After 3yrs of Failed Coup Attempts / Impeachment Plans, Anti-Trump Resistance Grows Toxic / Violent


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Anti-Trump fever takes threatening turn"
-- Conservative Journalist / OpEd Writer Bryan York

York penned a recent OpEd in which he claimed Liberal Trump-hating Intolerance is growing even more 'Toxic', 'Violent', citing 4 recent incidents to support his opinion:

1) The owner of a Va Restaurant refused to serve WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders

2) The President's son was spat upon by a restaurant employee - the employee was not fired but was instead 'put on leave' - the owner later defended her for doing so

3) A London human rights professor effectively (successfully) called on people to "doxx" Border Patrol agents and the massive trend of 'DOXXing conservatives / Trump associates / Republicans / etc....

4) Antifa recently, violently attacked conservative journalist Andy Ngo
** Antifa is the Fascist group that was proven to have taken money from Russia (along with the Liberal groups 'Black Lives matter' and the 'Black Fist') to spread racial division and violence in the US

Ngo was kicked, punched, and doused with a 'milkshake' that contained quick-drying cement, pepper spray and raw eggs.

These are just the top 4.

York: Three 'troubling developments' show anti-Trump resistance growing more toxic

Of course York is WRONG! Liberal Intolerance and Violence is NOT 'growing'.

IMO is has just been pretty much been IGNORED by the media. Perhaps the he needs to look back at the 2016 election:

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Violence begets violence. This is not headed in a good direction.
"A stand-your-ground law establishes a right by which a person may defend one's self or others against threats or perceived threats, even to the point of applying lethal force, regardless of whether safely retreating from the situation might have been possible."
Violence begets violence. This is not headed in a good direction.
"A stand-your-ground law establishes a right by which a person may defend one's self or others against threats or perceived threats, even to the point of applying lethal force, regardless of whether safely retreating from the situation might have been possible."

If they follow through on threats to throw acid bombs, permanently blinding people, they will invite a massacre.

Like I said. Outlaw masks, and they won't show up.
Antifa should have been officially recognized as a terrorist group, or at least as a 'domestic enemy', as soon as it was discovered they accepted money from the Russians to spread racial violence and hatred.
Antifa should have been officially recognized as a terrorist group, or at least as a 'domestic enemy', as soon as it was discovered they accepted money from the Russians to spread racial violence and hatred.

At what point does the national guard become a regular show up at these violent protests. I am reading that they are planning to use acid in some form on people that do not agree with them. These protests are at deep blue areas though. If I lived in one of them, I would want some tax money back or probably leave. We went from Leave it to Beaver to Pound the Beaver to I'll put a Cleaver in your head you Beaver in a little over 50 years since becoming the world's leader.

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