instead of a meteor it is a baseball or a bat that hits the kid?

Why on earth would you want to bring a kid to a casino, steel mill or secure site? Why would a kid want to go there?
Baseball -- hello?

Being at a baseball game anywhere is taking a risk of being hit by a foul ball/line drive, and that absolutely includes the stands. And lately bats too.

Richie Ashburn (whose birthday happens to be today) was famous for fouling off pitches until he got the one he wanted. One day one of his fouls hit a lady in the stands. She was injured. While she was being carried off in a stretcher, he hit another foul ball and hit her again. It's part of the deal. You can't put a kid in a bubble.

That lady's son later became a batboy btw.
Why didn't they just make the boy the bat boy? I suppose that would have stepped on some other toes. What if the boy would have gotten hurt, what then?

Should his employer be required to provide day care? For a 14-year-old? Why was it necessary for a 14-year-old kid to go to the game every day? Why not just buy him a seat?

Why didn't the team simply honor their part of the agreement?

"What if the boy had gotten hurt"? Hell, what if a giant meteor came down on the field? What if Godzilla was playing first base? Let the kid live already.

What the agreement, an oral not written, forever? What happened was the natural result of cancelling a contract especially an oral contract.

Now, let us see him get a job in a casino, steel mill, or a secure sight and bring his kid every day to work. Maybe they did make an oral commitment but I find that really doubtful.

In a litigious society, someone getting hurt is a big consideration for any company. It is a liability in this case without need. How about instead of a meteor it is a baseball or a bat that hits the kid?

Why on earth would you want to bring a kid to a casino, steel mill or secure site? Why would a kid want to go there?
Baseball -- hello?

Being at a baseball game anywhere is taking a risk of being hit by a foul ball/line drive, and that absolutely includes the stands. And lately bats too.

Richie Ashburn (whose birthday happens to be today) was famous for fouling off pitches until he got the one he wanted. One day one of his fouls hit a lady in the stands. She was injured. While she was being carried off in a stretcher, he hit another foul ball and hit her again. It's part of the deal. You can't put a kid in a bubble.

That lady's son later became a batboy btw.

Well whatever, he has and will live the life most of us will never see.

I think the club forced him into the right decision, living on the road with a kid can't be real great for the kid. When does he get to play little league? So between taking the kid on the road and living at home, he chose wisely.

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