Afghanistan: Taliban burn ‘immoral’ musical instruments

I really don't care what happens to Afganistan anymore.
We wasted twenty years, trillions of dollars and wasted American lives only to hand it right back to them.

Someone else can take that mess on.
Actually, the Taliban are opposed to that shit. Among the things that they get right.

Nope. The Taliban are Pashtun.. unique in the Arab world. They have dancing boys or pleasure boys. They claim to be descended from the tribe of Benjamin. Some in Israel support that claim.
Nope. The Taliban are Pashtun.. unique in the Arab world. They have dancing boys or pleasure boys. They claim to be descended from the tribe of Benjamin. Some in Israel support that claim.

Under the Taliban, all forms of homosexuality, including the Bacha Bāzī, are punishable by death. As I said, one thing that the Taliban gets right. A quick Google search, in case I was remembering incorrectly, confirmed it. In every article where Bacha Bāzī and the Taliban are mentioned together, that is what each article says.
Under the Taliban, all forms of homosexuality, including the Bacha Bāzī, are punishable by death. As I said, one thing that the Taliban gets right. A quick Google search, in case I was remembering incorrectly, confirmed it. In every article where Bacha Bāzī and the Taliban are mentioned together, that is what each article says.

Apparently you are correct.

Under the Taliban, all forms of homosexuality, including the Bacha Bāzī, are punishable by death.
Lies. These cannot be the customs and traditions of the peoples occupied by the Pashtuns; this is not found anywhere in these peoples outside the territory of Afghanistan.

At best, this is cheap populism.
There are studies on this. These are the Pashtuns, there is no doubt about it.
The Taliban will see their actions as acting against allowing the breakdown of society.

It's in accordance with religious demands taken to an extreme. But it's still common to the harm that all religions can do.

And leftist governments do EVEN MORE HARM.
Right. That's why Afghanistan has been in chaos since 1974. You are really ignorant.

You fucking idiot, Germany, China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, between them, those leftist governments have murdered more than 150,000,000.

That's more than ALL of the religions of the world have murdered for all of man's history.
You fucking idiot, Germany, China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, between them, those leftist governments have murdered more than 150,000,000.

That's more than ALL of the religions of the world have murdered for all of man's history.

Lol 🤣 what does that have to do with Afghanistan? Are you stoned?
Trump negotiated a withdrawal.
Surrender agreement. What are you, stupid?


The Taliban have burned musical instruments in Afghanistan, claiming music "causes moral corruption".

Thousands of dollars worth of musical equipment went up in smoke on a bonfire on Saturday in western Herat province.

Since taking power in 2021, the Taliban have imposed numerous restrictions, including on playing music in public.

Its always instructive to look at Afghanistan when you want to see the direction of western conservatism.

Having destroyed education and confined women to the home they are now intent on stopping all pleasure.

Its a grim place at the best of times. Those long winter nights will not glide by without a bit of Beyonce or Mozart.
Biden's good buddies wouldn't do such a thing.
Yup. Now why would trump want to release 5,000 prisoners that took years for the U.S. military to capture? Was it because he knew from internal polling that he was going to lose to Joseph Biden (God's choice)?
Trump is ignorant and impulsive. He makes snap decisions and thinks he's being decisive.
I'm vastly more educated than you. You voted for Joe Biden, who surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban, resulting in the issues you're now complaining about. You WANTED this.
Biden did not surrender to the Taliban, Trump worked out a peace agreement to allow us to pull our troops out of Afghanistan in May 2021. After August 2021, most Americans were out of Afghanistan, a few remained thereafter.

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